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midnighterdes8's Elf,emo girl,Gir, or L
Bothering people! Learning the Doom Song, blown up other pirate ships
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I was 12
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Naruto, One Piece,Fullmetal Alchemist, Death Note, Bleach, Samurai Champloo, Jing: King of Bandits, Black Blood Brothers, Cardcaptors Sakura, Zero no Tsukaima, Suzumiya Haruhi no yuutsu, Keroro Gunso,Tsubasa, Black Cat, Shaman King, Pani Poni Dash, Gintam
Become world's greatest pirate and taking over the world with my vampire piggy army
reading, skiing, snowmobiling, bothering people, taking over the world and watching t.v.
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Wednesday, July 4, 2007
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Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Which Bleach boy is right for you?
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little mouse
today i was reading my naruto manga when i see something out of the corner of my eye and i look over and i nearly jumped out of my skin cuz at first i thought it was a reeally big bug. i get gigantic bugs at my house and if u lived in my house u would understand why i would think it was a bug. once, a spider the size of my thumb landed on my brother's head. but anyway, back to the story. it was actually a little baby mouse about as long as my middle finger. it was so cute, but it was really surprising cuz even though i knew there were mice in the house, they never ventured into areas like the living room and there it was scurrying along the couch. it nearly climbed over my lap, but for some reason, it turned around and went back the way it came when i looked up at it. i got my dad and he set a mousetrap near it and he wondered how it had got there. i watched to couch for along time and it sniffed at the mousetrap several times but didn't take the bait. maybe it was a smart mouse, but the peanut butter was reeeally old. it got off the couch and it was running around the floor and i nearly stepped on it when i was coming in from the family room. it climbed the curtains and behind the piano and then went back up to the couch. finally, my brother put on a glove and managed to pick it up and put it in a plastic bag. he gave it to my dad so he could 'take care of it' my dad isn't really an animal lover, so sometimes he can be a little cruel, especially to the squirrels. he told us that he whacked against the ground several times and said it was dead with the first whack, but he just had to be sure it was dead. i was a little sad, i mean, we could have just released it into the wild far enough so that it wouldn't come back, but it's too late for that. it was really cute though especially when it was grooming its fur. i almost touched it but i didn't. i almost wish i had picked it up so it might not have been killed. oh well...
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Monday, July 2, 2007
a not as random dream as my other dreams
this dream is sorta random and maybe a little creepy. if u could see my dream, u would understand, but that wouldn't be possible(obviously). it stars me and homsar88! ok, so we were going on a field trip with our class and strange teacher. i hardly saw a clear image of the 'teacher' but my dream self knew the teacher was strange. i think Uzk was there too and so was midnighterdes8. we entered the entrance which disappeared behind us and i thought i heard someone whisper 'there is no escape' but i couldn't be sure. it was such a very faint whisper, like it was a ghost or something. it was so quick i couldn't be sure if my dream self was hearing it or my real self thinking it. its really strange in my dreams how i can still consciously think thoughts that r separate from what my dream self is thinking and with that, i can tell myself to wake up. pretty weird huh? well anyway, we enter this room where we eat stuff and it was good. this chinese-looking lady was our tour guide and she said 'this way for the next part of the tour' and we all followed except for me and homsar88. for some reason, even though we both followed the group they seemed to vanish into thin air. like a mirrage or something. that was the time when my conscious self started thinking this dream was a little bit creepy. all throughout the dream i could have sworn i was hearing faint whispering in the air. i had a feeling it was a bunch of specters. we tried to find our group again and we wandered all around and passed several other groups but they didn't seem to be able to see or hear us. it was as if the 2 of us