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myOtaku.com: pirategaara

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

first thing that makes me sad is that edward elric taller than me by 2 inches. TT_______TT im even more of a shrimp than he is! "i feel cranky and pubescent today! grr! im gonna take it out on ppl that i like!" XD oh well....

um... what was i even gonna post about dammit? i know i had something but i can't remember it right now... but me and homsar88 had fun dropping this pumpkin raisin scone thing from teh upper floor and it was like a rock or something, but we found ourselves a nice hideaway so that's neat. and we could jump out and scare the shit out of ppl if we want. XD

i won't post it but i had a dream that was pretty fucking creepy. it involved a series of murders that start with david wang who apparently lived in the ephs "highschool" that looked nothing at all like the real highschool(the school in itself is creepy). all i will say is it involves a large black crow of dark magic that carries a bloody paperclip in it's steely claws and it's menacing caw is heard and feared by all and that bloody paperclip is a harbinger of death and suffering. it really killed the mood of my dream a few scenes before that had absolutely nothing to do with it. right before the crow, it started out with sexy captain jack sparrow with the black pearl that got pierced to his tongue(at first the black pearl was a ship but when he got it attached to his tongue it was an actual black pearl) and jack was all like "help! isth shtuck on my tongue!" and an appearance of keanu reeves(?) but the crow just had to ruin teh mood didn't it? i wanna turn it into a story much as it creeps me out.
1. who's sexier captain jack sparrow or keanu reeves?
2. best non-yaoi/yuri couple?(im thinking asumaXkurenai right at the moment)
3. who's the anime equivalent of michael jackson?(orochimaru would be hard to beat if u ask me)


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