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myOtaku.com: pirategaara

Friday, August 24, 2007

almost done!
well, im just posting cuz i have nothing else to do... *shifty expression* ... well ok, i really should be finishing my book report instead on posting about it. 0_-' wow what a demented thingy. well come on here! i mean, i only need to write about 20 more words and im done with it. its kinda sad actually. a couple days ago i had 30 words left to go and then today, my mom asked me if i was finished and i said i only had 20 more words left and she was all like 0_0 -_-''
and says to me: a couple days ago u said u only had 30 words left and now u have 20?? your telling me that u ONLY completed 10 more words??! *sigh* i can't help being lazy. sometimes i think im turning into shikamaru. well, tomorrow i go to see a movie with homsar88 and we're calling it the 'RUBBER SUIT THING'. more on that later. in my next post, i'll tell u guys all about it. let's just say it's like an inside joke between me and homsar88 for now. and boy, do we have a LOT of inside jokes. LOL. oh sorry! *DISLOCATING shoulders while typing* LOL. oh and here is a random fullmetal AMV i found. i think its funny....

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