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midnighterdes8's Elf,emo girl,Gir, or L
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I was 12
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Naruto, One Piece,Fullmetal Alchemist, Death Note, Bleach, Samurai Champloo, Jing: King of Bandits, Black Blood Brothers, Cardcaptors Sakura, Zero no Tsukaima, Suzumiya Haruhi no yuutsu, Keroro Gunso,Tsubasa, Black Cat, Shaman King, Pani Poni Dash, Gintam
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Monday, October 15, 2007
OMFG, it's GAY-dara!!!
lol... today in art was by far the most interesting, i just HAVE to post. it is freakin' hilarious. so i was getting to painting skin tones for deidara and while i was doing this, megan started talking about how clowns r evil when autumn said how her 11 year old brother and his friends were crying at a corn maze cuz of the vampire clowns with a chainsaw. and then when megan said that clowns r the absolute worst evil, autumn says "yeah i know! and once when i went to the circus, the clown picks a toddler boy from the audience and hands him a little squirt gun and then the clown takes out this really big super soaker and blasts the kid with it!! it was soo sad!!" lmao, that is kinda sad and yet funny. megan said that clowns r never actually happy and they have to paint smiles on their faces. and at this point i was about half way through painting deidara's face a tint of orange and megan goes "oh my god, clowns always paint orange on their faces, it's a sign that a person is a clown!!" and i was so insulted and i say "what??! u did not just call deidara a clown!! how dare u?!" and at the exact same time everyone at the table says "GAY-dara???" my jaw dropped open and i half shout "NO!! DEIDARA! not GAY-dara!!" but then i paused and say out loud "but then again that IS what im painting here." megan and everyone else was like "what??! that's a GUY??? but i thought he was a woman!" and i say "no! deidara's a guy, this is yaoi and that's what im painting, it's called yaoi, it's what i have been painting this whole time and i already explained last friday what that was" and u should have seen the looks on their faces. they were soo horrified and were all like "eww!! god that's messed up!" and i nearly rolled my eyes, but managed to control myself. and the next thing i said was something like "this is nothing, u should see some of the OTHER yaoi pics i found online. *perverted grin*" and then one of 'em says "so you're saying u look at anime porn online?" and autumn was like "hey isn't that called hentai or something? oh god!!" and they got it into their heads that i spend hours of free-time staring at hentai pics even though i only saw like ONE by accident. it's not like there's anything wrong with seeing two half naked guys making out in the rain. we started talking about anime in general and i said pokemon was an anime and they were all like "i luv that show!!" and then i was like "u know someone made pokemon hentai online?" and they were like 0_____0... 0____< and i was like "u know how brock is hitting on every girl he meets and then one of his pokemon pops up and has to hurt him and drag him off? well there's a pervert in every anime u know so get used to it"
megan also started calling me a clown cuz apparently "clowns don't have emotions" and i was being totally uncaring when we were talking about something that was apparently "sad" when it was just stupid. and i say "how would u know they don't have emotions unless u WERE a clown?" and alina was like "yeah!! she's right! megan's a clown!!" and somehow alina said "we should make a video section on youtube called "art class"!! and we could have reenactments for some stuff!" and they started doing their impression of me and i was soo outraged and that was totally not me and i say to them "i will kill u all if i find that on youtube!!" lol.... *shakes head*
and we were talking about something i can't remember, but in response i said "i would rather be a pirate ninja alchemist" and megan's definition of alchemist was "an drunken alcoholic who takes lots of Alka-seltzer!!" alina was the only one who really had the faintest inkling of a clue what i was talking about and that makes me respect her a tad bit more than the rest.
during spanish, something funny actually happened despite having a teacher who seems to have a problem with me drawing. i swear she practically bitches about it like at conferences, the way she says it, drawing ought to be illegal or something. but anyway we were watching this spanish video about the verb "tener" and a good part was when it was talking about when to use it and an example sentence was "I am hot." XDDDDD. but the best part was when we see a bunch of scary looking garden gnomes singing this fucked up song with all the conjugated forms of tener and i was laughing my guts out. i was like "OMFG, LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and i could barely control myself even a minute after watching it and when the song is over, i think it was Nick who goes "well THAT wasn't creepy!!" and it was freakin' hilarious. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!
