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Monday, January 8, 2007

   Wallpaper Submission!

I was bored so I made a wallpaper out of my unicorn art...I made a fire one and an ice one!! But they only put one up!!! *sigh* (I hate when they do that!) So here is the second one! (please let me know what you think!) ^_^

The quote says:

"The unicorn stands alone, still as frost. It keeps watch down corridors of time. The past and the future meet in the presence of the unicorn: the darkness and light become one. Patient as a candle flame, inviolate, here is our guardian, keeper of the silent unknown." -- Josephine Bradley, In Pursuit of the Unicorn

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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Saturday, January 6, 2007

   New Art!! and MUSIC!! ***

YAY!!! I have finally found time to do a pic for flaky-and-fun!! Please check it out in my folio and let me know what you think!!! (It's the unicorn...) Please comment/vote!! ^_^ It would be much appreciated!!! ^_^

OMG!!!!! I LOVE THIS SONG SOOOOO MUCH!!!! It's one of my all time favs! ^_^ It's about a boy who's dad is a DJ and is always left home alone, but he wants to go out and party with his dad... *tear* isn't it sad!!

Anyway, please let me know what you think of my art/choice in music!!! ^_^

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Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

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Friday, January 5, 2007

   Acronym ^_^


Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com

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Thursday, January 4, 2007

   DeviantART A/C YAY!!! ^_^
YAY!!! I have made a deviantArt account, which is exciting!! now I can show people other art I have done which isn't anime... So please check it out!! And if you have an account at deviantArt, let me know and I'll visit yours too!!! ^_^

I would put in a link...But I'm hopeless with computer code stuff and I'm not sure how to do that... But here is my home page...Just copy and paste it into your URL address line...(seems almost ancient doesn't it...)


It's the same user name as my otaku one, so it shouldn't be too difficult to find me!! Please let me know what you think of my stuff!! (I'll have more stuff up soon...Once I get home from work that is!!)


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Wednesday, January 3, 2007

   Paste into your profile thing ^_^
I believe in Christ and I'm not ashamed to say it. If you do and are not afraid to say it then copy and paste this into your profile.

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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

   New Years! ***
WOOOHOOOO!!!! I'm going to the beach with my friends on New Years Eve!! It's gona be a blast!!

So does anyone else have any plans for New Years Eve??

OMG!! I LOVE THIS SONG!!! THIS SOOOOO REMINDS ME OF SCHOOLIES!!!! hehe....those were the days ^_^

Anyway, let me know what you think of it people! ^_^ Hope your new years will be exciting also! Anyone thought of any new years resolutions yet??

(Ataris - "Boys of summer" was here...)

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

   Hey Look, That's the time here!! YAY!

Get your clock at CompleteMyspace.com

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   Christmas/Boxing Day!

OMG!!! YAAAAY!!!! Christmas and Boxing Day was sooooo fun!!!! I AM SO FULL I CAN'T EVEN LOOK AT FOOD!!! (ok, well maybe that's a bit of an over statement!.....but seriously, it wouldn't bother me if I went without dinner tonight!! lol....)

Well it's December 26, 7:14pm....The end of Boxing day (nearly)...It's over for another year people!! But it was a great few days!

On Christmas day... (oh I got a message!! I FEEL LOVED!!!.....brb....it better not be one of those stupid optus thingies saying they have some super deal for me or whatever....I hate them.... *runs off excitedly to see who loves me!*)

YAAAAY!!! I have 3 messages!!! ACK!! X_X My friend wanted to invite me to a movie this arvo... DAMN IT!! WHYYYY OH WHYYYYY did I leave my phone in my room....??? ok and the other one was her wanting to meet up tomorrow (but I'm working....) oooooooh, but another friend wants to invite me to a movie night tomorrow!!! YAAAAY!!! OMG I FEEL SOO LOVED!!!! *hugs everyone* ^_^

lol....ok, I have become side tracked from this post....now where was i...?

OK!!! Christmas we went to this restaurant and STUFFED OUR FACES!!! and then today we had a Barbie and STUFFED OUR FACES!!! hehehe, oooh, and all the rellies and stuff came around to our place for the barbie and it was exciting!

ooooh, but do you know what sucked!! we set up the tarp and chairs and tables and barbie and stuff and then it decided to POUR ALL FRIKIN DAY!!! but yesterday it was STINKIN hot....stupid weather.....the one day we need it to be fine....and it decides to rain cats and dogs.... our entire front yard flooded!! So we had to move everything inside!! It was still fun though!!

ok I just want to throw a few questions out there...

1) pluggers/thongs/flip-flops/other?
2) what has been the highlight of christmas?
3) what was the weather like on christmas?
4) cookies/chocolate/lollies/chips?

anyway, LATERZ!!!

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Saturday, December 23, 2006

G'Day All!!!

It's Christmas tomorrow!!! (for me anyway, it's the 24th here...) I hope everyone has a very merry christmas and I hope everyone gets what they wished for!! ^_^ Be safe and enjoy the festive season!! ^_^

(This song used to be here, but I changed it...Neal McCoy – I’ll Be Home For Christmas/Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas)

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