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myOtaku.com: pirategaara

Friday, November 30, 2007

ok first thing is that there's this one kid in my gym class who i think is rather nice. his name is... justin and he's a sophomore. and he ended up being my partner for the mile run. it was kinda weird how we started having a conversation cuz i just happened to be standing next to him and talking to myself and yeah that's sorta how that happened. perhaps that's not an adequate explanation but i don't know how else to say it. and he was actually willing to play ping pong with me when everyone else wanted to play trench ball. but in the end we couldn't find the paddles except one broken one but it's all good, we got to watch our class and this other class pummel each other with balls the rest of the hour. XD

today i watched an hour-long special of the naruto shippuden and it was hilarious. sai refers to sasuke as "a gutless little homo". and i think yamato's spooky expression is just amusing. and i liked it when naruto is having a dream and his boxers have little pink hearts on them. his dream was that he was peeping on all the girls in the hotsprings and then he rolls over and hits himself with a pillow in his sleep and knocks into a table and gets hit in the face with a jug. some great parts were when sai says to naruto "oh so u do have one after all!" and later on after naruto says "hmph, but it's nothing special" sai says "yeah, just like your penis" XD or in the previous episode when sai says to naruto "i learned that u are a useless, penis-less pantywaist" XD

and on a totally random note, animelover12344's brother stupid apparently said he doesn't see any resemblance between naruto and minato aka yondaime. what a foolish fool! has he the brain worms?? saying that there's no resemblance between naruto and minato is like saying he can't see how there's any resemblance between sasuke and itachi or orochimaru with michael jackson. what? he IS the equivalent of him isn't he? but that's why it's so funny yet a little disturbing....

well now im on volume 6 of fruits basket and im definitely gonna ask katie to lend me some cuz she has all of 'em so far. im trying to resist all temptation to change my theme but it's such a pain... oh yeah and i also watched My Neighbor Totoro a couple weeks ago. i really liked it. what else did i wanna say... oh yes, i watched 2 episodes of chowder today and it was really funny. in one episode, the sun had a face and it was going like "errggh!! graagh!! erggh!" and after a bit it turns itself on and it becomes day. lol... and i liked it when chowder's pet falls in love with a stinky casserole thing. shnitzel tries to get chowder and kimchi down by chucking rocks at him and then he gets out a REALLY huge boulder and mung daal says "no! no more rocks! everything is rocks with u!" and later when shnitzel is on a really high place mung daal says something like "don't look down! or think of falling! or slipping! or plummeting! or gravity!.. don't think of letting go! or that your hands are all sweaty!" and then when he's almost across, chowder pops his head out from the nest and says "hey shnitzel!" and he plummets down and rolls off down the street at 30 mph. and when chowder wakes up the next morning, there are a million baby casserole things hatching out of eggs.
and the best part of the mah jong episode was when the dude in teh clouds who was apparently god gets irritated and sends a buff-on-steroids-thug cloud thing(seriously that's what i think it looked like!) after him and it keeps trying to punch chowder as he runs down the spiral ramp and stuff. it's sad how much that amuses me but i can't help it.


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