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Saturday, October 13, 2007
ha ha ha... i just remembered the thing i wanted to say!! i can't remember if i told u guys or not, but it is freakin' HILARIOUS. at least to me cuz of how ignorant ppl can be...
this happened in art the other day when megan asked everyone at the table "so what's everyone looking forward to today?" and i spoke up and said "Deathnote" and they all turned and looked at me like i was crazy or something. like i had said something REALLY crazy and after a pause i rolled my eyes and said "it's an ANIME" and they were all like "oooooh!!!! phew, we thought it was like a suicide or someone was gonna kill u and u were looking forward to it so we were all like "why would u look forward to that?"... yeah.." it was freakin' hilarious and somehow megan got into talking about how she would like to draw a hippo on my nose and alina says "hey! that's not nice! apologize right now!" and megan was all like "what? what did i say?" and alina says "u just said her nose looks like a hippo!" and megan was like "no i didn't, im just saying i want to draw a hippo on her nose!!" at which point i mutter "i would rather jump off a cliff than have u draw a hippo on my nose" and then autumn was like "megan did u hear what she just said?" and everyone was like "hey that's a bit extreme there." i said it depends on how high the cliff is and they said the kind of cliff they had in mind was a 20,000,000 ft tall bigger than niagara falls cliff. *shakes head*
i also saw this wrong thing on a nickelodeon commercial in which two balls collide and then form what resembles a banana and launches more balls out of it. and i also saw on cartoonnetwork two movie film things making out with each other and a commercial for "fruit scented" stuffed animals and one of 'em was "cherry flavored" XDDDDDDD. and i also saw what looks like emo dib on the mastercontrol commercials. and the names for the "teams" were soo stupid. i mean, for god's sake, one of 'em was called the vikinators! omfg, could there be a lamer name?? the emo dib team was the only cool one there. or maybe it could also be emo harry cuz he did have lighting bolt shaped scar, only under the eye so that doesn't really count. XD
me and homsar88 also thought up this hilarious idea for a fanmanga involving cherry banana split fun time, gelatinous blobs of gelatin, boobies, envy(man-woman) and his thunder thighs), a perverted monkey aka Kiko-chan, roy mustang in a speedo, Captain Pants-off, breaking through windows and walls for no reason, the wicked witch of the west, grinding with our bad selves, teleportation ishida, sexy dancing, roy mustang in a speedo, cereal and milk, finding "gold" and being emo in a corner of the room. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. it is freakin' hilarious!
8 more days till deathnote and 6 more days till a new naruto shippuden FINALLY gets subbed. im also gonna watch the much anticipated clash between naruto and sasuke for the first time(again) on teh roof and boy is sakura stupid for running right where they're gonna collide, but sasuke retrieval arc is finally started rolling. yay! kidoumaru vs neji is highly anticipated even though i already saw it, but still.
1. do u like the halloween theme? isn't roy just teh cutest with all that candy?
2. let's grind with our bad selves!!
3. would kakashi be more likely to dress up for Halloween as:
A. a blob of gelatin
B. a mummy
C. scarecrow
D. chicken
E. piggy
F. some sorta weird combination of everything
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Friday, October 12, 2007
omg, that was funny
well there was something funny that happened at lunch, but first about art...
well for some reason when i took my painting off the drying rack from yesterday, i thought it didn't look as good as i had thought yesterday. and how the heck do ppl paint on canvass so well?! two other girls could paint soo well and no white spots showed through! but mine did... TT__TT ... well i think deidara's hair has turned out the best so far and the cloaks r pretty neat if those hideous white spots would just GO AWAY!! *shakes fist at them like how me and homsar88 did at willy-wonka-with-plastic-surgery guy in costume* sasori's hair is icky to me anyway, but at least autumn and someone else liked it. still don't know what color to paint their skin either...
skipping that shitty spanish class, let's move on to lunch time. so i got my food and sat down next to Captain Pants-off cuz the other chair had a bit of water on it. i ate one wonton(even though i never tried an authentic wonton b4 i KNEW it was a shitty imitation of a real wonton that they should have just renamed it shit-pie XD). and i was talking to chelsea and i wondered out loud to myself if i should throw it at him and chelsea says "do it to him!! do it to him!"(me: 0_0) and then i say to Captain Pants-off, "hey she said she thinks i should do it with u" and joel slowly turns to look at chelsea with that classic expression on his face. 0____<
it was pretty funny and i laughed sooo hard afterwards. and once he said to me "stop touching me!" cuz i was poking him with the wonton-that-isn't over and over to see if he wanted it. and the best part was when we were reading fortune cookies and he said "these fortunes r only interesting if u add "in bed" at the end!" and i was all like "OMG, join the club!" my fortune said: do not leave for tomorrow what could be done today(in bed). LOL!! i also shrieked loudly cuz this stalker guy touched me and katie nearly hit me in teh face with her icecream cone.
