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midnighterdes8's Elf,emo girl,Gir, or L
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I was 12
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Naruto, One Piece,Fullmetal Alchemist, Death Note, Bleach, Samurai Champloo, Jing: King of Bandits, Black Blood Brothers, Cardcaptors Sakura, Zero no Tsukaima, Suzumiya Haruhi no yuutsu, Keroro Gunso,Tsubasa, Black Cat, Shaman King, Pani Poni Dash, Gintam
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Sunday, September 23, 2007
funny yet sorta creepy
ha ha ha... well, today i just saw this really sorta fucked up commercial and all that, but hey, that's what they're all like these days. it was a commercial for a laughing elmo doll and elmo was laughing all crazy-like. i mean, REEEALLY crazy-like. it was like he was having a seizure or something. or maybe he was on crack. it kinda scared me. a lot. and there was this other commercial for ego waffles where the dad disguises himself as a blueberry and uses this shrink ray, but fails. but that is why it's soo funny!!! why doesn't he just beat up the little girl or something? or he could go and heat up the ones that r still in the freezer or just eat them before the little girl. LOL...
it was on teh grim adventures of billy and mandy i just saw today. LOL.. and another episode where dracula starts dancing in a freakin' hilarious manner. and at the end of the episode, grim is sentenced to 50 hours of community dancing!! WOOt!!!
know what else i learned today? i was totally being random today so i ask my mom "haven't u always wanted to blog in your underwear? c'mon, admit it, feel the freedom!!! wOOt!!!" and at first my mom had a "wth-r-u-babbling-about-what-kind-of-messed-up-daughter-do-i-have-for-a-child?" attitude, but then i ask her "if u could go running around the house with no pants on and nobody was around, would u do it?" now of course, i expected her to say something like "what is wrong with you?" but she says "of course i would. and i wouldn't care if people were around, i'd still do it anyway. why should i care?" me: 0______0''' .... "WHAT????" XD. that was a funny encounter we had and i thought that was one of the most ironic things ever. except for in Dragon Wars when the dude gets run over 2 times in the same minute. XD. i just had to post about that.
waah!! TT_TT i have to give up L soon!! and he gets to watch the premiere of death note with homsar88!! *emo chibi in corner of room* i gave him a kiss today though. squee X100!! heh heh heh... cherries... whoops did i say that out loud? didn't mean to heh heh... ^_0
i have fallen in love with the blood + new theme songs!! they r AWESOME!! also i realized i have fallen in luv with another guy from some anime, but in odds of a million to one, i have forgotten. -___-''' pitiful isn't it??
1. ARISE MIGHTY DAWDLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the most perverted, how would u rate kakashi assuming that jiraiya is a 10?
3. u want some skittles??
4. itachi is:
A. on crack
B. a girly woman
C. a weirdo
D. in luv with a spork
E. not wearing pants
F. getting molested by fangirls as we speak
G. all of the above
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Saturday, September 22, 2007
Dragon Wars!!
