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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.

What D.Gray-man Character Are You?

Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

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i had waffles!!

sorry i haven't posted in so long, but what r u gonna do about it??! HUH?! HUH?!... HUH?! yeah, so anyway, i have been dying to tell everyone about this creepy ringtone my brother has. maybe its just cuz i have recently seen DARKNESS at midnighterdes8's house, but it scares me. it reminds me of that little toy carousel that turns on by itself and starts playing its music. ordinarily, it would be fine, but not if it starts playing all by itself. no matter how often my brother's phone rings, i never get used to it. im a little paranoid right now and i feel kinda nervous.

ok, now i can FINALLY start finishing this post. sorry about that! my dad came along before i could finish this post, so yeah. now, like i was saying, i had waffles for breakfast. and not just any waffles: belgian waffles! yay! they taste soo good, especially with the sausages and eggs to go with it. i was pretty clever if i do say so myself. why is that u ask? well, i wanted eggs, but i wanted mom to cook 'em for me, so i used my subtle tactics. "it sure would be nice if i had some delicious eggs to go with these waffles. that would make it perfect. not doing so means u don't love me." pretty skillful eh? WA HA HA!!! i am soo awesome at that. even though she was gonna cook 'em anyway, but SILENCE!!!

i saw robot chicken last night featuring sabrina the teenage bitch. u know that cat right? well he was sitting on the counter and says 'sabrina, my cat food is up on that shelf where i can't reach it and im soo hungry. will u please get it for me?' sabrina says 'um, let me think... NO!!!' something like that anyway. LOL. even better was when it was halloween and sabrina threw the little childrens' candy off a bridge into the river. LMAO.

as any half-wit might realize, my site has a new theme!!(obviously).
how WOULDN'T u notice that?? HUH?! HUH?! HUH?! HUH?!... HUH?!

1. do u like the new theme? HUH?!
2. which yaoi is better: kakashiXiruka or sasukeXnaruto? (random question, i know. but this has been bugging my for a while now.)
3. fight communism with hair gel.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Get your own Poll!

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Monday, July 23, 2007

Interview With the Cast of Naruto: Their View of You as a Ninja (w/pix. meant for girls. Sorry, guys! ^_^;;) by Paint_It_Blue
Your Name/Username
Your Favorite Color is
Your Age
You're a Ninja of theHidden Sand Village
Your Appearance
NarutoYou are best buddies- u two go around pulling pranks, eating ramen, and just having fun; You're like the sister he never had.
SasukeThinks you are way too hyper.
SakuraDoesn't know much about you.
KakashiCan't stop staring at your body. O.o
NejiDoesn't like the way you keep staring at his Byakugan eyes.
TenTenDislikes you cuz u hang out with Neji a lot.
Rock LeeRespects you cuz Gai-sensei does.
KibaDoesn't think you have the skills to be a ninja at all.
ShinoWould only laugh for you.
HinataThinks you are trying to get with Naruto.
ShikamaruWould much rather go with Temari than you.
InoThinks you're teaming up w/Sakura to bring her down.
ChoujiIs in love with you cuz u've shown that u like him for who he is and didn't judge his looks.
JiraiyaDislikes you for calling him "Ero-sennin" all the time.
TsunadeWishes that you would be more focused on your missions.
OrochimaruDoesn't know who you are.
KabutoHates you for crushing his glasses.
ItachiThinks it's time to repaint his nails.
KisameHates you for calling him "Ugly Shark Face" all the time.
GaaraAdmires your courage, determination, and strength.
TemariThinks Shikamaru likes u more than he likes her.
KankuroThinks you are really hot.

