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myOtaku.com: playitbakinslomo

Sunday, July 8, 2007

   Winter sucks ass!!!!! >_


*cough* *gag* *splutter* ooook....well it's winter and all here at the moment and it's finally my turn to catch a cold... >_> Although I haven't had one in about two years so I figure I'm doing ok... =P But on top of having a cold, I've lost my voice!! aaaah!!! It's so annoying! My brother and sister laugh when I try and say stuff coz nothing comes out right! hehe! ^^; But I guess I'll get through it...

Sorry if I haven't been to your site recently, I'm feeling really lazy at the moment...(hey, at least I'm honest!) ^^;

ZOMG! I have to work tomorrow...I hope I'm feeling better by the morning coz I have to go, even if I do feel like death! Which is gona suck...I sorta hope my boss sends me home early...hehe, she's nice like that sometimes... ^^ But if she doesn't I'll rough it out! ^^

Well sorry about the boring post...all it was was me complaining really ^^; buuuuut I felt the need to vent ^^; But I'll reply to all your comments now!: ^^

Shishou - LOL!! Maybe you read them and thought about commenting...but didn't...I know I'm guilty of that in the past ^^; ZOMG!!! Yeah it would have been a total shock for me too! (But I accidently read the spoilers!! *shot*) But it was still sad, even though I knew it would happen....although Near grew on me at the end! ^^

DarkCloudAngel - hehe!! You commented twice! =P CHA!! Smiling is good! It makes the people around you happier too! ^^ I'm sure a smile would suite you fine ^^

DuelistGirl97 - ZOMG! Never seen Death Note?!?!? Well I recommend it especially if you enjoy suspense and plot twists and stuff! ^^ I love it! >_< aaaaah....that sounds like somethough you'll have to work out with your parents...I had the same problem! Although I wasn't even expecting an art studio! Dad moved his Gym equipment out into the garage to make a spare room for it! I sort of felt bad, but it was something he wanted to do for me I guess, so I couldn't say no! I'm gona have to use it lots now! ^^ I'm sure you'll get a studio some day! ^^ YAY!! And no worries with the symbol design! I'm so glad you like them! Although if you feel they're not quite right, feel free to tweak them! ^^ I don't mind...they're your OC's after all! ^^

randomized05 - hmmmm, well if you want to get a haircut but don't want to make it short, then maybe try just going for a style change ^^ Then you'll feel different and stuff without getting your hair short! ^^ Try surfing the net and looking in magz for some pics of hair styles you like! Goodluck! ^^ I hope you find osmething you love! ^^

flaky and fun - awwww, don't be jealous!! I'm sure you'll get an art studio some day! I remember when I was your age I'd day dream about buying my own house and making this really nice art studio and stuff! I waited for ages believing I'd have one some day! ^^ And all of a sudden my parents surprised me with one!!! >_< I'm sure if you wait, you'll get one some day too! ^^ *hugs*

Going4Christ - Yeah totally!!! My hair is really thick too! I have layers aswell, plus I got it thinned! So it looks and feels so much nicer and lighter now! ^^ YAAAAY! *dances around in circles*

Well that's about it for now, I should get to bed so I can wake up in time for the bus to work tomorrow! (I've missed the bus three working days in a row now!! -_-") *cough* GYAH!! I hope I don't contaminate everyone at work either! lol... that would suck... >_> ooooooh well, I'll chat to you all later!

Cheers ^^

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