OMG, i just had the most fun time i ever had at the movies with homsar-chan!! we went to go see dragon wars today at last!! it was AWESOME!! it was reeeally cliche, but the visual effects and hilarious moments made up for it. it was soooo hilarious!! and we made great commentary on it. like near the beginning, there was this fat guy at the zoo and homsar-chan was all like "loser!" cuz he was soo fat and lazy. and the guy goes out and sees the giant snake that eats this elephant and later, u see him talking to a phychiatrist while in a strait jacket and we burst out laughing. and he was like "im telling u i saw a giant snake and it swallowed 5 elephants!! that thing stared at me like my ex-wife!!!" LMAO. that was freakin' hilarious. and another part where the evil guy says to the main character "there is no jack here!!" in a hilarious deep demonic voice and we were like "omfg, how does the main character not think that it's suspicious that an old man is talking like that?? it completely eluuuuuudes me!" and another hilarious part was when the evil guy talks like he's got a bunch of stuff in his mouth and he sounded like this "blahgakdjdgahblahadka" and it was sooooo hilarious and we were laughing for like 5 minutes straight after that. and another great part was when the evil guy gets run over by a car and then, about a minute later he gets run over by another car and we were like "ooh the irony!!" and homsar88 was all like "wouldn't it be hilarious if he got run over a 3rd time by an icecream truck??!" and why like "OMFG, THAT WOULD BE HILARIOUS!!" and then the 4th time he would get run over by some little kid on his bike! that would be awesome! and then the greatest part of all was when the evil guy says "now arise great dawdler!!!!" and me and homsar88 said at the same time "THE GREAT DAWDLER??!!!" and we burst out laughing for like 8 minutes and my sides were hurting so bad. and another scene where the guy walks straight through the fence and then this old lady is walking by and tries to walk through the fence too. and this other part where the great dawdler'S(LMAO) lips were all flappy and stuff. that was almost as great as the doop!! and also the flying lizards kept glomping the helicopters and thrusts forward as they plunge down together and we were like LMAO!! that was sooo wrong.. adn this one part where they were just clinging to this building and we were like "omg, what the heck r they doing?? sunbathing??" and this one giant snake is chasing the car they r escaping in and then im just like "OMFG, HOW THE HELL IS THAT CAR OUTRUNNING THE 300 FT+ SNAKE!! seriously! it's so sad and i was pretending to be the snake that says "ooh man, im soo fat and lazy, i should go on a diet!" and then i was making fun of how terrible the winged lizards aim was and they kept missing the car and finally when they hit it we were both like "finally! they hit it!" and that led me to make fun of it by pretending that the car gets bitten in half and the car is still going and the driver gets bitten in half but still manages to out run the snake. and it the giant snake looks like it's having sex with this building!! and all throughout the movie im just like "pwned! take that bitches!!" or "ha! u got owned stupid lizard!!" or "damn!! i hope that company has insurance!!" or like how easily distracted the snake is and we were pretending he stops by for icecream and he refuses to pay so the icecream man is like "hey! u need to pay for that foo!" and the snake destroys the place. LOL. and the scene where the main characters kiss and im like "OMG, there's the kiss scene! my god they have it in EVERY single movie! and it's on a beach! that is sooooo cliche!!" and the part where homsar-chan and i were talking about how they would be making out in the car for 7 hours straight and car would still be going forward and then they run into this tree at the end. XDDD!!
and were laughing extremely loudly at like every single part and this other hilarious part where this one guy gets squished by the great dawdler!! OMFG, LMAO!!!!!!!!!! and when the girl is to be sacrificed, the giant snake is spends like 5 minutes roaring at the sky in an impressive way and we were both like "OMG, JUST EAT THE GIRL ALREADY BITCH!!" and then when the good snake arrives, we were both like "finally!! it's about time that snake got here!" and it looked like they were making out with each other and the bad dragon grabs hold of the good dragon's ass. and in the scene in the past, the great dawdler(LMAO) bites this guys ass as he drags him down out of the tree. and the old man is like floating in midair and we were all like "OMFG, THAT IS SUCH A MATRIX RIPOFF!!" cuz he was flying through the air in an overly dramatic way! and we were all like 'man i wish i could float like that!!" and also, the evil guy is a horrible ripoff of sauron or something!! and his evil minions r like pwning the good guys and im like "that is sooo sad that a bunch of guys in old fashioned armor are pwning guys with machine guns!!" and the evil lair of the evil dude is such a ripoff of sauron's tower it's not even funny. and they totally stole from lord of the rings when this ring of light knocks all the soldiers down and im just like "OMFG, THAT IS TOTALLY LIKE, THE EXACT SAME SCENE THOSE STEALING BASTARDS!!!" the evil snake looked cooler than the good one, but when the good snake turned into a dragon, then it was cooler. and all the flying lizards and the Great Dawdler kept roaring so that their lips were all flappy. it was freaking hilarious!! and once during the movie homsar-chan pokes me and i look over at her and she has a stick of pocky over her eyes like a unibrow and i totally snorted with laugher. i think that's about it for the inside jokes, but if there were any i forgot, homsar-chan should know 'em. oh and at the end when the girl dies, she says "don't be sad..." and i say to homsar88, "wouldn't it be hilarious if became all emo afterwards? *cutting wrist*" XDDDDD. oh and one part where the guy was on top of the girl for like 30 seconds. LOL. and the girl's flashback to a funeral was turned into something funny cuz i pointed out to homsar-chan, "what the heck is up with all those flowers?? i mean, it's like a freakin' tree of flowers!! srsly, who puts that many flowers on a grave!!?? it's waaay overdone, those foos!!"
