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myOtaku.com: Pixelated Evil

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Hey! :D Welcome to my site! I'm Pixelated Evil, but feel free to call me Koi.
-I'm generally a quiet person who likes to do things on my own. I can be outgoing and also very competitive. Whether it's some type of sport or video game, you can bet I'll be there to take you on! >:D
-I've always loved gaming, ever since I can remember. ^^
-I began watching anime a few years ago and haven't been able to stop ever since. :P
-My favorite anime characters are Naruto Uzumaki, L, Tamaki Suou, Link, Al Elric, Roxas, and Lavi.
-I do art trades and occasionally requests. Just leave a comment or send me a PM and we can arrange something if you'd like. :)

Now you know the drill- check out my portfolio and sign the guestbook! :P
Be sure to check out my manga series too, Naruto: Amazora Chronicles!

-My Nindo- Life's not about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


So, how was everyone's Valentine's Day? I didn't really celebrate or anything- just another date on the calender. :P
Karate's going well. :) I've been able to do my board breaks without any trouble and my form is coming along nicely. It's a big step learning 20 extra moves! O.O'
I've had a bit more time to draw lately too. I have a new pic up in my gallery and I'll hopefully be posting some more art soon as well as some more manga pages. :P Keep your eyes open!

I've been feeling a bit sick the past few days. It comes and goes, but I'm just trying to take it easy. That means no snowboarding for this ninja. All that snow outside... *sigh* -_- This just makes me realize how often I get sick during the winter... Maybe I need more vitamin C in my diet. :/ Hmmm...

Well, I hope you all have a nice weekend. :) Stay well!


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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Hey! :D

Well, I got to kick some major ass in karate yesterday. :D We did tag-team sparring. It was really good practice plus it made me realize just how SLOPPY and SPONTANIOUS my fighting style is. I need to analyze my moves better- get a better variety of kicks in instead of just random punching and flailing. Lol! I think I just lose myself while I'm fighting and start doing random things without really thinking... Both of my Sensei�s tell me that I show a lot of promise though, so that's a good thing. :) Just need a bit more practice, but hey, I'm still new to this. :P
We also did some knife techniques. It's not everyday we get to work with weapons. It was interesting. I was really good at it too. ^___^

My family and I went to visit with my Aunt and my cousins last night. Haven't seen them for a while. It was fun. We played Guitar Hero, Mario Party and Wario Ware: Smooth Moves on the Wii. :D My face actually hurts from laughing so much. Lolz! Good times. :)

Well, not much else to say. Hope you all had a good weekend and sorry for not making it around to comment yesterday. I'm just lazy. :P


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