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Sunday, July 22, 2007

purple pigs!

i had a random dream. yet again. it was made up of several different parts that seemed to have absolutely nothing to do with each other. it starts out with what is apparently midnighterdes8's birthday party and there is this huge crowd of people bringing in giant presents and i could have sworn i heard midnighterdes8 say 'that's right little children, keep bringing me presents' in a really creepy voice. suddenly we were in a totally different place on what was apparently a field trip that had nothing to do with midnighterdes8's party. we were in a group, consisting of me, midnighterdes8, homsar88, and Uzkitai. we went to this place outside which seemed to be a mini waterpark attraction. we climb the stairs at the top of this yellow and really lame waterslide. at least that's what it looked like. all the kids we saw playing around were little toddlers and stuff and the waterslide we were standing on top of was reeally lame looking. i glance across at the far side of the waterpark and see a waterslide that is physically and logically impossible. i mean it did a loop-de-loop before plunging u into the water. in fact, that was the whole slide. a short loop-de-loop and that was the end. but that isn't the 'impossible' part. at the upside down part, there was nothing. it was like the guys who built it were too lazy to finish building it, but the children kept splashing down into the pool as if it were not there. i mean, WTF??? we left and came to the pigs. in the center of the place was a giant glass box-shaped area filled with pigs. we were told to gather round and this boring instructor/tour guide started this boring lecture on the pigs. but what made her creepy was the fact that she looked like she had plastic surgery waaay more than she should have. she said we could feed the pigs if we wanted and she came around on the walkway with a plastic tray. i sorta hesitated, but i grabbed some and almost instantly a pig came and took it. because of the 'weird-only-possible-in-a-dream' design, i couldn't see the pig until this camera pans downward. to my surprise, the pig is purple! the only one!! and not one other person seemed to think it was strange. we left and came to 'the witch's lair' which looked like a kindergarten classroom. the witch was... unusual. she was green with a hooked nose, but still in normal clothes. she said to us, 'now u must face the trial if u want to survive my place of horrors' and quite honestly, as i looked around the room, i figured a rock could be scarier and more 'horror-ier' she turned off the lights and bustled out of the room through this door and came back one SECOND later wearing different clothes and she had a bunch of construction paper and we were actually making a spider thing out of various materials. the clean up was messy and this one boy was frantically trying to put these pens back in the container and they were going everywhere and i say to him 'what's wrong wit chu foo?? ur doing it all wrong. u forgot to put the cap on dat one and dat one foo! now they'll all run dry ya foo! don't u know that? jeez what an idiot!' and then, i have to clean something too and have to put colored pencils back in and IM frantically trying to do it and then the boy says to me, 'hypocrite' then, suddenly we r back at midnighterdes8's party and we watch a bunch of stuff including a naruto manga chapter and i was all like 'oooo. ahhh!' and then we start opening presents and midnighterdes8 says 'i hope u guys all brought me meat or else i will be unhappy' i was the only one who didn't bring her meat,but she didn't get unhappy. everyone else brought ridiculously large pieces of meat that appeared to be raw. i suddenly hear music playing as homsar88 brings midnighterdes8 her present. 'meats of evil. meats of evil. meats of evill.' over and over again. that is sort of where the dream ends. i think there was also a brief flash of dib walking there too.

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Saturday, July 21, 2007


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Which Baka Ranger are you? (edited)

You are Yue Ayase!




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Wednesday, July 18, 2007


YAY!! i finally changed my site's theme!!! so do u guys like it? i was gonna do an invader zim theme, but i just couldn't find any good wallpapers.

i finally know what rosearik rikki simons looks like too! and it was surprising. (in case u pathetic human wormbabies didn't know, im talking about the guy who plays gir in invader zim). i was watching the special features on one of the disks where they were interviewing the cast. he sounded nothing like how gir does. i heard him talking normally and i wondered how on earth he does it so easily. i don't care though. but i still don't have any clue what jhonen vasquez looks like except for the many cameo appearances during the series, but i NEED TO KNOW. later, when i listened to the commentary with the first episode, rikki simons was saying that if we ever met him in the elevator, please don't ask him to sing the doom song and everyone else in the commentary was begging him to do it at least once. the commentary was pretty funny and they were talking about how they hoped the icecream truck thing was funny. i think its hilarious. i also learned from the commentary where the inspiration for Old Kid came from. best quote from him: 'how's it going?' i luv that part and they based him on this one old security guy named doug or something like that. one of the two best quotes of all time in the series: well he is pretty weeird... and he is sitting... *words float across the screen*
'and he's back for moooooooooore. get him!'

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