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myOtaku.com: PlasmaBomb

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

oh such grace, oh such beauty... oh darlin', you're a million ways to be cruel...
Mood: Plesant
Music: A Million Ways - OK Go

Where to start?

Haley, Lauren, Carl and I went bowling the other day. You have no idea how much fun that was.

I forgot how much I liked Carl. He's such a sweetheart, I swear. It's like we share the same sort of thoughts or something. It'd be a lot more fun if we all went to the same school still. Oh well.

I'm kind of sad that ballet isn't starting this week because of this hurricane since I was really looking forward to it. Eh, I guess that means it's something to look forward to for next week then.

Speaking of the hurricane, it's a real pain in the ass. Ivan was enough, thank you. I have a very good friend who lives in Louisiana and I'm worried about her. I called her house, even though I was well aware that no one was going to answer.

I called my friends living in the area as well, even though the logical side of my brain was laughing at me, telling me that we didn't get anything compared to the people west of us.

They best get used to my calls when hurricanes come because I'm very anal about checking up on people.

And now a few little things.

I want to write a book. I'm serious, I REALLY want to write one. Except, I don't know what to write about. Yeah. That might get in the way... yet, I've read many books where there was no real plot and you're left asking yourself, "What the HELL just happened?" It didn't stop JK Rowling from writing the Half Blood Prince. (Oh! Burn!)

Switching over to the subject of Katy, here's an exciting clip of one of our deep and intellectual conversations featuring the Doodle program on Yahoo. Her face and screen name have been edited out because I don't want you stalking her.

This might be amusing to some and then completely ridiculous to others.

(Linked due to size and the sheer impact of it's amazing-ness)


We tried to color his hair, but it didn't work. So we improvised.

*canned laughter*

If I know you and you have Yahoo Chat, give me your screen name. I would love to doodle with you.

I should upload pictures to the art section. But I'm lazy... and mostly afraid of people stealing my art. Again. I'll think about it though. This community really does need to have the word spread that tracing is RESERVED FOR IDIOTS AND LOSERS WITH NO PATIENCE FOR DEVELOPING THEIR OWN SKILLS.

I love Caps Lock.

Does anyone want a picture of something? I want to draw something, but I'm at a loss as to what.


Cheers, everyone.

*dances off stage*

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