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myOtaku.com: pirategaara

Friday, September 21, 2007

   NO PANTS!!!!!!
today was great in comparison with all my other high school days i've had so far. i showed my collage to everyone today. everyone was all like LMAO, when they saw the harry potter picture.
Harry: DIE! DIE! DIE!!!
Orochimaru: Kabuto, what is this?
Kabuto: that's harry potter sir. but im not sure what his problem is. i think he's just a head moron.
what life's like... when u look like voldemort.
LMAO. never gets old...
i had a great time hanging out with my friends during the pep fest. i didn't go to it, so i was sitting at a table when amber sat down across from me. she is a sophomore or junior, can't recall, but she is older than me. i was also joined by other people and started off the conversation with 'I TOTALLY DON'T KNOW U!!!' LOL. i sang the akatsuki safari once and then i was also quoting invader zim. some of which include:
'POKE OF DOOM!!!!! *rapid poke strike attack*'
'RAAAAAAH!!!!!... doo de doo de doo!! *does gir's dance from episode: GIR GOES CRAZY AND STUFF.
'im gonna be back, but i'll leave my stuff here. but if i return and my collage is damaged in any way, i swear.. that from this day, to the end of the day.. I WILL NOT REST UNTIL I GET REVENGE UPON YOUR.. PIZZA-STEALING HEART!!!!!'
'don't make me make my vampire piggies eat your face'
'i will make your organs explode by putting explodey bean cans into your body and putting u into a microwave'
'YOU GONNA MAKE BISQUITS?! YOU GONNA MAKE BISQUITS??! YOOU GONNA MAKE BISQUITS!!? yooooou goona make bisquits?? yoooooooooou gonna make bisquits???'
LOL. there were a whole lot more, but if i listed 'em all, this post would be even more ridiculously long than it would ordinarily be. then they say im crazy and we had a contest to see who can hold their breath for longer and i chose to say 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!' and i also kept popping back and forth between my two groups of friends: animelover12344, chihirochan, kat, katie, kupkake, some kid whose name i keep forgetting and my older friends. i was coming back to amber's table when i see them looking through my sketchbook so i was all like 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!' and i actually got in trouble this time. oh well.
i presented my collage in art and i want to hit myself repeatedly on the head. damn it damn it damn it!!!!! i was suppposed to explain why the title was significant and what it had to do with me and i totally botched it and got nervous. i should have said more damn it, and now it's too late. on a funnier note, every single person who went up were stating the obvious and everyone laughed at them. luckily i wasn't one they laughed at, but here's a sample of some of the things i heard people say.
"this is a picture of a roadtrip i had. which is why there's this rooad here... um, and i just put that rainbow there cuz it's cool."
"i like food. so i put food there. cuz i like it. and stuff.."
"i like snowboarding. and these guys r snowboarding. so yeah..."
"this is a lake. with water.. and.. u go swimming in water... so yeah..."
LMAO. and like half the class did the beach as their theme. my god, u should have heard the things people said. the way they said it was half the reason i laughed so hard. hah ha...
i met Muffin king after art and the first thing he says to me is "why were u running back and forth.. during pep fest?" and i said "what?" and he says "i saw u running back and forth in the commons and i was all like, 'oh there she goes. there she is again. now she's going back' it was funny." and i demand to know why he didn't say hi to me if he saw me and he says "it was too amusing" ha ha.. i have to admit, that WOULD be amusing to watch so i can't blame him and we actually spent more than a second talking. speaking of which, Uzk thinks it would cool if i went to homecoming with him and she tried to convince me this morning. maybe i will ask but i don't really want to go to homecoming in the first place, so i don't know...

my dad and mom think it's probably ok for me to go see a movie tomorrow with homsar88 and im soo looking forward to it. i just need to be sure, and then... me and homsar-chan can do the 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!' thing in fron of damn store hollister, but it will be fun to see how many people think we're crazy. LOL.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, OMG, OMG, GUESS WHAT?? DEATH NOTE AIRS ON OCTOBER 20TH!!!!!!!! I READ IT ON THE OTAKU NEWS!!!!!! IM SOOOOO EXCITED!!! I LUVS L!!!!! CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!! SQUEE X 100!!!!!!! i feel like im gonna explode! r guys excited too? well if not, start getting excited!! ryuk is the coolest shinigami ever!

also can't wait for naruto shippuden episode 29 hour long special, but i have to wait until next week, cuz now it's every other week. arrgh! it keeps switching!! it switched back to every week, and now goes back to every other week!! i gets to see kakashi-sama use his cool mangekyou sharingan!!! woot!! kakashi pwns all those other nOobs in naruto anime. LOL.
i hope i can go to Katie's birthday party too. there sure is a lot going on in a couple weeks. at least that is what it feels like.
1. r u excited for death note??!!!!!(if u say no, i will srsly destroy... stuff... that u don't want to having been destroyed!!
2. do u think kakashi will ever fall in love(with anything other than icha icha paradise)?
3. what the hell do u do at homecoming anyway? if it interests me, i might feel more motivated to asking Muffin king to go as friends or something. maybe. i probably won't regardless, but all the same...


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