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TACO LAND!!!!!!!!!
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midnighterdes8's Elf,emo girl,Gir, or L
Bothering people! Learning the Doom Song, blown up other pirate ships
Anime Fan Since
I was 12
Favorite Anime
Naruto, One Piece,Fullmetal Alchemist, Death Note, Bleach, Samurai Champloo, Jing: King of Bandits, Black Blood Brothers, Cardcaptors Sakura, Zero no Tsukaima, Suzumiya Haruhi no yuutsu, Keroro Gunso,Tsubasa, Black Cat, Shaman King, Pani Poni Dash, Gintam
Become world's greatest pirate and taking over the world with my vampire piggy army
reading, skiing, snowmobiling, bothering people, taking over the world and watching t.v.
Bothering people, singing the doom song
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Dragon Wars!!
OMG, i just had the most fun time i ever had at the movies with homsar-chan!! we went to go see dragon wars today at last!! it was AWESOME!! it was reeeally cliche, but the visual effects and hilarious moments made up for it. it was soooo hilarious!! and we made great commentary on it. like near the beginning, there was this fat guy at the zoo and homsar-chan was all like "loser!" cuz he was soo fat and lazy. and the guy goes out and sees the giant snake that eats this elephant and later, u see him talking to a phychiatrist while in a strait jacket and we burst out laughing. and he was like "im telling u i saw a giant snake and it swallowed 5 elephants!! that thing stared at me like my ex-wife!!!" LMAO. that was freakin' hilarious. and another part where the evil guy says to the main character "there is no jack here!!" in a hilarious deep demonic voice and we were like "omfg, how does the main character not think that it's suspicious that an old man is talking like that?? it completely eluuuuuudes me!" and another hilarious part was when the evil guy talks like he's got a bunch of stuff in his mouth and he sounded like this "blahgakdjdgahblahadka" and it was sooooo hilarious and we were laughing for like 5 minutes straight after that. and another great part was when the evil guy gets run over by a car and then, about a minute later he gets run over by another car and we were like "ooh the irony!!" and homsar88 was all like "wouldn't it be hilarious if he got run over a 3rd time by an icecream truck??!" and why like "OMFG, THAT WOULD BE HILARIOUS!!" and then the 4th time he would get run over by some little kid on his bike! that would be awesome! and then the greatest part of all was when the evil guy says "now arise great dawdler!!!!" and me and homsar88 said at the same time "THE GREAT DAWDLER??!!!" and we burst out laughing for like 8 minutes and my sides were hurting so bad. and another scene where the guy walks straight through the fence and then this old lady is walking by and tries to walk through the fence too. and this other part where the great dawdler'S(LMAO) lips were all flappy and stuff. that was almost as great as the doop!! and also the flying lizards kept glomping the helicopters and thrusts forward as they plunge down together and we were like LMAO!! that was sooo wrong.. adn this one part where they were just clinging to this building and we were like "omg, what the heck r they doing?? sunbathing??" and this one giant snake is chasing the car they r escaping in and then im just like "OMFG, HOW THE HELL IS THAT CAR OUTRUNNING THE 300 FT+ SNAKE!! seriously! it's so sad and i was pretending to be the snake that says "ooh man, im soo fat and lazy, i should go on a diet!" and then i was making fun of how terrible the winged lizards aim was and they kept missing the car and finally when they hit it we were both like "finally! they hit it!" and that led me to make fun of it by pretending that the car gets bitten in half and the car is still going and the driver gets bitten in half but still manages to out run the snake. and it the giant snake looks like it's having sex with this building!! and all throughout the movie im just like "pwned! take that bitches!!" or "ha! u got owned stupid lizard!!" or "damn!! i hope that company has insurance!!" or like how easily distracted the snake is and we were pretending he stops by for icecream and he refuses to pay so the icecream man is like "hey! u need to pay for that foo!" and the snake destroys the place. LOL. and the scene where the main characters kiss and im like "OMG, there's the kiss scene! my god they have it in EVERY single movie! and it's on a beach! that is sooooo cliche!!" and the part where homsar-chan and i were talking about how they would be making out in the car for 7 hours straight and car would still be going forward and then they run into this tree at the end. XDDD!!
and were laughing extremely loudly at like every single part and this other hilarious part where this one guy gets squished by the great dawdler!! OMFG, LMAO!!!!!!!!!! and when the girl is to be sacrificed, the giant snake is spends like 5 minutes roaring at the sky in an impressive way and we were both like "OMG, JUST EAT THE GIRL ALREADY BITCH!!" and then when the good snake arrives, we were both like "finally!! it's about time that snake got here!" and it looked like they were making out with each other and the bad dragon grabs hold of the good dragon's ass. and in the scene in the past, the great dawdler(LMAO) bites this guys ass as he drags him down out of the tree. and the old man is like floating in midair and we were all like "OMFG, THAT IS SUCH A MATRIX RIPOFF!!" cuz he was flying through the air in an overly dramatic way! and we were all like 'man i wish i could float like that!!" and also, the evil guy is a horrible ripoff of sauron or something!! and his evil minions r like pwning the good guys and im like "that is sooo sad that a bunch of guys in old fashioned armor are pwning guys with machine guns!!" and the evil lair of the evil dude is such a ripoff of sauron's tower it's not even funny. and they totally stole from lord of the rings when this ring of light knocks all the soldiers down and im just like "OMFG, THAT IS TOTALLY LIKE, THE EXACT SAME SCENE THOSE STEALING BASTARDS!!!" the evil snake looked cooler than the good one, but when the good snake turned into a dragon, then it was cooler. and all the flying lizards and the Great Dawdler kept roaring so that their lips were all flappy. it was freaking hilarious!! and once during the movie homsar-chan pokes me and i look over at her and she has a stick of pocky over her eyes like a unibrow and i totally snorted with laugher. i think that's about it for the inside jokes, but if there were any i forgot, homsar-chan should know 'em. oh and at the end when the girl dies, she says "don't be sad..." and i say to homsar88, "wouldn't it be hilarious if became all emo afterwards? *cutting wrist*" XDDDDD. oh and one part where the guy was on top of the girl for like 30 seconds. LOL. and the girl's flashback to a funeral was turned into something funny cuz i pointed out to homsar-chan, "what the heck is up with all those flowers?? i mean, it's like a freakin' tree of flowers!! srsly, who puts that many flowers on a grave!!?? it's waaay overdone, those foos!!"
afterwards i bought a kakashi dog tag necklace and naruto manga volume 18. and homsar-chan bought ichigo and rukia action figures. we also did the 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!' thing in front of damned hollister, and someone actually told us 'shhh!!!' this time. LMAO, never gets old. and we also thought it would be funny if the doop kid was in the movie too. and in the intro to the movie, there was this totally adorable bouncing ball!!! god that sounds wrong, but it was sooooo cute!! and we also did the throbulator voice a bit too. and we kept seeing wrong images, man!! the whole time, we kept seeing balls everywhere and it was sooo wrong... and we had a fun time looking at a naruto profile book and we finally figured out how sasuke puts on his rubbah suit rubbah suit rubbah suit!! and then the chibi sasuke is glowing when he puts it on!
1. did i forget anything funny homsar-chan?
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