didn't exist. but for some reason, the other groups of children seemed different and it was reeally unnnerving. their laughter and talk seemed faint and distant even though we were really close to them at some points. we walked up and down stairs and we were going in circles and went up and down the same stairs at least twice. the moment we walked down, suddenly we were right back at the top. i remembered suddenly 'there is no escape' and i tried to ignore it. homsar88 kept saying 'shit' over and over and i was a little uncomfortable for some reason. then, the creepy situation suddenly becomes just a bit funny when my head snaps up and i say, 'look homsar88 my friend! do u smell that! its chinese food! its very good i promise! let's go get some!' i said it in a ridiculous british accent which was why it was so funny. suddenly we knew where we were going and ended up right outside the room where we had first entered. but for some reason, we couldn't have any food! they said, 'sorry there's no more room for you guys' and slammed the door in our face. i think i swore vigorously at them and homsar88 shook her fist at the door and said, 'why you bastards!!!' we go down the same stairs we had been going down several times in a row, but this time, we actually got to the bottom and didn't teleport back to the top. there was a little cafe there and it had pastries and meat. we were overjoyed and excited, but at the same time, the cafe looked ominous and dark. for the record, it looked like that restaurant in the movie 'Spirited Away' during the day when there is nobody there, except much more creepy. this creepy person who is in charge of the cafe says some stuff that made sense to our dream selves, but to my conscious self, it seemed like gibberish. he pointed down to the little bar and said we could help ourselves, but we could only eat the krispy kremes.(don' t ask how i knew that's what he said if it sounded like gibberish)
we ate and saw a bunch of other food items and while my dream self ate, she thought 'wow that looks really good' and 'wow that looks really gross' at the same time. this is the end of the first part of my dream, the next part is much more funny and random.
part two: waterpark of weirdness
suddenly me and homsar88 were transported to the waterpark and i could have sworn i heard someone say, 'tally ho mates! its the waterpark!' i was like WTF??! but we splashed around and had fun and i can remember me and homsar88 laughing like we were either high, drunk, or retarded, or all of the above. we were like, 'ahh ha hahahah lol!' and we were skipping around like drunks. i think we bashed skulls at one point and we look at each other with funny expressions on our faces and after a pause go, 'lol!! ha hah ha!' we go to the top of the waterslide and our class from the museum r suddenly more colorful looking and cheery, not creepy. we all climb into the doughnut shaped tubes and they r all connected by a plastic-looking chain. we go off and it was instant chaos and there were people crashing into each other and stuff and homsar88 is crashing into me and we r saying 'lol' all the while. it was really fun and we splash down into the pool. we see our parents and we go outside and see this outdoor pool that is a really nasty greenish color and me and homsar88 look at each other and jump in saying 'lol!' and our moms say 'what the hell r u doing?! get out of there this instant!' we climb out and for some reason we r hardly wet at all. my mom says to me 'alright its time to go' and i say 'wait mom! let me tell homsar88 about this dream i had!' and i started describing the waterpark and how we were going down it and stuff. so basically, i was telling the dream homsar88 about i dream that im still dreaming that the dream homsar88 just experienced. so basically im telling dream homsar88 about the waterslide she JUST went on. and then, we say, 'this horrible pool must be the actual pool where the waterslide is!' i look over at the far end of the pool that is closest to the building and i see a brief flash of the waterslide from the frontal view. our parents say 'but that's impossible!' and homsar88 says to our parents, 'nonsense! u see the waterslide goes up here and down here.' and points out two spots on the pools surface. both our parents gasp and say 'homsar88, your a genius!' and a brief victory fanfare of music plays for about two miliseconds. and then me and homsar88 look at each other and start laughing in that retarded fashion and say, 'LOL!!!! AH HAHAAHA!' and then i woke up.
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Friday, June 29, 2007
Invader Zim episode 3A!!!!