afterwards i bought a kakashi dog tag necklace and naruto manga volume 18. and homsar-chan bought ichigo and rukia action figures. we also did the 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!' thing in front of damned hollister, and someone actually told us 'shhh!!!' this time. LMAO, never gets old. and we also thought it would be funny if the doop kid was in the movie too. and in the intro to the movie, there was this totally adorable bouncing ball!!! god that sounds wrong, but it was sooooo cute!! and we also did the throbulator voice a bit too. and we kept seeing wrong images, man!! the whole time, we kept seeing balls everywhere and it was sooo wrong... and we had a fun time looking at a naruto profile book and we finally figured out how sasuke puts on his rubbah suit rubbah suit rubbah suit!! and then the chibi sasuke is glowing when he puts it on!
1. did i forget anything funny homsar-chan?
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Friday, September 21, 2007
NO PANTS!!!!!!
today was great in comparison with all my other high school days i've had so far. i showed my collage to everyone today. everyone was all like LMAO, when they saw the harry potter picture.
Harry: DIE! DIE! DIE!!!
Orochimaru: Kabuto, what is this?
Kabuto: that's harry potter sir. but im not sure what his problem is. i think he's just a head moron.
what life's like... when u look like voldemort.
LMAO. never gets old...
i had a great time hanging out with my friends during the pep fest. i didn't go to it, so i was sitting at a table when amber sat down across from me. she is a sophomore or junior, can't recall, but she is older than me. i was also joined by other people and started off the conversation with 'I TOTALLY DON'T KNOW U!!!' LOL. i sang the akatsuki safari once and then i was also quoting invader zim. some of which include:
'POKE OF DOOM!!!!! *rapid poke strike attack*'
'RAAAAAAH!!!!!... doo de doo de doo!! *does gir's dance from episode: GIR GOES CRAZY AND STUFF.
'im gonna be back, but i'll leave my stuff here. but if i return and my collage is damaged in any way, i swear.. that from this day, to the end of the day.. I WILL NOT REST UNTIL I GET REVENGE UPON YOUR.. PIZZA-STEALING HEART!!!!!'
'don't make me make my vampire piggies eat your face'
'i will make your organs explode by putting explodey bean cans into your body and putting u into a microwave'
'YOU GONNA MAKE BISQUITS?! YOU GONNA MAKE BISQUITS??! YOOU GONNA MAKE BISQUITS!!? yooooou goona make bisquits?? yoooooooooou gonna make bisquits???'
LOL. there were a whole lot more, but if i listed 'em all, this post would be even more ridiculously long than it would ordinarily be. then they say im crazy and we had a contest to see who can hold their breath for longer and i chose to say 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!' and i also kept popping back and forth between my two groups of friends: animelover12344, chihirochan, kat, katie, kupkake, some kid whose name i keep forgetting and my older friends. i was coming back to amber's table when i see them looking through my sketchbook so i was all like 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!' and i actually got in trouble this time. oh well.
i presented my collage in art and i want to hit myself repeatedly on the head. damn it damn it damn it!!!!! i was suppposed to explain why the title was significant and what it had to do with me and i totally botched it and got nervous. i should have said more damn it, and now it's too late. on a funnier note, every single person who went up were stating the obvious and everyone laughed at them. luckily i wasn't one they laughed at, but here's a sample of some of the things i heard people say.
"this is a picture of a roadtrip i had. which is why there's this rooad here... um, and i just put that rainbow there cuz it's cool."
"i like food. so i put food there. cuz i like it. and stuff.."
"i like snowboarding. and these guys r snowboarding. so yeah..."
"this is a lake. with water.. and.. u go swimming in water... so yeah..."
