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myOtaku.com: playitbakinslomo

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

   ZOMG!! So much energy at midnight!! haha ^^;

G'Day! ^^

AAAWWWW!! Aren't you all nice! *group hug* Thanks for all the goodluck on finding a new job! ^^ I'm so on it! ^^ YAAAAY!! Can't wait! >_<

Oh!! A while ago I said I would post a pic of me at my 21st party twirling in the bubbles everyone blew at me! So here it is: (I look a bit dumb, but oooooh well ^^;)

ZOMG!! Do you know what, I've been watching Prince of Tennis lately and it's so awesome!!! (although the movie really sucked! haha...) And usually I don't mind watching dubbed stuff, but I REEEEALLY can't stand it dubbed! lol! So I watched the Subbed version! YAY! ^^ But usually it doesn't bother me...it depends on the anime I guess ^^ Here's a question: Which version do you prefer? Subbed (Japanese voice actors and english subtitles) or Dubbed (English speaking voice actors)?? Anyways, just curious... ^^

I want to go rollerblading tomorrow but the brake on the back of my right blade is totally worn down! I have to replace it or it will start to ruin the blad itself! I could go I spose, but I'd have to be careful. But it's no fun going slow, I like to speed blade!! It's the ultimate!! >_< haha...so maybe I'll see what I can do about the brake =P OMG! And I want to invite my bro to play squash with me! although we're gona have to find some squash courts =P We haven't played in AGES!

YAH!! I'm sick of holidays already! lol...I slept for like a week and now I'm bored! I want to go and DOOOOO THINGS!! I can't sit still anymore...usually I can just sit around home and do nothing but waist time, but I dunno what it is, I just have all this energy to do stuff!! *looks at clock* haha, and it's 11:45pm...I don't think there's much I can do right now... >_> ooooooh well, I spose I'll do something tomorrow and I'll figure some way to get rid of this energy without waking my parents up in the next room! =P

CHA!!! Gona reply to comments: ^^

Enzeru no hikari - Yah!! Well I liked it anyway ^^ Juvenile Orion is about the aquarian age...it's a war between all these factions, but there are mind breakers who are the factions masters and there's a bit of a love side story thing and there is a guy in the darklore faction and a mind breaker and an eraser who have lost their memories and STUFF...haha, I'll stop there or I'll get carried away and then give you spoilers ^^; It's only 5 volumes long, so it's short but I enjoyed it ^^ You could probably check it out i wikipedia if you're interested ^^ LOL!! Yeah I totally feel like a useless lump right now! Just something in the way taking up space =P haha...It's good to rest though ^^

DuelistGirl97 - HELL YEAH!! So happy to be out of uni!! hehe! YAY! You're the only one who did the avatar thing! *hugs* dogs are better than cats! >_< haha (IMO) friendship, awwww, that's nice ^^ and that's a nice quote!! hehe! why aren't you mr. cheerful? It's good to be cheerful I think, plus it seems to rub off onto others and makes them cheerful too! ^^ But you're you so that's good! ^^ *hugs*

ChristianOtaku - haha, well at the moment Itachi and Prince of Tennis are in the lead!! >_< I can't wait to see who wins!! (I'm not saying I'll put the winner as my theme, but it will help me decide! ^^) haha! You really are anti-sasuke huh? =P

OH OH!!!! And theres a petition going around about MyO users and the fanart section and stuff, the link is above in my intro *points up* I hope that if you're interested you'll go there and check it out!

ZOMG!!! Also: A friend is having trouble promoting a competition she is having for characters in her manga (I think) and it finishes on the 29th June, so if you're interested in a competition here's the link!:

Well I hope everyone is doing well, catch yas later! ^^

Cheers!!! ^^

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