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myOtaku.com: pirategaara

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

   new term...
today i didn't have too much trouble finding my classes like i had previously supposed but i still didn't feel very well today cuz i had such the urge to throw up at one point and i still don't have much of an appetite for anything which sucks since i love food so much. anyways, here's how the classes are:
1st half of hour 1: choir with animelover12344, and kupka. ^__^ and 2nd half of hour 1: no friends TT__TT
2nd hour: science with amanda mitzner and reed
3rd hour: social studies with david wang and a couple of others that i know by name and face but can't say they're worth mentioning
i have 2nd lunch which i(being so negative) had thought i would have no friends to sit with. i always think the worst things when a new term starts like im gonna be isolated from everyone cuz i have no friends to sit next to. but luckily homsar88 is there! yay! and so is middy, Couch, Muffin king, and alex iverson but they were so mean to me im not gonna bother sitting next to 'em. Muffin king pushed me into middy at like 20 mph for no reason and there wasn't really any room for me at their table anyway.
4th hour: english with david wang, caela cook, and paul reearmoo(yes i know that's probably not how to spell it) i have to read a "long short story" called The Murders in the Rue Morgue by edgar allen poe for tomorrow.

i went to anime club against my better judgement but i suppose it wouldn't have mattered either way i would still have a sore scratchy throat right? and i got smashed in my shin by kupka(?) for no reason and half kicked. i swear it wasn't worth it...

i got a new theme for valentine's day though. it's yaoi! just a mix of some of my favs. which include in no particular order:
1. kakairu
2. sasunaru
3. sasodei
4. itakisa
5. royXed
6. zoloXsanji
7. byazara(lol)
8. byaren
9. raitoXL
10. jinXmugen(not like there's any others though)
11. envyXwrath(in the anime)
12. faiXkurogane
13. hieiXkurama
14. sephirothXcloud(with his gravity defying hair!)
that's all i can recall right at the moment.
1. like my new theme? can u believe i only found one zoloXsanji wallpaper?
2. what are all your favorite yaoi pairings?


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