LMAO. and like half the class did the beach as their theme. my god, u should have heard the things people said. the way they said it was half the reason i laughed so hard. hah ha...
i met Muffin king after art and the first thing he says to me is "why were u running back and forth.. during pep fest?" and i said "what?" and he says "i saw u running back and forth in the commons and i was all like, 'oh there she goes. there she is again. now she's going back' it was funny." and i demand to know why he didn't say hi to me if he saw me and he says "it was too amusing" ha ha.. i have to admit, that WOULD be amusing to watch so i can't blame him and we actually spent more than a second talking. speaking of which, Uzk thinks it would cool if i went to homecoming with him and she tried to convince me this morning. maybe i will ask but i don't really want to go to homecoming in the first place, so i don't know...
my dad and mom think it's probably ok for me to go see a movie tomorrow with homsar88 and im soo looking forward to it. i just need to be sure, and then... me and homsar-chan can do the 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!' thing in fron of damn store hollister, but it will be fun to see how many people think we're crazy. LOL.
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, OMG, OMG, GUESS WHAT?? DEATH NOTE AIRS ON OCTOBER 20TH!!!!!!!! I READ IT ON THE OTAKU NEWS!!!!!! IM SOOOOO EXCITED!!! I LUVS L!!!!! CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!! SQUEE X 100!!!!!!! i feel like im gonna explode! r guys excited too? well if not, start getting excited!! ryuk is the coolest shinigami ever!
also can't wait for naruto shippuden episode 29 hour long special, but i have to wait until next week, cuz now it's every other week. arrgh! it keeps switching!! it switched back to every week, and now goes back to every other week!! i gets to see kakashi-sama use his cool mangekyou sharingan!!! woot!! kakashi pwns all those other nOobs in naruto anime. LOL.
i hope i can go to Katie's birthday party too. there sure is a lot going on in a couple weeks. at least that is what it feels like.
1. r u excited for death note??!!!!!(if u say no, i will srsly destroy... stuff... that u don't want to having been destroyed!!
2. do u think kakashi will ever fall in love(with anything other than icha icha paradise)?
3. what the hell do u do at homecoming anyway? if it interests me, i might feel more motivated to asking Muffin king to go as friends or something. maybe. i probably won't regardless, but all the same...
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007
funny vids i found
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LMAO and stuff
ha ha ha!!! well today was zero hour, so i hung out with homsar-chan. we sat down and i sit next to this boy i don't know, and say to him "hi, don't mind me and my insanity" or something like this anyway. me and homsar-chan almost immediately started doing our sexy dance. we were *dislocating shoulders while typing* LOL and we were probably starting to creep out this kid next to me. well, chelsea walks in eventually and she has some fruits basket, so we were talking about that a bit and then i was telling everyone about the "tobi is a bad boy" and the first fun with akatsuki vid where sasori says: and then she says, "we don't sell nail polish in BUCKETS!!" some other akatsuki says "that's outrageous!" and we were all like LOL. and then we did the ERGH!! ARGH!! GRARGH!! .. WHAT R U DOING, IT'S JUST A PILE OF GELATIN!!! thing and were talking about random stuff. at this one point, i show homsar-chan my chibi drawings and she was all like OooooOOO!!! while doing this hilarious hand-motion and im all like what? so she says it's cuz she thinks they're great and im like oh. so then we were hitting gelatin again and homsar-chan does this reeeally wrong handmotion and we were all like LMAO. even the kid next to me, whose name was michael apparently, was laughing soo hard and i couldn't breath, cuz i was laughing that hard. i go up to blow my nose, and homsar-chan starts saying "im gonna getcha!! im gonna getcha!! im gonna getcha!!" so then i turn around and see her scooting on her chair towards me, inch by inch and i totally freak out so i run over to michael and say "take the sacrifice!!!" LMAO. homar-chan starts doing this hilarious music theme with hilarious hand motions and moving her hands back and forth like a weird windshield wiper and im all like, "do that again so i can join in too!!" but i was laughing too hard to do it right, so i did the handmotions and we did the sexy dance again and i fell over laughing and banged my head on the chair behind me, but i didn't care. then there was this point when i point to the clock many times in rapid succession like how it is in animes and stuff, while saying the sound "cho!! cho!! cho!!" like in the anime shows. and then homsar also joins in and proceeds to do that same thing like she is picking her nose and then does it with the wrong handsign and me and chelsea were laughing our butts off and i tap michael on the shoulder and barely manage to say "look at what homsar-chan is doing!!" and she demonstrates again. and then there was this part when one of us says "... do it to michael" and i say "do it to michael?? DO IT TO MICHAEL???! do u have ANY IDEA WHAT THAT JUST SOUNDED LIKE??!!!!" and we were all like LMAO!!! and i also told homsar-chan about in art when alina or somebody said "im going to make cherries rain from the sky!!" and we burst out laughing. chelsea was all like what's that and homsar says "trust me, it's wrong." and we also did this weird james bond music theme too when i said "or is it?!" and that is what homsar-chan starts doing. at some point homsar-chan asks michael, "have we scarred u for life yet?" and we also quoted invader zim like "some kinda.. horrible.. fishboy!!" and it was just hilarious!!! omg, we had such an awesome time and my sides were hurting from all that laughing.
