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myOtaku.com: pirategaara

Saturday, March 3, 2007

What Do Naruto Characters Think of You(For Girls)(With Detailed Explanations + your love life) by HajimeNoOwari
Enter Your Name
Your Age
Narutolikes you because you are cool and hyper plus you like ramen;)
Sasukethinks you are hot but he would raither die than addmit it
Gaaradreams of kissing you but is afraid to fall in love with you because he does not want you to get hurt by Shukaku
Nejiis determined to win your heart although you refused to go out with him
Itachiis your partner, you two are both silent, calm and deadly. You aren't social and to a naked eye seem to be just partness sharing the bond of silence. But if you look deeper you would see you realy care for eachother and would willingly die to protect one another. And on the cold nights when nobody is around there is a great way of sharing body heat you too practice. ;)
Kakashicurses constantly for you are to young for him, if you weren't he'd ask you to marry him, he loves your style and you attitude (and your ability to repel Gai)
Orochimarucan't decide if he should take your body or make you his slave, if he takes your body he can grope himself and watch himself get naked, but if you are his minion he can do it nonetheless but you would probably kick his ass for it
Kabutorespects you because you saw trough his lies on the Chuunin exams and because you kicked his but the first chance you got after it
Shikamarudoesn't think you are too trublesome, his way of telling you he liked you
Shinorespects you because you are strong and you can make him laugh (but constantly thretens that if you tell anyone he can laugh it will be the end of you)
Kibaalways blushes when you are around ever since you licked his face when he had some ice cream on it. Everyone can see he has a crush on you but he still wont admit it.
Your Splecial Traitswitty, strong, sexy, funny
Your SoulmateNeji, you are both smart and like to smirk a lot
Who You End Up With And How You MetKakashi - you fought him for the last Icha Icha Paradise book on the bookstore shelf
How You DieYou get run down by a hurd of Sasuke fangirls

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