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myOtaku.com: pirategaara

Thursday, September 6, 2007

   OMFG, it's disgusting!!!
just warning u this may be another ridiculously long post again. during choir, i listened to announcements and heard that on october 3, there is a place to sign up for clubs and whatnot, and i was all like OMG!! ANIME CLUB!!! i hope i get to join this year. for some reason i ALWAYS get lost on my way to choir and when im leaving for the buses, i keep going in the wrong direction, and turning around after a couple seconds. why does it happen? that is sooo weird. in art, i barely got anywhere on my drawing. the conversation at our table started out as 'who is you're favorite artist?' and megan said van goh and stuff. i said masashi kishimoto and everyone looked at me and said who was that and then, alina started saying 'oh yeah he's the guy who wrote akira(manga reject i believe) and i added that he also wrote karakuri(mechanism). from talking about who our favorite artist was it went to more talk about high school musical movies to how this one character has this afro which is totally cool to this one guy who is all emo and this other guy they didn't like cuz he couldn't stand watching the movies and on and on and on. near the end of class, i happened to mention chibis to autumn, and alina says 'did u say chibis?! i challenge u to a chibi-off!' and we had a contest. i definitely won, even if nobody voted exactly. i drew a chibi deidara riding a clay owl, and chibi kakashi(best chibi of kakashi ever). during lunch, i got the chicken alfredo without the chicken and a sausage and garlic bread and a cup of jello. i sat down with kat and chelsea across from me. this is the disgusting and seriously wrong part. i could hardly finish cuz of this. i was poking the top of the jello just to see it jiggle and my finger accidentally poked through it. OMFG, i wish i hadn't said how wrong that looked cuz they started grossing me out. if u can't figure out why that was wrong, think about finger going in hole. get it? i was trying to eat my sausage, when chelsea says 'that is disgusting! you're eating it!' and everytime i took a bite, they were all like OMG!!! you're STILL eating it?? OMG! and not only that, chelsea was all like, hey, stick that sausage in the jello. OMFG!!! i do not need to hear these things during lunch!!! i would rather look at pages and pages of kakaita yaoi pics and that is the most horrible yaoi ever. or look at sasuoro yaoi. *twitches* at least, i met animelover12344 and chihirochan during lunch. they were getting icecream and we were all happy to see each other. especially since we don't have any classes together. i wish i could show all u guys my drawings, including my pirate kakashi. i only have the head done, but i like it and i drew the nin-dog that looks like shino with a bandanna and earring. for some reason it's the only dog im semi-good at drawing. or shirtless kakashi and iruka yaoi.

geometry still sucks and i could barely stay awake and i am totally lost, including several others, but it's hardly a consolation that im not the only one.

on the bus ride home, a girl who's name was catherine, i think, sat next me and showed me this amazing drawing to do with anatomy. she is a senior and she is such a good artist!! OMG!! u should have seen her drawings! she had lots of funny pokemon drawings too, like a squirtle saying FUCK!! FUCK!! FUCK! over and over and over again. pikachu drawings were by far the most hilarious, like pikachu was having seizures or was rabid. she had great dragons and cute little creatures and even an adorable little chibi L!!! OMG!!! HE WAS SOOO CUTE!!!!!!!! she used to be into anime, but not really. we were talking a bit about pokemon and i wonder who keeps coming up with more pokemon. and she was saying why would they make a hot-air balloon pokemon? WHY?! i agree. WTF?? dude, if that's the best they can do, they r seriously running out of ideas. i like the pokemon manga though. i luv the part where misty goes crazy and starts biting ash viciously on the head. or when these guys in the E-stone group starts chucking food at brock and saying stuff like: shut up!! who need's ya!! why don't u talk with you're eyes open why dontcha?!!! LOL.

i can't wait to see the naruto movie this saturday!! it's airing on cartoon network. woot!
now, i can see it when i missed the one night showing cuz of my brother's stupid graduation party that i didn't go to!!!


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