i got my bg finished in art and i also found this great ichigo picture to add to my collage too.
during lunch, at one point kat said she would shout out anything as long as it was NOT inappropriate. so i say, "ok, say... 'headless clowns' then. and she shouts 'headless clowns!' but not very loudly so i say 'r u kidding? that was barely loud at all!' so she shouts again 'headless clowns!!' and i say to her "no, not like that. something more like.. *takes deep breath* HEADLESS CLOWNS!!!!!!!!!! and i scream so loud that the whole lunch room could hear me and some guys over at this other table stared at me. LOL. when i was watching eagle vision in connections, at dodgeball part, i kept saying 'oh pwned!!!!' everytime some kid got hit in the face with a dodgeball and this one student says 'there's nothing like hitting someone in the face with dodgeball first thing in the morning.' and i was like true indeed my friend. and at the end of the eagle vision thing the dude says 'make like a tree and get out of here' and everyone totally didn't get it. and i was like, 'maybe if the tree we're talking about is an ent, that could be true' LOL. well, in general today has been a very funny and amusing day.
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007
bouncing balls 0_0 and the worst day ever
my day went from semi-ok to the shittiest day of my whole school life. im still pissed right now. but first, let me tell u about the bouncing balls. my god that sounds wrong. LOL. well, in choir we were trying to get to know everyone's names so we tossed tennis balls to each other while saying the name of whoever we were tossing it to. at first it was just one ball, but then, mrs. meier added 6 balls to the circle. i was scared i was gonna get my eye taken out or something. if someone missed, the chaos increased. the people throwing it to me had terrible aim the first time around, so i was scrambling under chairs, around people's legs and whatnot and banged my knee smartly on a chair. it was still the most fun day of choir ever. LOL.
i had that counselor meeting with students during 2nd hour and i hated it!! just as i knew it would, the meeting was filled with tedious boring things that was nothing new to me and the only good thing was seeing Uzk there, but it's a poor compensation for missing art class. my god! i cannot believe i missed more than half of art just for this!! i doodled and barely payed attention except for required credits part, but the rest of the time i was sitting like how L always does while trying to take a nap. on returning to art, i barely had my backround set up before we had to clean up and i had spent the few tedious and arduous minutes i had trying to arrange it so that no white space showed up and i didn't even get to mouge paoge(yes probably not how u spell it) it, or gluing it in place if u don't know what that is. damn, im soo behind...
and the bus ride home was what made my day the shittiest day ever. we had a new bus replace our old bus for the day, for whatever reason. one big problem with this temporary replacement: MISSING 4 SEATS!!! damn it, we had to cram in 3 to a seat and i had about a centimeter of space to sit on and after about 5 minutes, my arms, legs, neck and back started hurting like crazy, either that or fall into the aisle. i actually had to kneel on one knee cuz there wasn't enough room to sit properly and that started hurting too. and cuz of how awkward my position was on the end of the centimeter of space i had, i felt like kakashi had just done the sennen goroshi(thousand years of death) to my ass. i had a serious headache and was feeling all claustrophobic cuz everyone was too crowded together. i would have been 10x more comfortable standing and risking cracking my head open on the floor, than this.
