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Thursday, June 21, 2007


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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

even more randomness(thanks to that skelemonkey)

i had another weird dream and it could be a little perverted depending on how u think. i was in the dream,midnighterdes8,optimus prime, roranoa zolo, sanji,nami,some black kid i don't know from any anime, sasuke, and a bunch of school kids. it sorta starts out with me and this black kid talking about a bunch of organizations and we were naming them in order. it never said so in my dream, but i had i feeling it was ranking from most important and big, to least significant. FBI, CIA, and..FBCI were near the top. don't ask about the FBCI. it sounded something like that. i don't think any such organization actually exists. we were in what was apparently me and nami's house. we were shouting out the organizations for 'fun'. it went something like this:
'FBI!! CIA!!! FBCI!!!..wait no, first comes___ THEN comes this. okay.' and we continue shouting. i said 'maybe we shouldn't be doing this.we're not supposed to be doing this unless its an emergency.' the black kid didn't listen and then zolo and sanji come bursting in and people who appeared to be from the FBI and stuff. nami comes in and says 'there's nothing wrong! i swear!' but they weren't listening at all. then, we went up stairs and me and the black kid got into bed with sanji and a couple other misc. children. zolo comes in and i convince him to come into bed with me-uh i mean, us. he clambers in and picks up the book artemis fowl from my bookshelf that has all the books i really do have in the real world, and starts reading it. my dream self was listening to the story, but my real self's mind was going 'WTH!! OMFG!!! THIS IS SO WRONG!! even if i think zolo is hot, i don't approve of this!! get out of my bed with me u freaks!!!!' but in the dream, they can't hear what my real self is thinking. also, zolo,sanji, and nami were ridiculously big relative to everyone else. i swear, they might have been close to the size optimus prime and all those other robots! we have a competition at a pool. in our team was everyone i have mentioned above, except for sasuke, school kids, and the misc. children. we were racing and a bunch of autobots and decipticons were there. we did lots of swimming and none of us were wearing swim suits. don't worry! we had clothes on. we were seeing who could go faster and the decepticons were kickin' our butts and completed the 'sideways walk' thing in 1 minute. i was all like, 'i can beat that easy!' so i do it in 40 seconds, but apparently doing it faster is worse. i quote, 'sorry, but u went slower than they did, so u don't win.' i was just like WTH???!!! I BEAT THEM!!! WHEN U FREAKIN' RACE THE QUICKER TIME IS SUPPOSED TO WIN U BASTARDS!!'
and then, everyone was saying 'gasp' quite literally. some people were actually gasping, but whatever. then, sasuke appears on a pirate ship with an impressive sort of expression on his serious face, but hey, sasuke is hardly ever NOT serious anyway; he always looks serious. apparently sasuke was the pirate captain and he had come to bring doom upon us for whatever reason. i think it had something to do with the !@j#$ judges who said we lost. and that's where my dream ends. im not quite sure, but i think at some point during the dream, i saw a brief flash of midnighterdes8 lauging evily for no apparent reason. i don't know why, but i feel as if captain jack sparrow was there somewhere, and i have a feeling he was in my dream, but i never saw him. sasuke's minions were a bunch of cliche thugs and skeleton soldiers and all those stereotypical badguys. the skelemonkey midnighterdes8 gave me is having some strange effects on my mind...

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007


i got my hair cut against my will today. i was practically dragged upstairs by my mom. i hate it 'cuz she claims i keep moving too much and then all the ends become uneven. i told her, 'don't cut it too short, 'cuz i want to still be able to put it up into a ponytail.' i was thinking no more than an inch off. and another reason i hate it is because my mom insists on getting every single hair exactly the same length and nobody ever notices anyway. when i look in the mirror, its so short i can barely make a ponytail out of it. i thought to myself: HOW THE HELL DOES MY MOM THINK THIS A GOOD LENGTH TO CUT IT?! ITS TOO SHORT!!!!!

