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myOtaku.com: pirategaara

Thursday, December 6, 2007

   uber 'stache!!
ok i definitely need to post something. it's been a while so yeah. anyways first thing is that a live action movie of dragon ball z is apparently coming up. i have no idea when that would be but i think it's kinda weird. well who knows, it might turn out to be good. i mean the death note movies weren't bad as live action either. well it should be interesting to see that. i wonder who the villain will be? not that it matters all that much.

ok i just have to post this next bit though. the other day during lunch i can't remember what we were doing exactly but then homsar88 takes her hair and puts it over her lip like a mustache and says "how do u like me now, bitch?" OMG, LMFAO!! that was the most hilarious moment in my whole day. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. im still laughing right now cuz that was just too funny. that is so going in Emo Girl and Captain(hot) Pants Guide to teh Galaxy Book of Gelatinous Gelatin in teh section "our inside jokes" but we need a better name for it. one of my particular favorites is "and he's back for moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooore!!! get him!" and "it completely eluuuuuuuuuuuuuudes me!!" XDDDDDD

i hope to see the Golden Compass in theaters with homsar88 but it doesn't seem like i will be able to go see it with her this weekend. but i will have to get back to u on that. it doesn't seem like i will have a lot of homework this weekend so i might still be able to convince 'em if i can do this right. but we will definitely go see it this month i promise. im currently reading the book too cuz i completely forgot everything but i can say that it is definitely a good book to read if u haven't already.
1. who is sexier: hiei or kurama(from yu yu hakasho if u didn't know)
2. would u rather have a magic rock or a muffin dragon for a pet? or something else even better?


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