me and Muffin king were having a poking match this morning we were going up the stairs and Muffin king fell over and i nearly broke my ankle and i said to stop cuz if we r gonna have a poke of doom match it has to be a level surface and so we go to the middle of the stairs and we continued with that and we struggled for like a minute and once he accidentally poked me in a wrong spot and then he runs off after about a minute of some intense poking(me: *thinking to self* ha, u got pwned!! oh snap!) and then i notice that middy was watching us and said it was so amusing when we fought with each other. i also had a crazy urge to do the sexy dance right in teh middle of one class and i sang the akatsuki safari song after lunch in front of some audience members. i also ran purposefully into a wall near teh end of the day. XDDDDDDDDD. btw, i got my fanart up so go see it and say stuff that would be nice. but unfortunately there doesn't appear to be any color on the roy mustang pic. TT_____TT and that was one of the best ones!!
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Thursday, October 11, 2007
ha ha ha... well today i had a sorta normal day, but two funny things happened. but first...
in art class i started painting my sasodei in earnest and after finding out i shouldn't outline, i started painting part of the akatsuki cloaks and i used pure black on part of it and then the teacher comes by and tells me "oh you know, you're not supposed to use pure black, u have to mix it with one of your other colors ok?" OMG!!!! how the hell was i supposed to know??! she never said we couldn't, just that we could choose to mix it with one of our other colors to get a tone of that color not that we HAD to!! but ironically, i think that my painting on the cloaks ended up looking better because i didn't know that. cuz if i hadn't used pure black i wouldn't have used that weird blackish red color to cover it. it's really cool and i like how the shading has come out cuz im using multiple colors in their cloaks and i really like how deidara's hair is looking pretty awesome. it might actually turn out better than i thought cuz im not as messy as i thought and im staying in the lines pretty well.
the first funny thing i was talking about was in math when we were learning something new and one kid says "are we ever going to USE this in real life?" and the teacher says "well yes, when u kick a soccer ball you'll measure the trajectory of it's path.." i couldn't tell if she was trying to be funny or not cuz it sure seemed like it, but then steve says slightly sarcastically "yes, because i do that every time i kick a ball" i wonder if anyone else realized how slightly wrong that sounds. i don't know about u, but i thought about cherries and that was pretty funny. and also near the end of geometry class cristina was talking about she always liked to blow up peeps(those marshmallow things with pure sugar coating it) in the microwave and zoe was eating pure cocoa powder and grossing out steve.
the second funny thing was when i was on the bus and kids were all getting off, and this one boy is talking in a REEEALLY loud voice and this is what he was shouting as he got off the bus ".. yeah!! and im gonna get a tattoo that says, in capital letters "BAD"... on my ass!!!!!!"
ha ha ha lmao!!! it was all i could do to not burst out laughing!! and i was all like "OMFG, WTF??" and it was hilarious. god that was funny...
death note draws ever nearer and yes i will probably say this in every post cuz im soo excited. 9 days left....
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007
well first thing i need to say is that something hilarious happened the other day. i was at lunch and when i get my lunch tray and set it down i was still standing cuz everyone else was and we were all sorta fighting and kelly was doing random stuff. joel aka Captain Pants-off was standing there too and he seemed to think all i do is stand staring at him the whole livelong day and that it was creepy so i say something like "no, that's not creepy. let me show u something that's REALLY creepy" and i hop closer to him and get this wide-eyed look and stare while being practically on top of him and he sorta gets a little freaked and backs off a bit. and then all of a sudden kelly pushes me into joel and i accidentally give him a big groping hug with my head in his chest. after a 5 second awkward silence of hugging, he says "all right, that's it, im outta here!!" and speeds off and i call out to him "wait! don't go! it was an accident, i swear!!" and he mutters "yeah right" as he disappears.
today i gave homsar88 my drawings so hopefully we can see those and we were talking about "Dotty" LOL!!! and we were talking about how i made Envy's thighs all fat cuz for the legs i had no reference to work from so homsar88 says something funny "what the heck i asked for a tattoo on my butt, not a tattoo and ANOTHER butt!!!" XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. and i screwed up just slightly with itakisa pic cuz kisame's collar was supposed to be in front of that one part of itachi's hair but i was all absent minded when drawing that so yeah. and the eagle vison news was funny cuz in the musical "Honk!" they were doing the sexy dance! omfg, i would go see it just for that. and at the end reed golden says "and are u so sure im wearing any pants??" XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.