1. since when does a zombie taste like peppermint?
2. why the hell doesn't the school serve more gelatin?
3. he's back for mooooooooooooooore!!!!______!!!
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Monday, September 17, 2007
wow, im totally gonna fail art!!
yes. u heard me. and that is just about the saddest thing in the whole world. i think i was supposed to turn in a project a week ago and haven't even finished it yet. i have to draw a 2 point perspective city and i suck at drawing boxes, so i don't see how the hell i could draw skycrapers and whatnot and other little details like that. and my collage is not going to turn out like i had initially hoped. god damn it!! why can't we just make a collage instead of worrying about perspective and how colors fade a bit or that things near the top r smaller??! my sky is taking up too much space in my opinion, leaving virtually nothing for the ground where people need to be standing. im debating to take out that picture of what's his name from kingdom hearts. his head ish large and leaves nothing for the grave yard. morbid isn't it? but i wanted it be sorta like yin and yang if u know what i mean, but i have to make do with having gaz and vampire piggies on one side and hope people can make the connection. and im afraid i won't be able to fit all my pictures. how small will the sky have to be?? why am i failing at arranging pictures?!! WHY?!!! and i need to definitely put in my hilarious orochimaru and kabuto picture. it's got a little chibi harry on trying kill orochimaru and then harry is all like: DIE!! DIE!! DIE!!! and it is hilarious. LOL. well, i really should be doing homework. TT_TT but i wish i had a sense of... self control or whatever it's called. disipline? yup! i don't got that.
1. what turns u on?
A. sexy dance
B. gelatin(don't ask)
C. pocky
D. rubbah suit rubbah suit rubbah suit! *squeak*
E. all of the above
u know, i might just have to say all of 'em. XD.
2. JTHM ROCKS!!!!!!! agree?
3. is fruits basket a good series? im thinking of reading some manga chapters next time i go to bookstore.
4. is itachi on crack?(me personally: hell yeah!)
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Saturday, September 15, 2007
finally i know how to put pictures on my site and now that i know, i realize how stupid i have been. why is it whenever something to do with the internet pops up, i spend ages and crap trying to figure it out and when i do, i wonder how the hell i didn't get it sooner. but then again i don't even know how to text message and does anybody have any sort of idea how long it took me just to figure out what LMAO means? it's sooo embarassing. -_-"
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happy birthday kakashi-sama!!!!!
YAY IT'S KAKASHI'S BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!!! i would have posted sooner but the freakin' laptop wasn't working. anyway, i got kakashi a great present!!! wanna know what it is?? well too bad if u don't, cuz im gonna tell u anyway!!! i gave him a super special icha icha paradise book!!! a new volume in the series!! hope u like it kakashi-sama!! i will do anything for u!! *sparkles in eye like in the anime* hell, i would even do the sexy jutsu if u wanted. heh heh heh... *kakashi getting nosebleed* LOL. i wonder if i should treat him to some Ichiraku Ramen too. well why not? although i have noticed that in the anime, he never pays for it. i believe that naruto calls him cheap at one point in the series. that's my kakashi!!! that greatness is what makes him great!!! i think they ought to have an episode of that. it would most likely be a filler, but i would soo watch that. well, have a great day kakashi!! *kisses on cheek* oh! this means i have to celebrate all my other bishies' b-days too. to the internet!!! well, technically im already on the internet, but who cares?
1. like the new song i added? i was watching men in black 2 the other day, so that's why. im not gonna change the whole theme of my site.
