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Friday, March 25, 2005
Ayumi Hamasaki
she another tight singer too and her midi that on right now is call season yup yup. I luv crawfish sooo mush i can eat it everyday. Righ now mai fwend trying to beat chrono cross even though it on ps1 but hey it a good game though. hmm lots of ppl gona buy a psp they look kewl too. I have a k-swiss and 1 converse that black-n-white i'm might get another converse not sure.WeLl hope ya like the new layout later.
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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Here a pictures og the crew singing happy birthday to brenda lol. Her b-day is on saturday i jux post it on early lol it on March 26. Another change of plan i don think I be goin to watch the ring 2 cause of reason....I like to hide the egg for little kids and i hide them real deep(if i could) but they won let cause there little kids lol. So we jux put them on the grass and they run and get the eggs (have candy inside of course). Then if som ppl don have enough i have to share mine tee hee but that a good deed. When it our turn to hun 4 the egg i be running and grabbing. SadRefelction should noe i guess. Well gtg bai.
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Monday, March 21, 2005
hi ppls
welL umm let see on friday i get to go see the ring 2 i hope if parent let me tee hee and on sunday easter i'm going to church w/chiithecutey. Can't wait to go. We have good friday off do ya? Anyone got good method to lose weight cause i weight 105 need to lose like 5 pound haha everyone like gurl ur already skinny and i'm like uhhh no lol. yeah almost summer can go swimming yup yup. Any 1 like to shop at target tee hee the red spot lol well ttyl bai.
(I take ya to ta candyshop)
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Sunday, March 20, 2005
New theme ish..... Utada Hikaru and her midi (first love)
ohhhh she sing soo good even though i don understand her but still good.Mai dad order som popeye chicken but he stil not hom yet and i'm hungray. I ate som spongebob ceral though tee hee. My lil bro Steven is a manic for that cartoon it get on mai nerve hahahaha but wat can i say he jux 4 year old. He a little playa though lol. Well gtg bai.
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Saturday, March 19, 2005
Hmm keep missing each other
Hewwo!!! Well umms mai best fwends ish bak she call me but i wasn't home then i got home and call her bak but she wasn't home wat a funny day we keep missing each other. Easter is almost here yay egg hunting lol.Any one here play gb(Gunbound) if ya wanna play it the website is www.gunbound.net it really tight but ya gotta dl it. Well that all for now bai bai sweet dreams.
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Friday, March 18, 2005
happy friday
yay all the good show r on today. Today is mai fav day of all the week days of course. Hmm does anyone like crawfish i do it soo good. Mai dad bought 37 pund and i ate like 10 pound O_o. Let gamble for candy lol.Oh yea i flew mai kite then got stuck on a tree and i finally got it down but the ribbon stay on the tree *sniffle*.
Ya wanna see how mai fav male viet singer look like well then go to this site www.cardin-nguyen.com
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ahahaha that how i'ma look like after i watch the ring 2

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Thursday, March 17, 2005
hi hi everyone
Hmm another day as my spring break goes by and that suck. It kinda cold over he@ now and it suppose to be spring. Hopefully on mai 15th b-day i get to go to astro world or 6 flag w/e ya wanna call it. I never been there but i seen it. Can;t wait till 16 throwing a sweet 16 lol lat party lol. Counting down till summer. What is everyone planning to do. Oh is anyone gona go watch the ring 2 it look awesome well gtg peace out!
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Fummy Bunney

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Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Its raining
hmmm it raining over and i can't fly my kite that suck. I can't wait till thursday and firday cause on thurday i get t go to h-town and i might by chiithecutey friendship present there hmm dunno yet and on friday i get to rent more new chinese movie it call lost in the chamber of love it soooo goood. Chiithecutey like MCR (My chemical Romance) so might get her something involving that. When it rain it soo dull and dark. Mulan 2 is a great movie ya should watch when ya get the chance to. well ttyl bai.
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