i started painting my sasodei painting and i spent a long time carefully outlining with the thinnest brush and then the teacher says i should try not to outline and make it more realistic. great! after all that work of tedious outlining i have to go against how i have always done my art! but i will still outline the eyes i think. but at least i didn't outline the whole thing before she told me that. everyone is liking my art and tell me so and that makes me happy cuz nobody on the otaku says as much really and a lot of ppl here r more talented than me in terms of art but for once my art is better than the average person in art class, but there is a reeeally amazing person who can draw too, but at least im still better than most... and it was funny cuz right in the middle of art, i hear one of the boys shout "GRAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!! i can't do this!!!!!!!!!! i can't draw this crap!" and it was pretty funny cuz he sounded like some character from Invader Zim. lol...
death note premieres in just 10 days if everything goes according to plan and im soooo excited!! it's like a new year countdown except in days not seconds. maybe ryuk and raito will watch it with me cuz L is at homsar-chan's house right now. ^^
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Tuesday, October 9, 2007
anime club rocks!
ha ha ha... boy that first club meeting was great. and when me and middy walk into the room i go over and matrix tackle homsar88. and there was all of my friends there. and this one boy who grabbed my head one day "to see if i had a brain" and ever since then, every time we see each other we point in an overly dramatic way and say "YOUUUU!!" it's funny. it was soo great when chihirochan walks in the door cuz all of us rush over and attack her with a group hug of doom. we also got registration forms for Anime Detour(i hope i can go) and good news about Too Cool and that it's reopening on the 2nd floor and we can tell the guy what to order and that will be cool and it will "have more anime and less random crap" when we voted for what anime to watch the 2nd one had "robots with pointy things" on the cover and homsar88 put up her hand for sailor moon lol. we ended up watching black cat and tsubasa. black cat was awesome cuz creed was totally obsessed with train and when train defeats him he's like "oh! u broke my sword with hades! oh i need u!" and stuff and then later he says "u don't know what train means to me! or what i mean to train!" and there was this part where the guy with eyepatch sounds like he's having sex with eve while talking to her. lol. and when he is arguing with his friend and eve is asking if they r close and she's reading a book that says something like "bonds of marriage"lol. and the ending was AWESOME!!! i luv the kitties! and the arms wiggling like noodles, creed and train grinding with each other at this one part, and when train is about to kiss the girl, all of a sudden creed pops up! LMAO!!
in tsubasa i totally have a crush on sakura's brother toya!! and i swear kurogane looks a lot like yamato from naruto. and there's this one guy who has "a sexy tattoo"(homsar88) on his back and then at the next part everyone suddenly says "chi!!!" at the same time in a high pitched voice. sakura gets summoned by the giant pointed bananas!! and it was pretty funny. i doodled chibi deidara on the whiteboard saying "time for cherry banana split fun time! un!" XD. and we were also talking about how naraku's insects showed up and we were all like "omfg, what the heck r they doing there?!" and there was this great part where the guy is holding mokona and the other furry things and homsar88 says "those r conveniently placed and shaped" and we were all like "LMAO!!" cuz how mokona kept saying "Puu!!" and everything was like a pokemon parody. but one of the best parts was when homsar88 says "i knew the sun was evil!!!!" and everyone burst out laughing. XDDDDDDD. and the wolf made of fire was cool and so was the sting ray creature. and animelover12344 was like "it's naruto all over again" and mokona looks like wigglituff. and also when Syaoran grabs the feather thing and he clutches it to his crotch and homsar88 was all like "protect my balls magic feather!!" lmao. oh and in the beginning when the girl gets wings we were all like "she's had a taste of red bull! LOL!" and when she gets summoned by the giant bananas was great! XDDD. and the guy with goggles was totally homsar88 with his pose! OMG!! join the goggle club lol! at the end of anime club when it was time to go both me and animelover12344 said at the same time "*in our gir voices* Aww man!!" and it was hilarious.
when we were standing around outside we had a ton of great jokes going on like the poles in the ground and i was all like "scoot over homsar88!" and she was like "three at once? i don't think that will work. go get your own!" and when we were comparing tongues i said "orochimaru's got a reeeally long and skinny one!" and we burst out laughing and kelly and homsar88 taught me how to skip properly cuz i was all jerky and stuff while skipping and we grinding to the tune of sailor moon. and there was this great part when homsar88 imitates an old prospector and we were like "yeeeah gold!!" in this hilarious voice. and when kelly says something like "get warm in me" or something, we burst out laughing and practically every single sentence we talked about was soo wrong on sooo many levels. oh and homsar88 showed me a chibi of ishida with blood coming out his head. XDDDDDDDDDD. did i forget something? i feel like there's at least one more pervy joke to share. and yes middy made lots of amusing comments and everyone thought syaoran was like a stick and stuff. and we were arguing about how harry potter was emo and stuff. it was pretty funny and homsar88 asked middy if she would like a cherry banana split. she said no. XD. did i forget something else i ought to mention? oh yeah and several wrong handmotions too. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.
