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myOtaku.com: pirategaara

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Banzai for taser guns!
ok, so i when i was eating dinner last night, we were talking about school and stuff like that. then, my mom and dad were talking about the bus stop i would have for high school next year. my dad was arguing about how it was too dangerous for me to walk home from there since it was too far. feeling sarcastic, i say 'yeah dad, u never know what kind of homicidal ax swinging maniac may be waiting to ambush me in the bushes.' my dad didn't realize i was being sarcastic and said that no girl as young as me would ever walk that distance and it would never happen. then, all of a sudden, he was telling me how to defend myself. u should have a taser. that's what dad says and then he says that if the 'bad guy' were to get it from me, it would be even worse. i tell him 'don't worry dad, i will keep a spare just in case that happens.' dad was all like 'what if the guy has a knife? then it would be all over for you' everyone starts arguing about tasers and my brother explains how a taser works to my mom and then dad was wondering about how much a taser costs and my brother says since a taser is technically a nonlethal weapon, there would be no age limit or anything. they were actually talking seriously as if they were going to buy me a taser. at some point i say 'i would LOVE to have a taser. it would be fun. or maybe i could have a cattle prod just in case the bad guy gets BOTH of my tasers from me.' tasers could be allowed in buildings yeah u could conceal it if u had to. i was thinking 'OMG guys! why r u even talking so seriously about this anyway?! its not like you're actually gonna buy a taser anyway, so why bother arguing about whether or not it would be legal for me to have one??' we started talking about where a taser would be allowed and stuff like that. for what seemed like more than 15 minutes, we talked about taser guns. while it is true that i will probably never get a taser, i would LOVE to have one. it would make the hallways less conjested and i could get to class faster. im a very impatient person, so moving as slow as a rock in the hallways really bugs me. aside from the tasers, we also talked about the best way to fight a guy. everyone was talking all at once and we were having two conversations at the same time and i could hardly understand what was going on. my mom seemed particularily interested in how a taser works and it almost seemed as if she wanted one. it was a bit creepy though, my mom wanting a taser. after dinner my brother was attacking me and my mom with a suction thing used for removing air from a wine bottle. he was saying i should get one of those and it would be more effective than a taser. it would be good for removing eyeballs from someone's sockets. i ask WTH i would want THAT instead of a taser, and he says, 'oh no, i mean im getting one for myself to use on u' and then when mom tells him that he forgot to take out the recycling like she asked a couple minutes ago, he says 'im an elephant, and an elephant never forgets' in a funny voice and mom says, 'well, apparently, this elephant does' and then later when i was watching blood +, kai was trying to stay and fight the monster with a milk jug and my brother comments on that and says it wouldn't really do much against monsters, much less a person. i thought that was hilarious.

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