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Sunday, June 17, 2007

yet more randomness

i had another weird dream which had midnighterdes8, homsar88, UzumakiKitai, animelover12344, and a bunch of other school kids in it. this one is another 'dark world valleyfair': similar to the real valley fair, but slightly different. i was hanging out with midnighterdes8, homsar88, and UzumakiKitai and this valley fair had all the rides and a couple of new ones i have never heard about. it was a valleyfair/nightclub. it's weird, but that's how it is. there was music playing and a dj and stuff. and there weren't really any lines to get on the ride. there weren't really any safety precautions because the roller coaster tracks were right up against the edge of the dance floor, so u could very well be crushed by the roller coaster if u were careless. it was our turn and we got on. there were no adults and the ride started going before we had our seatbelts on. my dream self said 'woah, woah, wait! don't start the ride! i haven't got my seatbelt on yet!'whoever was controlling the roller coaster didn't care and it kept going. basically the rule is this: get your seatbelt on fast enough, or u will most likely fall off and die. we didn't die and we were going at a 100 mph. i said 'look at that yellow roller coaster!' midnighterdes8 said, 'Where?!' and i was like 'right there!! how can u not see it?!' as we went past it, it looked like the yellow roller coaster was in a huge room that looked like it was made of concrete and the waiting lines to get on it reminded me of a train station. i almost got ditched, but i managed to catch up again and we danced. i remember how horrible i was. man, even in a dream, i suck at dancing! that's just sad. then, the waiting lines for the rides were getting too long, so they decided to speed it up. the wild thing, steel venom, and every other ride that was at the real valleyfair, started going one after the other and they were actually bumping against one another. apparently the valleyfair in my dream was located in a giant building that also turned out to be a school and science facility, so this valleyfair was actually an amusement park/nightclub/school/science facility/train station all rolled into one. and there were no adults at all and even the bus drivers that were about to take us home looked as if they were being driven by kids. we were all rushing to the buses like a herd or lemmings and i saw monica there and i shouted to her, 'did u see the yellow roller coaster?!' and she said, 'yeah! look here. its on this video game simulation! and i saw a virtual yellow roller coaster. 'its got every single ride at valleyfair right on this game!' and i couldn't help but think 'why the hell would u want to play a simulation that doesn't even make u believe u r acutually riding it, when u can just ride the real ones? i mean, the 'simulation' was just a bunch of pictures of the rides, not a simulation. good god. thats all i can remember of my dream right now. i don't know why i have been having all these weird dreams lately. maybe its something i ate, or maybe its that skelemonkey midnighterdes8 gave me for my b-day. i quote midnighterdes8, 'the skelemonkey is working,' and when i heard that i said, 'what did u say?' and she said, 'nothing!' *shifty expression*

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Saturday, June 16, 2007

more randomness

i was watching robot chicken and u all now how freakin' random it is. it was mainly featuring a parody of scooby doo. they mystery gang go to this lake and it is the location of the machete-swinging ghost, or something like that anyway. fred says 'ok gang, lets split up. scooby,shaggy, u guys go there. velma go search there. daphne and i will be havin' sex at the cabin while we wait for u.' shaggy was saying to scooby how creepy it was and they meet up with the ghost and they jump into barrels popping in and out, and the machete-swinging ghost was trying to hack at them. it was like a more deadly version of whack-a-mole. shaggy doesn't escape fast enough and the ghost stabs him and u see blood go everywhere. 'zoinks! AAARGH!' then he kills scooby too. when he finds fred and daphne, fred says 'take the girl!' and shoves daphne toward him. they both die and then u see velma and she says 'ooh, just like always, the virgin is the one that lasts longest!' she makes a trap and the ghost comes along and sees a sub sandwich with a string tied to it. he grabs it and it causes a chain reaction, the shoe drops on the seesaw which launches something in the air and sets something on fire, which causes the sandwich to land on the other side of the ghost next to some bushes, and when the ghost, tries to grab it, velma pops out of the bushes and hits him on the head for her 'master plan' the ghost's identity is revealed and velma says, 'all my friends r dead, and im still a virgin!' then, little hearts start appearing between the ghost and velma and they start having sex and that is the end of the episode.