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randomness part 2
this is the 2nd part of my dream i mentioned earlier, so if u haven't read the first part of my dream, please do so before reading this part. okay, so this part features real people and stuff. in this part we see midnighterdes8,homsar88,uzumakiKitai,mitch,me, animelover12344, and a bunch of other school kids we know. it starts out with a narrator talking about this one witch who was crazy and was experimenting by using some sort of dark magic to fuse herself to her house, which was alive. that is just soo cliche. i mean, a live house? come on!! so anyway, the fusion goes horribly wrong and u hear the witch's final scream as she somehow trips down a bottomless well(don't ask). this video game used your real physical self, so it was more like a interactive/digitally animated game, not a virtual world, although some parts were clearly animated. so to enter the game, u enter through this sparkly arch that is surrounded by smiling, blond women who look like they had plastic surgery and they were giggling like they were on crack or something. it was a bit creepy, but i went in. i did a variety of 'puzzles' that were 'really hard' and i traveled from location to location in a hot air balloon. the puzzles were actually ridiculously easy and it was a little bit sad. there was this witch who is like the bad guy and attacks me with really pathetic attacks that missed my hot air balloon by miles. in fact, i don't even know what the hell kind of attacks she was using. one part of the 'game' featured DDR and i was like 'woo! DDR!!! I ROCK AT THIS!' but in reality, i suck and i couldn't dance to save my life. at some part of the game, there was a maze, but it was ridiculously easy. then, i go outside and it looks like really bad stormy weather and it seemed we were near some sort of huge, ominous lake with some stereotypical old fisherman in a yellow rain jacket who talks like 'yaar this be the blah blah where the legendary monster blah blach' maybe u guys have no idea what i mean, but that's how it was. the fisherman was talking about how bad it was and then at this point i was with midnighterdes8, uzumakiKitai, homsar88, and animelover12344. suddenly, out of the blue, i see a room made of glass sitting on the rocks and i was just like 'WTF?! when did that get there??' inside, it looked like a dance studio with the mirrors and wooden bar thingy. a bunch of school people were taking ballet lessons from this teacher and i see mitch with a huge grin on his face like he's high on something and he's dancing and i was just like, 'WTH???!! OMFG!!! IS THAT MITCH????' all of us rush in and start dancing like we're high and when we leave, i discover that this is some sort of field trip and i wonder the hell kind of field trip takes u to the middle of nowhere in terribly stormy weather to dance like drunks or something like that, in a room made of glass with no educational purpose to it. oh well...
then i see this fishhouse/bathroom/bait shop u might find near a beach appear out of nowhere and i was thinking 'WHERE THE HELL DO ALL THESE BUILDINGS KEEP COMING FROM???' we go inside to change clothes and there isn't any boy/girl changing rooms and there isn't a lot of space and we start undressing. *shudders* that was soo gross and my real self was thinking 'WTH IS WRONG WITH U PEOPLE?! U PERVERTS!!! OMFG!!' i don't even know how we all fit in that tiny shack anyway. oh yeah, and when i was playing the 'video game' the evil witch was trying and failing miserably to hit me with fireballs and like i said, was missing by miles, she was somehow defeated and she cackles an evil witch laugh that sounded so much like midnighterdes8, it was scary. it seems that no matter what, all my messed up dreams have midnighterdes8 laughing evily. i mean, we get the bloody picture already!! hasn't she had her fill of evil laughter for one day? (that was a rhetorical question btw. because we all know that midnighterdes8 will never have her fill of evil laughter and for her to not laugh evily would be like me not liking tacos or mountain dew.)
