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myOtaku.com: pirategaara

Monday, February 11, 2008

   yay! mostly!
well the greatest thing that's happened to me is that my mom bought me a real metal senbonzakura cosplay sword from Too Cool and it was like $100! im so happy and even though it's rather heavy it's worth it! i met chihirochan at the mall and stuff too. XDDDDDDDDDDDD

oh and the other day on the bus ride home, me and david wang started talking about what we control. i was telling him about my world domination plans and how i controlled the vampire piggies and i asked him what he was master of. can u guess what he told me? he said "i would have a bunch of communistic lumberjacks. and not the kind that cuts down green pine trees. they would be red. yes red pine trees."
and i was kinda like what? and then somehow he started talking about how he would control communistic lemmings or something and Captain Pants-off heard him say that and then he gives me this WTF look that i wish i had taken a picture of or something. XD

im also gonna finally drop choir and i wonder why i didn't from the start. and all i can say for computer tech class is it's the most useless class and what irritated me was that the teacher got mad at me for being on the otaku and all around me there were other girls on youtube and shit and she didn't get mad at them which i think is just a tad unfair.

the only thing that didn't go so nicely today was the fact that the main water pipe busted this morning at my house and when i woke up(accidentally set it at 8 instead of 7 ^___^') it was 7:15 am and there was water pouring out the ceiling in the kitchen and flooding that area. and of course there's always a terrible smell that i was unfortunate enough to breathe. normally i don't even breathe through my nose most of the time anyway though. but the problem isn't as simple as last time. last year in winter the same thing happened, only it was a minor problem that dad was resourceful enough to fix. but now they have to tear down part of the ceiling to find out which part was busted and fix it that way. they are still working on it and boy is it loud. it's hard to concentrate but im able to drown most of it out by playing the music on my imeem site louder. XD im probably gonna go deaf at an early age or something....

but on a slightly more cheery note, i changed my theme just a little. i was pretty annoyed with that though. i changed it yesterday or something but the next time i got on the otaku, it was back to the way it was before. and it wasn't originally a sasunaru wallpaper, it was royXed and it really fit the music better. but the post bg is the same. and as u might be able to tell, i added a ton of asian kung fu generation to my playlist. and i think i figured out part of the reason why my playlist is so damn long. partially cuz of the fact that any song i've listened to and liked is probably on here, but also cuz im lazy. ^___^" i don't wanna deal with embedding a new code and crap so whenever i create a new theme, all i have to do is rearrange the songs on my playlist. lazy but efficient! XD
so do u like the new theme and songs? AKFG is a great band....


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