Does sitting by a nice cozy fire, with a cup of hot tea/chocolate, and a book you can read for hours even when your eyes grow red and dry and you look sort of scary sitting there with your insomniac appearance? Then you fit this category perfectly! You love the power of the written word and it's eloquence; and you may like to read/write poetry or novels. You contribute to the smart people of today's society, however you can probably be overly-critical of works.
it's my last day of school tomorrow :) yay me! then lots of rehersals for graduation, a dinner for the tech school grad, grad, and my grad party. plus four days of working at skecher's. joy!
"I'm so depressed, i don't even feel like reading."
last day of intern.
we were all bawling.
tiff, me, sam.
my teacher and my class.
she got me a shirt from RIC, and a card that plays the star wars theme :) all the kids signed it, and the other teachers that I had when i was in school. I was crying.
ah. presentations are finished! I've got a ninety even though I was short by four minutes. :(
Working this weekend, we're willing to bet SAL is going to come this weekend because it's memorial day. He's the local shop lifter. He has the uncanny ability to swipe over 20 shoes on a busy saturday. He's made it out with 60 before, with accomplices.
to be or not to be
To be or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The heart-ache and troubles of my life
Or to take arms against myself
And by opposing, end all my pain. To die: to live,
No more; and by to die, I mean to end
the put-downs, the fighting, and my fragil emotional state that's
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to live;
To live: perchance to make better: aye, there's the catch;
For in this life there may be the chance,
When I can escape and learn to fix myself.
What if, by ending it all, I miss that chance
The true destiny for myself, my fate?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all.
And though the firm choice
Is shadowed with second thoughts,
And doubts, concerns, and worries
With these thoughts, the choices are hard
And I lose all courage to do it.
I've been having a lot of problems lately, so i desided this english project was a good way to let it out for me.
on a happier note, I love yardsaling. For twenty dollars I bought: Atari and 20 games, Nintendo (and 15 gaes) and Sega Genesis and Sega CD with about 25 games between them. :)
meet the spartans is officially the gayest movie ever.
don't see it.
in other words, Z O M G
the twilight series is amazing. i can't wait for the fourth book this summer. and it's becoming a movie, due for release on Dec 12. :) plus she's rewriting twilight from edward's point of view.
i'm excited.
and and and
when i get home, i'm gunna go play harvest moon. it is the most cutest game ever. i own chickens :) Comments (1) |
Friday, February 8, 2008
I've gotten my acceptance letters! :3 I got into both schools. The one in Virginia gave me a $36000 scholarship (over the four years). which covers the room and board. -_- fricken 37K a year...
my guidence councilor announced it over the intercom today. my teacher came up the stairs clapping mardi gras hand clappers, and the other teacher was like...shhh be quiet so we can hear. when she got to the 36,000, the kids in the class are like Sam? Go Sam!! Lots of stares. My face was as red as my hair.