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Saturday, February 19, 2005
it saturDay
weLl i sat hOme and waSNot bored that was a miracle well i had mai chinese movie to keep me company. The movie is a very good mvie it a doctorish movie and sometime they go to Africa/Kenya to help people. I have been inspire many to that u to cherish ur life u have soo many stuff ahead. That movie have inspire to be a new person there my role model or idol. I cry lots of time watching it on love part and when they save ppl from cancer and stuff. I might be boring ya if yea then sorry. Mai bg is like me representing how i feel is that everyone to me is a big family and i jux luv to see everyone smile. ^^
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
sorrie i ahven't update for along time been busy with lots of stuff. So how was eveyone valentine. Man on ta 22nd we have the reading taks test it going to be boring and hard like anything. Can't wait till spring break and april fool day that should be a funny day. People goofy off everywhere. I do one prank every year and they believe it every yeat too well how bout ya do ya do pranks?
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Thursday, February 3, 2005
This was ta poem i enter to the poetry contest
I made simi-finalest plz tell me what ya think thanx alot.Here the poem.
The best of friend,
Can change a frown,
Into a smile
when you feel down.
The best of friend,
will understand,
You little trials,
And lend a hand.
The best of friend,
will always share,
your secret fream,
Because they care.
The best of friend,
worth more than gold,
give all the love,
A heart can hold
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7 fight all in one day at mai skewl and i miss out
5 was in second lunch and i had 1st lunch then two more happen when it was transition time. They say blood was everyone and it was this one guy getting all gang up by all these other dude. The some girl fighted and the police spray her with pepper spray but she was fighting the police to defend herself. Now they have police in every corner at mai skewl it such a bad reputation to hear that. Stuff is even more strict i can barley go to the library now.Well have a wonderful day.
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Sunday, January 30, 2005
The story of the chinese zodiac
A long time ago, there were twelve animals - a dog, a pig, a rat, an ox, a tiger, a hare, a dragon, a snake, a horse, a ram, a monkey, and a cockerel. One day these twelve animals were arguing as it had been decided to name the years after them and each wanted the first year to have their name.
"This first year should be named after me!" said the dog.
"No," snapped the monkey, "It should be named after me.
"No," shouted the dragon, "After me."
And so it went on all day. The gods were listening and ordered all the animals to stop arguing. They stopped, they stood still and they listened.
The gods said to them, "Can you see that river?" and the animals nodded.
"You must have a swimming race across it and we will name the first year after the winner."
When the animals had lined up on the river bank, the gods called out,
"Ready, steady, GO!"
They all jumped in and swam as fast as they could.
The ox was very strong and was soon leading the race but the rat was clever, he grabbed hold of the ox's tail and climbed up onto his back. The ox did not even know he was there and felt sure that he was going to win.
Just as the ox reached the other side of the river the rat ran along his back, down his nose and jumped off onto the land.
"Hooray!" shouted the rat, "I am the winner, I am first."
The ox was very surprised and could not understand how the rat had managed to swim faster than him.
The gods laughed and declared that the rat really was the winner and should have the first year named after him.
The ox would have the second year;
The tiger the third;
The hare the fourth;
The dragon the fifth;
The snake the sixth;
The horse the seventh;
The ram the eighth;
The monkey the ninth;
The cockerel the tenth;
The dog the eleventh;
and the pig, who was last, the twelth.
After all the animals had a turn, the cycle would be repeated. The animals did not argue anymore, and they were all happy, especially the rat, because he had won.
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and more....

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some more chinese words.

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Chinese words

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Friday, January 28, 2005
Tet is almost he@
that is our new year it is call "tet" and the vietnames and chinese ppl celebrate it there is some picture below where it represent some of the stuff the red envelope is where they put money in to giv to us (yeah)

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Wednesday, January 26, 2005
All the diaster
All the stuff that have happen past these year have impact alot on ppl. 9-11-01 Tsunami the 7 astronot and the big wave in california i think that sweep down suddelny on the hill with all the houses. Why can't everything be normal and peace in everything. Why is there war,crime,killing,stealling,raping and all the stuff out there in the world. WE were once a child and now ppl is crazy for fame or fortune. I hate all this crap. I heard from my teacher that when u turn 16 all girl and boy have to serve the military for 2 year. What the hell are they thinking do they want us to die. Let the ppl who have faith and pride in that do it.What do ya think about all this. Have a safe day.
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