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midnighterdes8's Elf,emo girl,Gir, or L
Bothering people! Learning the Doom Song, blown up other pirate ships
Anime Fan Since
I was 12
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Naruto, One Piece,Fullmetal Alchemist, Death Note, Bleach, Samurai Champloo, Jing: King of Bandits, Black Blood Brothers, Cardcaptors Sakura, Zero no Tsukaima, Suzumiya Haruhi no yuutsu, Keroro Gunso,Tsubasa, Black Cat, Shaman King, Pani Poni Dash, Gintam
Become world's greatest pirate and taking over the world with my vampire piggy army
reading, skiing, snowmobiling, bothering people, taking over the world and watching t.v.
Bothering people, singing the doom song
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Sunday, June 10, 2007
lets make bisquits!
hah hahaha hahahhahhhaaaaaa!!!!!!
i have always wanted to say that in japanese. i give a cookie to anyone who can guess what it means. hee hee hee.
anyway, i had breakfast at sofitel and it was high class stuff *doop*
it was $30 per person but it was worth it. i had some eggs and some bacon and sausages and high class cornbread and pasta and some roast beef and a few pastries. they had quite a bit to choose from and the cookies were great.
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Saturday, June 9, 2007
Invader Zim episode 1!!!!!!!!!
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Friday, June 8, 2007
valley fair
yesterday i had the most fun i have ever had before. my dad let me stay late and it was AWESOME!!!!!!! i was in a 'mafia' group with midnighterdes8, UzumakiKitai,mitch, and chelsea, and at one point, some guy whose name i didn't know. later in the day we were joined by heather, justin, alex s., alex i.,and kramer. at the beginning, midnighterdes8 had 2 blackmail me onto excalibur, wild thing, steel venom, power tower, etc. But now im glad she had to be so evil and force me onto those rides cuz i really luved them alot. it wasn't so bad at all. i was so eager to try them all. but the power tower sucked in my opinion. i was disappointed on that one. we met gunfire-girl and animelover12344 a couple times. i rode the wave, wild thing, steel venom, eterprise, excalibur, renegade, corkscrew, thunder canyon, etc.
i played a couple of games with alex s. and we were planning the 'lose on purpose' trick and even though alex was supposed to let me win the penguin and i was supposed to let him win the shadow hedgehog, it was the exact opposite and we switched prizes. i m so glad my watch still works. i rode the wave and when it was too late, i realized that my watch isn't waterproof. UzumakiKitai accidentally ditched us, but it doesn't matter. wats important is we met up again later. i have lost my voice from all that shrieking though. alex i. held a little bird in his hand and we were being 'stalked' by paul. i hope i can go to valley fair again in the future. i knew i shouldn't have brought my stuff in that blue bag cuz everyone was fighting over who should carry it. im sorry for that! and wat is sad is that when we were eating lunch, i couldn't get the plastic off my lunchables and every single person tried at the table and then chelsea just opens it. i thought it was funny when one of us goes 'oh no we were supposed to meet ______ three hours ago!' i had a great time. its too bad homsar88 wasn't there but oh well. i still had a BOOMBASTIC TIME!!!
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Saturday, June 2, 2007
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Your Psyche is Red | 
You are bright, bold, energetic, and intense.
Your upbeat, zany energy inspires those who are down.
Spontaneous and playful, you also have a courageous and fearless side.
When you are too red: you are angry, overprotective, and truly scary.
When you don't have enough red: you are depleted and lifeless. |
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Friday, June 1, 2007
oh, the irony
ok so anyway, after i watched the naruto shippuden, i was doing stuff and yeah whatever. we were having shrimp for dinner and i was like BLAH GROSS!!! so i had taquitos instead. my brother warned me that i should wait, but i didn't. just as i finished eating, my dad comes home and he says 'since lili doesn't eat shrimp i got this for her' and he has my favorite food still hot off the grill from wherever the hell he got it from. my brother laughs in my face and stuff. grr...
if anyone touches that food, me keels them! hah ahhhaaaa! *doop*
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Sunday, May 27, 2007
yesterday, i went to go see pirates of the caribbean 3 at world's end with chihiro-chan. IT WUZ AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i luv the plot and the explosions and it was so hilarious too!!!!!!!!! just the other day, midnighterdes8 was trying to ruin it for me no doubt because it amuses her. oh well, i just shouted noises at the top of my lungs to drown her out. but midnighterdes8 isnt so evil that she would actually ruin the plot for me right?... ok, maybe she would. but anyway, before the movie we went to hot topic and i saw a gir t-shirt i really wanted, but didn't buy it. i also went to the bookstore after the movie was over.
today, i went to denny's and it took forever to get food. my dad was swearing and stuff and saying how it was 'a discriminating restaurant that liked to serve @!#' but he did have a point, i mean these people that got here after us got served food first and for another thing,some of the food was rather cold. now i remember why we stopped coming to dennys in the first place. and they dont even sell super toast! its an outrage! postuliooo wishes them to seeerve itttt!!! ooooo! *doop*
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Sunday, May 20, 2007
i hate life right now. i cant believe how horrible its been without dad around. last night i was watching tv in the office and my brother was watching tv in the family room and we werent bothering each other or anything. just as one of my favorite shows is about to come on, my brother comes in and makes me shut off the tv and go upstairs. WTH?!! wat gives that !@#$8 the right to send me to bed when i always stay up this late anyway? why does he even care?! just cuz he's older than me, he thinks he can be the dictator of the house. and last week it was the same, just cuz he was banned from watching tv, he practically threatens me not to watch tv either! im the scapegoat around here and thats how its been for years. 95% of the time, its his fault anyway. and my mom is always complaining about how i never put my own dirty dishes in the dishwasher cuz im too lazy. and then, today i actually did put them away in the dishwasher for once and they yell at me because the other dishes were clean. WTH should they be mad that i put dirty dishes in with the clean ones when its their fault for not telling me the dishes were still clean? i mean, they were even in the same room! good god. my mom sounded like she was thinking 'she must have done that on purpose just to be a brat' these r only some of the reasons why i like it better at school than at home. reasons for liking school better:
1. i get to see friends
2. im allowed to be almost as noisy as i want without getting hit or yelled at
3. im actually happy enough to laugh
4. people actually give clear instructions and dont get mad because i screwed something up cuz they didnt explain properly or get ridiculously mad when the mistake is so insignificant that it doesn't even matter in the least
5. i dont have to cook food for anyone
6. i can be creative and much more expressive in school than at home
7. i can get mad at anyone who dares to steal my stuff at school without getting threatening looks
8. i dont have to listen to disgusting jokes at lunch or eat something i dont want to
9. no one is going to ambush me in the hallway in some dark place just to get the satisfaction of hearing me scream(well, that DOES sound like something midnighterdes8 would do...but i see her coming, i just feeling like using her random pouncing on me as an excuse to scream for the heck of it)
boy, i sure cant wait 'til nii-chan leaves for college in duluth. maybe i wont have to take so much abuse then.
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Saturday, May 19, 2007
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