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myOtaku.com: playitbakinslomo

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

   I'm ALIVE!! hehe... ^^;

G'Day! ^^

I haven't posted in SOOOOO long!! *hides under bed as angry mob runs past* Maybe I should post a little more often so you all know I'm still alive ^^; hehe... (gomen)

Well I'm still on holidays and it's been soooo good! ^^ I've caught up with friends, watched some more anime, cleaned my room, set up an art studio, gone to work aaaand all sorts of things! ^^

ZOMG!! I watched the entire Death Note anime!!! O____O The story line is SOOOO GOOD!!! I was like, gripped to my seat the entire time!! haha... but then I had to wait for a bit for the last episode to come out...I'm so glad I didn't have to wait a week between each episode! The suspense would have killed me!!! aaaah!!! SO GOOD!! >_<

ooooh!! My mum and dad helped me set up an art studio in the spare room downstairs! It's so exciting!! Now my room isn't completely full of stuff! lol... It's gona come in handy when I start back at uni in a few weeks! ^^ YAY!! (which reminds me - I still have to enrole in my classes! lol! I'll do it on the weekend...)

Oh! ^^ I got a haircut the other day! YAY!! It felt so good, and now I have a fringe!! WOOOT! haha, I haven't had a short fringe like this in ages...I have to get used to it again! =P hehe

And now for me to reply to your comments: ^^

ChristianOtaku - Really?!? POT ROCKS!! >_< haha, but I'm usually a sucker for sport related stuff...plus I used to play tennis ^^ lol...I'm glad you like the theme though ^^

15385bic - Yeah!! I totally agree! Sport stuff is awesome! =P (usually) I also like the manga Girl Got Game... ^^ It's about basket ball and cross dressing...haha ^_~ Well I just type POT coz it's easier than typing the entire title...but if I'm talking about it I'll usually say the entire thing... ^^

randomized05 - awwww, thanks! ^^ Glad you like the new theme! CHA!! I think my legs hate me right now! haha...I seriously have to whip them back into shape! =P I'm totally the same, ever since I finished school I haven't done much sport at all! So I'm a weakling again...lol...

DuelistGirl97 - Ah!! You've never seen PoT?!?! *points to www.veoh.com* GO WATCH IT!!! hehe...Really?!?! LOL!! "the beast from the east"! That's so funny! ^^ The card game is called spoons (stupid name if you ask me...but it was fun!) ^^ HAHA!! Well I think I'll just stick with the Sub version of Gravitation...ZOMG!! And I've done up a few symbol designs for your characters! ^^ Although they're not very polished at the moment...just rough sketches, but I'll have them done soon! ^^

Well that's about it for now, I hope everyone is doing well! Let me know what you're all up to during your holdiays!! ^^

Cheers ^^

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