2. what did u get for kakashi-sama's birthday? u must bring him something or he might.. use his hidden taijutsu on u.. SENNEN GOROSHI!!! A THOUSAND YEARS OF DEATH!!!!!!!!! it almost makes me feel sorry for naruto's ass in the beginning of must have hurt. a lot. but what i really want to say to naruto is: u got pwned bitch!!! :3
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naruto and the evilness of levitating eyeballs and such
well, i think i will tell u guys about this dream i had. so this will definitely be another huge ass long post that only homsar-chan will read. all my dreams r like this, what did u expect? well, okay then i can't quite remember how it starts, but i will do my best. characters include naruto, sasuke, kakashi, some dude that looks like an older naruto(in a weird way), sora or whoever he is from kingdom hearts. well, maybe not. he has silverish hair. anyway, i think the scene starts off in a depressing graveyard scene, like in the cliche movies. it was kinda like a video game. they had a mission to do and were fighting this dark overlord of...darkness. OMFG, this villain was like a blatantly horrible ripoff of sauron or something. well, the overlord of darkness flees to his castle and naruto and gang pursue. naruto's allies also included various mythical creatures that almost looked like THEY could be the bad guys, but who cares? now, there were a bunch of traps for them on the sidewalk. i was also there and it truly was like a videogame cuz i was seeing it in first person for a long while(like the samus games). we were all running in a big group along the sidewalk that led out of the graveyard and hidden explosives blew up and this crystal light mirror thing, exploded and the shards of ice blew up this goat man right in front of me, and if it was a video game, then i would say the graphics r amazing. and then, we arrive at teh overlord of darkness' evil lair and what do u suppose we saw?? a dark spooky castle with the cliche lighting? something like sauron's tower? no. dead wrong. it was a giant mansion and it looked perfectly normal, except for a bit of darkness surrounding it. (since it's night when this is taking place, i mean DARKER than the greenish black night around it) then one of the last traps was a huge crowd of hideous levitating eyeballs that were bloodshot and very..detailed in how a real eye should look. except no irises. just a big black dot and quite frankly, it wasn't that scary. i've seen worse yaoi. and that is exactly what i thought. the rest of the naruto gang wasn't impressed either. they were all like "pssh!! is that it??' the eyeballs started blasting lasers and whatnot at us, so we dodged and link from the legend of zelda, that guy from kingdom hearts who im just gonna call sora from now on, even if im not sure that's who he is, and i were firing arrows into them and destroyed them. i didn't think this in my dream, but a part of me wanted to say: pwned bitches!! LOL. well, this bridge and moat suddenly appear out of nowhere and we now have to cross it to get in the mansion. don't get me wrong though. here is what it looked like as well as i can describe. the path turned into a mini bridge that was only a couple feet long and it had a little creek running underneath it and a tiny wall of mud and earth separates the creek from the moat and suddenly the mansion turned into a big scary castle. there is this giant eyeball hovering high in front of the mansion-turned-castle(deep down i thought: *zoolander voice* wow, that eyeball is ridiculously big looking) and sora fires his "spirit arrow" at it(yes, he probably doesn't actually have spirit arrows but this is a dream, and if it made sense, i would be normal. and i don't want to be normal.) and a force-shield barrier appears. naruto says "dammit!" and then kakashi, who hasn't been seen until this point, says "wait naruto! don't be hasty!" suddenly, they have defeated the eyeball barrier, thanks to kakashi and what do u suppose was kakashi's brilliant idea? well, they called a "taxi" and it was actually a carriage driven by horses with a creepy, old, possibly irish man that was like a zombie in a weird way.(don't ask why it seemed like he might be irish, he didn't really look it, but somehow he was). somehow, everyone managed to fit into the tiny thing and the castle turned back into a mansion and it had a nice u-shaped path for the carriage(like the road in front of flagship that curves in a semi-circle) this other little bridge appears out of nowhere as they step out the carriage and cross it to the ground on the other side, but no water is under bridge this time. kakashi is the last one to step out and he takes one step out the carriage and suddenly something grabs him by the ankle and jerks him down into the ground so that only his head and part of his nose and his hands are sticking up from the ground and carriage wheel is almost on top of him so he can't get up. naruto and the rest of 'em don't notice and keep on walking toward the mansion anyways despite the fact that kakashi says "oh shit!" as he is pulled down. those bastards!! why don't naruto and gang turn around, the bitches? i might add that at this point, it sort of turns into 2nd person perspective, like im seeing it from a side view. or is that 3rd person? oh well, u