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myOtaku.com: playitbakinslomo

Sunday, April 1, 2007

   Happy April Fools Day! ^^


Sorry I haven’t been to everyone’s sites in a while! I’ll get to them tomorrow! ^^ Because tomorrow my assignment will be all done and handed in! ^^ I only found out that I even HAD one the other day!!! LOL!! Good thing my friend mentioned it or I would have TOTALLY forgotten! ^^’ I can be so spacey sometimes… So I’ve been researching all morning and am about to start my essay! But I have to cook for the family tonight aswell as write my essay!! LOL!! I dunno how I’m gona manage that! ^^’ ah well…such is life… ^^

Oh! My friends wedding on Friday was so beautiful!! They had the tigers playing in the background while they said their vows and did the signing and everything! ^^ And I did actually find a dress! It didn’t take long either! So that was exciting! ^^ OMG!! And at the reception they had a little plushie tiger at each table setting! They were so cute!!! And we got to take them home…I should give it a name…any suggestions?? (It’s a white tiger) ^^ Oh!! And the wedding was in the morning, and someone asked my friend why she wanted to get married so early in the morning and she said “we wanted to start the day off married”. I found that so sweet! ^^

So yes, this is pretty much just an update so you don’t all think I’m dead again… ^^’ lol…Sorry I haven’t been around much! I’ll check out your sites as soon as I can! ^^ Wish me luck on my essay tonight!

Cheers! ^^

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