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myOtaku.com: PlasmaBomb

Sunday, August 21, 2005

i said oh, it's gettin' hot in here, must be something in the atmosphere...
Music: You Got The Style - Athlete
Mood: Content and happy

Today was... not as perfect as it could have been, but I'm not going to go put on black eyemake up, sit in a dark, dismal corner and cut myself because my "soul is tortured" or anything anytime soon. That's just silly.

But whatever. I'm fine. Let's move on.

I watched A Beautiful Mind with mommy dearest and I cried my eyes out. It's such a sad story, but it's very well written and the acting is amazing.


You know what I've always known, but have previously failed to put in words, dear readers?

Humans are a mess of emotions and personality contradictions. People are a mix of good and evil, selfishness and nobility. Most people want to believe they are good, but will behave in selfish ways if it benefits them.

Even the most boring people you know are multi-dimensional personalities. All people have secrets, fetishes, fears, hatreds, illusions, beliefs, dreams, nightmares, needs and desires. Sometimes our traits don’t quite seem to match. But that’s normal.

Human beings don’t make sense. If they did, the world would be a much better place.

I'm feeling much more myself after I've gotten over last weeks energetic-ness. This is good, since I'm simply not built to be energetic. There's a story behind this one, but again, it'll take too long to type out and ... well, it's kind of... how do I say this? The story is you-should-be-put-on-meds-RIGHT-NOW kind of crazy.

So yep. Back to calm-collected-loving-weird-spazzy-blank stare little 'ol me. I get the feeling many people wouldn't be able to tell the difference because energetic, at school, for me is pretty much just a really big grin and loud laughter. Yeeah.

I think what people don't realize at school is that even if I don't say anything, I'm not sad. Many people may think that but I'm probably just conjuring something else in my head, or just simply being happy being by myself.

In other news, I drew you all a doodle because I'm a nice person like that. It's me, because I'm a fairly simple person to draw and I'm lazy. Yay!

[EDIT'D! - Because it was fugly]

Don't ask. Just smile and nod. (Mrs. Slover would be proud...)

Uhm. Right. Well. I suppose that wraps up today's ramble.


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