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myOtaku.com: pirategaara

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

i had waffles!!
sorry i haven't posted in so long, but what r u gonna do about it??! HUH?! HUH?!... HUH?! yeah, so anyway, i have been dying to tell everyone about this creepy ringtone my brother has. maybe its just cuz i have recently seen DARKNESS at midnighterdes8's house, but it scares me. it reminds me of that little toy carousel that turns on by itself and starts playing its music. ordinarily, it would be fine, but not if it starts playing all by itself. no matter how often my brother's phone rings, i never get used to it. im a little paranoid right now and i feel kinda nervous.

ok, now i can FINALLY start finishing this post. sorry about that! my dad came along before i could finish this post, so yeah. now, like i was saying, i had waffles for breakfast. and not just any waffles: belgian waffles! yay! they taste soo good, especially with the sausages and eggs to go with it. i was pretty clever if i do say so myself. why is that u ask? well, i wanted eggs, but i wanted mom to cook 'em for me, so i used my subtle tactics. "it sure would be nice if i had some delicious eggs to go with these waffles. that would make it perfect. not doing so means u don't love me." pretty skillful eh? WA HA HA!!! i am soo awesome at that. even though she was gonna cook 'em anyway, but SILENCE!!!

i saw robot chicken last night featuring sabrina the teenage bitch. u know that cat right? well he was sitting on the counter and says 'sabrina, my cat food is up on that shelf where i can't reach it and im soo hungry. will u please get it for me?' sabrina says 'um, let me think... NO!!!' something like that anyway. LOL. even better was when it was halloween and sabrina threw the little childrens' candy off a bridge into the river. LMAO.

as any half-wit might realize, my site has a new theme!!(obviously).
how WOULDN'T u notice that?? HUH?! HUH?! HUH?! HUH?!... HUH?!

1. do u like the new theme? HUH?!
2. which yaoi is better: kakashiXiruka or sasukeXnaruto? (random question, i know. but this has been bugging my for a while now.)
3. fight communism with hair gel.

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