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myOtaku.com: pirategaara

Saturday, April 12, 2008

d-gray man and itachi
well as you can probably tell, i have a new anime that i have gotten into only yesterday. at anime detour, i noticed some d-gray man cosplayers in the green room(or shoshone room) while i was waiting to perform and this is kinda weird. well i saw a guy, who i now know was cosplaying as Lavi cuz of this really big hammer he was carrying, and i thought "wow, that's a really cool hammer! that must have taken a lot of time and effort to make" and strange as it may sound, that hammer prop is what inspired me to start watching d-gray man. don't even begin to wonder how that works. weird though right? anyways i suddenly wanted to watch it and i got hooked on it the instant the opening song started playing. for some reason, just seeing the opening song made me fall in love with it. and i was right. within 5 minutes i thought it was exciting. and the flashbacks and "state-the-obvious-so-that-fans-can- understand-what's-going-on" parts weren't so bad. obviously in real life, people will not say in a very obvious slow fashion stuff like "oh no! you are hurt!" or "no karoo that's a wall!" it is a tad more subtle than that and the flashbacks aren't uberly annoying and less time is spent on it. granted i have only seen 9 episodes so far, but i can tell it's not going to waste half the episodes explaining things to the viewers to make them get what's happening, like in most shonen(aka naruto) and flashbacks and glaring at each other that takes up the other half. there is a lot less standing around glaring, which is a relief. at first i started to get a crush on Kanda, but then he had such an emo sasuke moment that for a split second i loathed him with all my heart and soul. but aside from that he is pretty sexy. although im going to withhold judgment on that until Lavi is introduced. he looks very sexy indeed and i have a crush on him at the moment. i just can't wait to see what his personality is like. that will really put him to the test. while good looks is a factor, the personality is important too. and he already has the good looks. 0////0

and so many of the characters remind me of bleach characters. the cook reminds me a lot of don kanonji and komui is like... kon i think. for some reason i have a strange feeling he looks a bit like ishida uryuu. i don't know why, maybe it's cuz of the glasses and the way his bangs kinda look. allen walker is cute and i think he would make a nice boyfriend. in the future, im planning to do a d-gray man theme but i think i should wait until all the main characters are introduced. it kinda feels like i don't have the right to do that yet you know what i mean?

now then for those of you who might have visited my deviantart site recently(still pirategaara) you might have noticed that i have a LOT of itachi fanart on my favorites list. well the reason why is... i can't deny it any longer but ever since reading the chapter where [SPOILER]................
itachi dies(but seriously who didn't see that coming??) i felt so sad and i can't delude myself any longer but i have a crush on him now. initially, i really hated his guts for a reason that somehow is too embarrassing to say out loud or even write down. so im just gonna say you would probably understand if you watch naruto episode 82. and if you still don't get it, remember who my favorite character is. but after a time, suddenly sasuke really started to piss me off in such an unreasonable way and i wanted to seriously start destroying things whenever he was ever so much as mentioned in the anime. when compared to sasuke, i stopped hating itachi so much and then i started loving him. i just couldn't believe that itachi had really died like that... i couldn't even imagine itachi bleeding because he seemed so unstoppable. and i also have to say right now, kishimoto must really be grasping at straws at the moment for ideas cuz the whole thing is starting to make very little sense now. ok so somehow itachi has gotten the powers of susano'o that orochimaru was searching for his whole life, orochimaru came back to life again for a brief 5 seconds(reasonably explained actually since orochimaru didn't tecnically "die" he was taken over in a Furou Fushi no Jutsu gone horribly wrong), tobi is revealed(but not surprisingly if you read the manga chapters) as an incredibly awesome master of space/time ninjutsu "even greater than the fourth's" and kidnaps sasuke and begins explaining a ton of stuff that destroys in a few sentences all you ever thought you knew about itachi. all of a sudden we know even less about itachi than the little we already BARELY knew about him. suddenly for no logically explained reason as of yet, itachi managed to transfer all his jutsu to sasuke, namely the mangekyou sharingan and amaterasu, just by poking sasuke's forehead before dying and that he might have done so in order to protect sasuke from tobi. and somehow itachi managed to set up the transfer of jutsu so that sasuke's newly aquired mangekyou sharingan was set to activate upon sight of tobi's sharingan and set tobi up in flames with amaterasu, the eternally burning black flames. and itachi had time for all this how?? amazing! all this set up with just a poke! itachi's legendary forehead poke no jutsu has many powers indeed! such skill!

this is seriously starting to sound like how kubo's plot is going. my brother was pointing this out to me. ok so if person A was stronger than person B and person B is stronger than person C, why is person A somehow stronger than person C? wait what? that makes no sense. that's the kind of stuff im seeing in recent bleach episodes. and when my brother pointed it out, i noticed it too. and wait, when did orihime suddenly gain the power to bring back the dead? is that just an excuse so the main character gets to continue living or did hueco mundo bestow her with magical powers?? seriously if bleach were more realistic, ichigo would have been dead within... maybe the first season or something. he won't get an arm cut off by that hollow simply cuz he's the main character and despite that horrible would right through his heart, somehow it just BARELY managed to miss, even though it's so close that it should have killed him anyway, and considering the amount of blood they showed must have been like half the blood in his body or something.

wow, i really ranted for a lot longer than i planned. sorry for those of you who actually put up with my ranting to read this whole thing. but one last thing is i have tons of linkin park on my playlist and i now have more than 200 songs again. im wearing my ninja headband right now too. i meant to get an itachi headband but i guess i ended up with a normal one somehow. weird... but obviously it's too late to return it now. and it sucks cuz homsar88 actually had one she was gonna give me, but it doesn't really matter at this point. im gonna be watching deathnote soon. it's currently 11:10 right now. and im kinda annoyed now that i bring it up that saturday used to be "anime block" night but now a ton of crap has replaced most of it. they completely changed the schedule and replaced the samurai champloo and FMA episodes with a bunch of crap that is already aired WAY too much on the weekdays as is. stop freaking changing the schedule dammit! >:(


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