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Thursday, June 28, 2007
randomness yet again
i had a dream which was a mix between naruto and some weird video game that my mind made up, it doesn't exist. so anyway, the first part was naruto. it strange, but the two parts of my dream were entirely unrelated, like two mini dreams in one, u know what i mean? well anyway here is part one:
i was on a mission and there were all these guys from some organization helping us and an evil plot that somehow involved naruto manga and merchandise. apparently we had to rescue a bunch of kids from what i suppose was some sort of evil teacher most likely. we were in a train and it was full of naruto manga! i was soo greedy and spoiled in the dream, i wanted 'em all. there was some sort of argument and the guys tied me up and leave, but some other guys from the same organization untie me and i get to have all the naruto manga up to volume 20 for FREE!! YES FREE!!! i was just like 'OMG!! IM SOO LUCKY!' there were boxes of 'em. we continue our rescue and apparently we need to buy stuff to save them. there was this line leading to this single computer and it was a hennipin county library one and people were making reservations for books and i was just like, 'and HOW is this going to save the children???' but of course i didn't say it out loud. it switched to a classroom that had a variety of students in there, including naruto and sakura. the room filled up with water and they were drowning, so kakashi comes and saves naruto, sakura and me and brings us to an airlock room like they have on submarines and i wonder why the other children didn't escape too, i mean, the exit was right there! and when kakashi opened the door, no water from the classroom went in and i was just like WTF?! this dream defies the laws of logic and gravity!! but then again, nothing in this dream makes sense. i mean, 20 volumes of naruto manga FOR FREE??! i wish THAT had really come true. but that was kinda where the dream ends for part one. once again, i was like 'WTF??! BUT U LEFT THE OTHER CHILDREN BEHIND!!' geez, i don't even know what happened to the children like if they lived or not. but who cares? but i feel bad for those children, they were probably thinking: hey! wait! aren't u gonna rescue us?! *sobs* come back!!
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
What's Your One Piece Doujinshi Personality?
 You are: Zoro-type.
You are concerned with your image and how others perceive you. You are busy concentrating on being the best at whatever you do, and this has led you to ignore emotional issues altogether. You are often uncomfortable with your feelings for others. This can lead to frustration with yourself and confusion in your relationships, especially with those who find it easier to communicate than you do.
You ultimately feel that you need to hold yourself back from being involved with other people. The problem is that the more you supress your true self, you're becoming a ticking time-bomb of pastelly-painted OOC emotions. If this happens, you will scare people by groping others or doing the tango. Prevent the inevitable by letting out your feelings out a little at a time. Laugh a little, cry a little. Tell a couple secrets. You're not as scary as you think you are.
Warning: As doujinshi Zoro, you need your own personal space. If your personal space is invaded, perhaps by a well-meaning Luffy-type who just wants to take a bath together, you may exhibit outbursts or strange and disturbing behavior, including bleeding of the nose and discomfort in the haramaki. Please keep your urges in check by taking a break every now and then and staying close to a Nami-type for safety. In some cases, we would all rather you kept your loveable sexual repression. Thank you.
You are most compatible with: a Luffy-type who will take your love very seriously. You are also kind of sexually repressed, a Nico-type could help you um, deal with your hangups.
Advice: Know thyself. Take this quiz!

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Sunday, June 24, 2007
i went to go see 1408 yesterday! it was so awesome!!! the beginning was really boring but then, when the clock starts counting down, i started getting really interested in what would happen next. i liked the part where he tried to escape out the window and i couldn't help but laugh internally when he sees that the wall of room 1408 goes on forever. and he just barely makes back in the room. when the window closed on his hand, i whisper to homsar88, 'if the window closed down on his hand, why isn't the window trying to kill him all those times he's been leaning out the window?' but it does when he jumps back in the room from the outside. i liked the part when he goes in the vents and the dead guy tries to get him. once again, i say that it is a good movie that is worth seeing again.
after the movie, we went to hot topic and homsar88 pointed out the toast shirt she bought. i just loved the expressions on the pieces of toast! it was so cute!!!! afterwards we went downstairs to check out Too Cool and we met some friends. we were trying to fuse homsar88 to everyone, but i survived the fusion and escaped from it! we also saw this reaally creepy doll in the window of this one shop and the doll wasn't even hitting the diamond he was holding. the doll scared me. inside Too Cool, we saw a bunch of cute chibis and i saw a blond kakashi doll and i was just like OMG!!! WTF??? WHY IS THERE A BLOND KAKASHI DOLL!!!!? HIS HAIR IS SILVER!!
i see this itachi doll too and i was whacking it and then i have a thought and i go, 'hmm i wonder if he has any pants on underneath his akatsuki uniform,' so i look and he doesn't have any pants on. i was just like, AWW GROSS!!!! THAT IS SERIOUSLY WRONG!!!!!!!! EWW!!!!
we went to barnes and noble afterwards and looked at some manga.
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