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Sunday, October 7, 2007
random stuff
well first of all, i know have my L cosplay ready, except for TWO things. one is that L has shadows under his eyes, and the other is that i need to try and get my hair to look like L's and im trying to avoid a wig cuz im trying to delude myself that if i have enough hair gel i could pull it off. now be honest, do u think that could be possible or should i forget about that part?
here's some random pictures i found while bored with nothing to do and i think most of u recognize the 2nd one(LOL):

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sigh... today just went to normal to pretty crappy and suckish. my mom had to go to the hospital today and dad drove her there, so im all alone at home. currently it's 11:50 am and im kinda worried. i think she should be fine but she had to go to the emergency room. for the record she has kidney stone pains and i thought that had stopped happening years ago. im trying to take my mind off things, but im not really motivated and i can get sort of paranoid about these things. like a while back when mom didn't come back when she said she would and i spent hours worrying something had happened to her like a car accident or something. or like that time when she came sooo close to being caught on the bridge when it collapsed. this is kinda depressing, but by some luck we have never been hurt enough to call it "life-threatening" bad stuff almost does happen and it makes me increasingly more paranoid something will happen and i don't think i have told anyone but my mind always conjures up such realistic images of things that could go wrong and it drives me mad, but i can't stop thinking like that. we've had to learn stuff the hard way about things. my dad nearly got his eye taken out by exploding glass for one thing and if he had been so much as a centimeter back he probably would have. and there was the time waaaay before i was born when they ran into a tree while driving cuz they actually fell asleep cuz the road was soo long and straight and no cars in sight(middle of nowhere). nowadays, even if one member of my family goes out for so much as a quick 5 minute trip to the gas station, i get worried. i hate it when that happens cuz terrible visions of some horrible accident crop up in my mind... im definitely gonna lose it if i can't just try and relax for once. i need a hug.
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Friday, October 5, 2007
PUHITZZA!! *spits on u*
hi im gonna make this as short as possible so plz comment or im just gonna think that it doesn't make a blind bit of a difference how long this post is and i may as well go back to uber long posts.
i think i told some ppl that i got a rather big spoiler ruined about tobi's true identity, but im remaining in denial for a bit.
im gonna paint something really cool in art! guess what it is? sasodei yaoi! im using reference, but i might actually be able to pull it off.
i now have new band i like called: Panic! at the disco and it pwns. i guess.
i also can't wait for to show u guys my 2 pt perspective city drawing, it's finished and all i need to is to ink and color it. and now... maybe... just maybe, depending on the situation.. i might just start going to youtube just a LITTLE more. i found out that all naruto shippuden episodes have gone from full length the other day, to a freakin' 5 MINUTES preview and if it persists i go back to youtube. u know i almost cried when gaara is dead cuz it's soo sad... almost. no? what could be sadder? srsly tell me. from naruto anime i mean.
1. who do u think will end up killing itachi?
2. kakashi breakdancing or doing sexy dance?(which turns u on... more?)
3. who is teh absolute most UGLY girl in naruto anime? ino is definitely somewhere up there don't u think?
4. do u like my second bg of toshiro-kun?
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Thursday, October 4, 2007
what a waste of time
hi everyone it's me!! i was the turkey all along! -Gir
well anyways, i will try to keep this as short as possible and i appologize for the ridiculously long posts. -___-"
i just got back from the conferences and god was it a waste of time! apparently my collage was SUPPOSED to go up on display, but didn't get up for some reason, even though mine was the only original one and kicked ass compared to all the stupid beach collages! god!! and also my spanish teacher was saying i never raised my hand enough cuz i was chatting with alex and drawing naruto(totally mispronounced it "NAY ROO TOE" but i suprised she actually knew the name but she was saying i was always doodling art when i should be listening and i was all like "OMFG, NO I WASN'T!" my god, i just had my 2 pt perspective drawing sitting on my desk cuz i had no place else to put it and she just took it away when i DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!! and i do raise my hand, she just never calls on me and alex in the back!!
the only funny thing that happened was seeing this random guy dancing on the stairs with this girl and he had a bucket of fake vegetables strapped on his head for whatever reason. lol...
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