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myOtaku.com: pirategaara

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

   hare hare yukai practice!
today i stayed after school so i could practice the hare hare yukai dance with Jilly, heather, megan, and john. it was annoying at first cuz there was this old man inside the rehearsal hall tuning the piano and everyone was too scared to ask him if he was done. while we waited we did several things of randomness. one thing was that i waddled around like a penguin for a while and jilly acted like a mean penguin chasing me around and i was fleeing for my life! we started practicing a little bit while we waited and i nearly broke my neck spinning around.

the greatest part was while we were waiting outside for the guy to finish up, we all decided to give john a hug and all of us girls gave him a group hug. ha ha i bet he loved getting hugged by us girls. ;3

we finally got into the rehearsal hall and looking into the mirrors while we danced. that was the one part i didn't like but i suppose a lot more ppl will be watching me at Anime Detour so i have to get over stage fright/embarrassment. it was really hilarious how we started out dancing to the REALLY slow version so john could learn it and at the end he has to jump in the air with his arms out and he's all like "gah i can't jump in slow motion!" and we were joking about how he should just stay up there for a while and float there. or be like reanu reeves. XD

it was really funny when we did some stretching, Jilly ordered us on the floor like "GET ON THE FLOOR NOW!" and it was pretty scary. 0___0 but anyways john was the only one not on the floor and he's like "what are you doing? stretching?" and Jilly says "no we're having sex" and john goes "ok! count me in!" and gets on the floor. XD

he also dances really funny too. u should have seen him. XD and there was another moment when megan was like "you're in a room with 4 girls... and one Lili" and im like whaaat??(don't i count as a girl?) several times the ending part of the dance was a disaster cuz heather fell over i lost most of my balance and Jilly nearly fell on top of me and john had bad timing. and then there was also when i nearly fell after slipping on my own pants when we do the turning. but it was really fun all the same and i understand how to do it pretty well now. all i really need is to put some soul into it and not look like "a zombie" when i dance. we also thought it would be hilarious if we all just did the dance while lying on the ground cuz "it'll make our boobs look bigger"-Jilly. XD if we did that at the con i bet ppl would be like WTF??? XD


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