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Fisher Man's Horizon
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alot of stuff
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i can remember
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alot of stuff
playing piano and drawing..
..look at hobbies
Dozo Yorushiku..bouku wa Sora desu!..^^ bouku no kiniiro no Hack.sign..totemo daisuki desu..bouku wa junana-sai desu..gomen ne ore no nihongo ga wurai hanashimasu..demo ..tetsumeru yoo~..
So yeah..^^ the names Sora..and as you all dont know hes meh favorite char..i love ta draw em and such..and i like his music..i like other animes too..but fer now im stuck on hack..*shrugs* ja
Saturday, July 8, 2006
So, during the past few weeks I haven’t been on much..that or I’ve just been on and off. The reason for this is because I had lost my internet connection how? Well our dog Cookie ate the network cord. And it cost about 80 bucks plus to buy a new one (luckily we didn’t buy it..) So..three to four weeks later we buy a new network cord for a cheap 50 bucks..and its 100 feet plus. That are we are getting ready to move into a new home. One that has about 3-4 rooms, basement and of course 2.5 bathrooms…and a large yard. Unfortunately our space is limited since pitbulls are banned in certain counties.*sighs* anywho, we have about a month and a half before we move into a new and very large home ..
Dunt know if you all know this, but I ..well…..crashed last semester in school..finishing with two F’s and one C..reason for this was well..becuase I wasn’t able to go to school (I have an inflamed appendix) luckily I was able to get surgery done and I am doing much better…that and I get to test out of the classes I failed ^_____^ so w007, got a bunch of grants for the summer.. i plan on taking just one or two being Spanish and the other Pre Algerbra er something..(I'm not a math wiz ~ . ~)
Online: Well, not that I am back online..i plan on finishing off commissions, trades ,kiribans and uh..whatever else I owe people..that and focus more on pchatting,ocing and of course yeah..
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Monday, April 3, 2006

Yes, I have finally returned..with
information you have probably read from my DA journel..
NEW: Just Finished watching all the eps of TEXHNOLYZE[teknolaiz], it was an interesting anime...hehe..sofar two of the animes i have watched have ended oddly...this one..and Gantz...still i enjoyed it ..but the thing that caught my attention the most was not the blood and gore..but actually the art style...
Im not sure if any of you have notice this..but i haven’t quite found my concrete style..for years I've been studying and i have been trying to prefect my style by improving on my autonomy and colouring..but all i have gotten were makeshift pictures with well..really good colouring.. I figure, if i keep day someone will be able to spot my artwork by linework alone...anywho....uh..sorry fer rambling, TECHNOLYZE is a wicked cool anime..and if you can buy it from a store called animeniacs....(got the whole box set for $24)
Finished Watching all the eps of Samurai Champloo, it was all pretty nifty! i never expected the ending to...well end like that!
other than that I've been working on new chars
Trying to develope more of a story for the lot of mother seems to like Noname alot, and allways comes to me with new and interesting ideas for his past and such..
For the past few weeks I've been feeling a'ok, even though I’m a walking time bomb ready to rupture at any moment... today I started feeling an ache in my side..the same sensation i first got when it all started, that and horrible waves of sickness and nausea....I’m not really worried. I have new pain look forward too (the rupturing) still, all is well and I’m as inspired as ever (art wise)
Yesterday, because I was swept with sickness, my dog Bruno (who is a pitt bull)
Ingested 3 pills of Rymdle (Caprofen) 75mg, this medication was for our other pitt, Cookie..who was spaded that exact day..allnight my mother and brother and his girlfriend were up feeding and giving Bruno Hydro-peroxide.. it was to late to take him tot he vet..since it was to far away..(We are in aurora, and our vet is about 20-40 miles away in Denver- which has banned all pitt breeds along with some bulldog breeds) My mother continued to feed Bruno, until he was throw not gonna go into detail of all of that..becuase i was in the room watching Teck-no-lyzed (sp) after the whole incident Bruno was exhausted.. we couldn’t let him sleep for about 4 hours, and we had to get more painkiller for Cookie..last night was a pretty long night..
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Sunday, May 22, 2005
Been a while since i posted somthing here goes my mega update..i also have a journal on Go-gaia :Pkingsora
and on Livejournal: PkignSora
Well….the week has passed and so had my life as a high school student….
Cis banquet, bloody awesome. I received an award for doing the school’s mural AND I got a medallion for graduating from CIS (center for international studies) what’s awesome about this is….well you get TWO diplomas from high school, one for International studies and the other is a basic high school diploma. Im so glad I graduated from CIS, ive been trying and puashign and FINALLY I got it done…also a lot of my good friends have graduated from CIS as well.
Tickets Tikets, gata get lots of Tikettos fer the Big day (Thursday) I ran around like mad asking people for extra tickets. (since I was suppose to have about 23 people coming..)
Also I was able to checkout, this means im all Go fer graduating and walking with my class!
BIGGU DEI! This is the biggest day ever, today, we rehearsed for the final graduation ceremony, it was hectic. Since two other schools wanted to use the Convention Center. But I’m really glad, because my school is the first to graduate from the new Convention Center (which was finished about 3 weeks ago) I went home got dressed and prepped up fer the event. After getting dressed my mother, brother other brother my mum’s boyfriend and my grandma went..the others who were suppose to come had other things to do. (Including my father, who I have now disowned….buuuutt) the graduationg went off well! Me and some buds (My twin, Cecar and Buddy! And Kristal) hung out, ate lots of pizza buaght lots of drinks and just had a grand ol time!...Im going to school tomorrow to get my finalized version of my transcripts and my diploma AND me and meh buddies are going to get free greentea icecream…aaaand to go see that Star Wars movie..
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Monday, October 25, 2004
this strange sensation
Lately ive been feeling tired, I dunt know why..well maybe because this is my last year of school..its odd..knowing the people you know..knowing how they have felt about you..but just ignoring it.odd odd. What’s odd enough is now that they have grown, found someone. I feel somewhat empty..but I shouldn’t feel this way.. especially since I have that Special Someone in my heart..strange
 You're Yuki - the mouse.
Which Fruits Basket Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, September 2, 2004
nothing much really..still at meh uncles..heh
meh pet
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Featured Quiz Result:
heheh i had i feeling i would be this guy..oh well..hes pretty cool eh?