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.nn
nWhat Anime Youngster Are You?n
nHosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.n

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Invader Zim episode 2B!!!!!!

Online Videos by Veoh.com

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Invader Zim episode 2A!!!!!!!

Online Videos by Veoh.com

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007


ok, so i was just reading my one piece manga right? i was really enjoying it, and then my brother comes along and he says 'what r u looking at?' and i was just like 'what the heck is he talking about?' but i didn't say it out loud. he was kinda ranting and saying he could take me on and then he stops and says 'what was i doing again? oh yeah!' and then he leaves. i mean, wtf?! what was the point in that anyway? sometimes it makes me wonder...

right now, i m watching DEATH NOTE on veoh.com and im on episode 4 right now. i luv it! i think its kinda weird that im most like L. i took the quiz to prove it. UzumakiKitai was calling me that right before school was over and it turns out to be a fitting nickname for me after all...

hey, does anyone here like horror-type movies? im thinking about going to see that one movie, i think it was called '1408' or something like that. does anyone want to go see it with me? do u? speaking of horror, which inevitably has violence in it, i remember something my dad said. he said something along the lines of 'i dont like violent movies, with all the heads flying and all that gore and blood. i just like seeing movies with explosions and fighting.' it was something along those lines anyway. i DO remember that my brother,mom, and i burst out laughing and we were all like, 'thats the exact same type of violent movie u claim not to like dad! geez.'

do my drawings suck? or is it just that none of my friends are getting a chance to get on the o? i mean, no one every votes for 'em except homsar88. i can tell 'cuz they only get one vote or something. maybe if i drew naruto characters as emos it would get more votes. what do u think. heh heh heh... that would be freakin' hilarious. i can just picture it now.

darn, i forgot what i was gonna say. i know that it was something i probably saw on the internet. all i can remember is that it was HILARIOUS. but i can't remember! *sob*

ooo! wanna hear a dream i had? if u don't, thats too bad, cuz im typing it anyway! ha ha ha!!!
ok so, i was apparently in school, only the school was so cool. we shared lockers with someone and i had to share with Muffin king(the person). we had two classrooms and they were just two connected rooms with a bar. instead of desks, there were couches and funny designs all over. i said i forgot my lunch and apparently all of my stuff and Muffin king's stuff was to fit in my lunch box which made no sense. we had lunch, but i dont really remember much about that part. the students were locked in a glass room full of lions, dragons, and golden retrievers. apparently there was some sort of competion and Muffin king was my partner for this 'activity' our rivals picked a dragon for flying, which seemed to be the perfect choice for this mission. all i knew was that a flying creature was best for whatever the hell we were supposed to do. strange as it may seem, we picked eggs that hatched into the creature we picked and we picked a golden retriever. now, i know golden retrievers dont hatch out of eggs, but none of this makes sense anyway. it was HUGE. way bigger than an actual golden. it was probably as big as, or bigger than akamaru in the shippuden. we got on it and said 'now fly!' and it made a running leap and.. landed back on the ground. i said 'why aren't we flying?!' and Muffin king goes 'wait a minute! dogs don't fly! i just remember!' and i was like 'darn!'
i had a tea party with my family and Muffin king and we began singing a Chinese song and a golden clock tower began chiming and it was playing the very song we were singing. suddenly we stopped singing and said 'where is that music coming from?!' and i pointed to the clock. 'its coming from that clock!' *gasp*
it was x-mas and we had a bunch of elves and reindeer slaving away, along with students. oddly enough, the elves looked like the ones from invader zim. also, even though my dream never said it out loud, i knew that we were preparing to take over the world when all the presents were delivered. thats why we were working so fast; to take over the world faster. the presents were being transported in coal carts and they were singing a song to keep the pace. without even thinking, i also knew that Midnighterdes8 was the one in charge and while the elves were working, in my dream, i saw a brief flash of midnighterdes8 laughing evily.

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Monday, June 11, 2007

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.nn
nWhat Death Note Character Are You?n
nHosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.n

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