know what i mean. cuz now im not a character in the dream, im just watching now. inside the mansion it looks like a normal enough lobby sort of area and the group splits up because they see a sheet of oldish looking paper that says this is a contest to see who can complete all the levels and score the most points. interestingly enough, there r no monsters or traps or puzzles, and the levels themselves can seem very ordinary and on one occasion, perverted. naruto is running through the mansion and suddenly he is transported to another place that looks like a meadow in the middle of nowhere. he says "ooh, where am i?? how far away am i from the mansion?" he checks this fancy technology watch of his and his eyes widden in shock like when u have been splashed with cold water and yelps "what??! 7 jmgs??!!!(something like this) and he starts running so fast he is only speed lines. he dashes past a circus and extinguished all the candles there and the ring master is like "whoa, that is a new record! good job!" he says to a dude who looks sorta like naruto and the guy says "what?" then their is a brief image of the naruto-looking guy running almost as fast as naruto was and re-extinguishing the lights and the few people who r there watching r cheering like mad and im just like "that is one lame finale" the scene changes to a couple seconds of a view of a steep yet short stairway leading down with the slimy green moss on the sides of the stone walls. there was a wooden door at the end. i see another pair of people completing the levels and they r a perfectly normal-looking woman and girl. they see two others, a normal-looking man and boy come out of a door across a stone bridge that had mesh-wire on the sides so u wouldn't fall off the sides and into the river. they say "hey, how r u guys doing?" and they say "fine, we're on the 4th level" and the woman and girl ask "what is the 4th level" and the other 2 point to the log flume thing and they say "you're kidding!" and they say "nope!" and they're off. the the woman and girl don't want to go on it, so they don't. the scenes keep flipping back and forth between the levels that the different people r on and one level was ACTUALLY a video game in which u had to blast crappily animated monsters blocking the hallway. i suddenly decide to get on the log flume except now the log is replaced with a small yellow rectanglish stretcher looking thing. i don't know about u, but if something looked like a stretcher on a terribly dangerous ride that started by instantly dropping straight down a giant waterfall that appeared to not have a very good track system, i would be decidedly nervous about going on. but i do and after a 100 foot+ drop straight down and gravity defying loop de loops in which i was literally upside down, not attached to any rail with no seatbelt and more vertical 100 foot+ drops and other things as well, i was screaming at the top of my lungs, but personally, the ride was awesome and i enjoyed the feeling of how REAL it was and i wish it could last longer. it ends in a giant swirling like the hurricane and i end up in a calmer water area, like a kiddie water area where the water isn't that deep. at least, it didn't look that deep, but it actually was half and half i think. i somehow ended up on top of this pole and there is a bag of coins as my prize on top(that looked like something from a video game)and i lost one coin down a drain and i saw a bird's eye view of it and it truly did look like mario go carts or something. at this point, kakashi suddenly bursts out of the ground yelling "GRAAARGH!!!" as he does and punches the zombie-like carriage driver in the face before going. he runs inside and he zooms through the levels like crazy. apparently the levels differ from person to person cuz he doesn't have to ride the log flume. in fact, just by running through the lobby, taking a left into the laundry room and coming out into the hallway was the equivalent of 4 levels. in the backround other people r running around the mansion like crazy, cuz apparently u have to find the levels based on clues that u r given or knowing by intuition which is which. kakashi sort of runs in a circle, passing through the lobby once again and coming to the same hallway and suddenly there is a laundry basket hanging on the wall. a piece of paper states the challenge and even though kakashi didn't look at it he knew what it was. the challenge u ask? the laundry basket was full of women's panties and bras and kakashi would have to dig around in there to find what was hidden near the bottom. his jaw flops open and he gets this cross-eyed, dazed look in his eyes and turns bright red while stumbling about in a drunken manner with a more than a little perverted, guilty look in his face. he practically faints. L.M.A.O. XDD! that my friend is the perverted part. kakashi is practically drooling. in fact i think he was. XDDD!! i also think there was a brief scene where naruto talks to kakashi right before he gets to the 5th level of perverted-ness and naruto says "hey kakashi sensei, there u are. perv." and kakashi says "hey hey hey... *embarassed look*" the overlord of darkness gets blown up in one shot by someone and that is all i can remember of my dream.
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