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myOtaku.com: playitbakinslomo

Monday, July 30, 2007

   My life is TOTALLY busy once again! ^^;

G'Day! ^^

ZOMG!!! O_____O It's been so long since I've posted! GOMEN GOMEN! I hope everyone's doing well! ^^ I'll have to get to all your sites to see what your up to! ^^ YAY!

Well I have been SUUUUPER busy lately! Uni started last week and I'm already over run with assignments and stuff! lol, but that's uni life I spose =P I don't mind though, it's good to see all my friends from uni again. Plus, all the assignments I have gives me something to do! I know that sorta sounds weird, but if the holidays had gone on any longer I would have gone insane from boredom! o_0 lol...

YAAAAY!!! And my friend had her 21st b'day party on saturday night and it was at this really nice hotel on the coast, right next to the beach! SO PRETTY =3 I love it there! So a couple of friends and I decided to rent a room at the hotel for the night and so we made a whole weekend out of it! >_< SO MUCH FUN!! We were gona go swimming, but didn't get time! Plus, we go there often so there's always next time ^^ And we played put put golf! HAHA!! and...Oh!! I (finally) saw Transformers and also the Simpsons movie...IMO Transformers was AWESOME!!! >_< aaaand....I'm not a big fan of the simpsons so it wasn't all that great for me...it was still finny in parts though ^^

So anyways, back to the party... ^^; It was a 50's, 60's, 70's theme! And almost everyone dressed up so it was fun! I totally forgot it was themed till the night before! hehe, so I asked my Aunty if she had anything I could wear and she DID!! It was this outfit that was 50's rock (sorta like the costumes from the movie Grease! lol...) so yeah, I wore that! YAY!!!

Yup, so I've been busy... ^^; oooooh, our internet connection keeps screwing up and we have to sort out the problem with the phone company and stuff...but until it's all fixed, I'm not allowed to watch stuff on youtube, veoh, animecrazy, idkwtf.....basically any video site!!! WAAAAH!!! But I figure it's not too bad coz it should be fixed in about 2 weeks and the new bleach episode doesn't come out for 2 more weeks anyway! lol! Plus I can survive here with my dvd's and old downloads =P lol...

Anyways, I know that was a little long, but now you're all up to date with what I've been up to! ^^ Hope you're not all blinded by all the text! haha ^^ Well I'll reply to your comments now ^^ YAY!:

littlemissharriet - WOOOT! I'm glad you could use that code! ^^ OMG!!! YAY!!! ECHIZEN ROCKS! >_< haha...

sonicandtailsrox - Yeah, vacation is over, but at least I'm not bored and looking for things to do anymore! lol!

randomized05 - Well...it wasn't the first time I've had to fork out money on the car...so I guess I'm used to it -_-" I'm just glad I had enough money to pay for it! It would have been worse if I didn't get any bonus money! lol! That sounds like a cute flower book! >_< I used to have stuff like that when I was little too ^^;

DuelistGirl97 - hehe!! Yeah I was starting to get sick of holidays, when do you go back?? hmmm, I've never heard of that year-round program school thing...sounds interesting...CHA!!! In all my business I forgot about the comp!! ^^; I'll defenitly do it though!! So keep an eye out for it! ^^ ZOMG!! Yeah OHSHC is funny as!! And I totally agree with everything you said! haha ^^

StormFangs - oh, don't worry, I haven't updated for ages! ^^; My bad...ZOMG!!! Yeah Code Geass is AWESOME!!! >_< I'm up to episode 18 but I can't download any more at the moment coz we're having problems with our internet connection...so I'll finish watching it when it's all up and running again ^^ Can't wait to see what happens!! >_<

Angel Leila - Really? You haven't seen Gundam Seed?!? Well I loved it and would recommend it! ^^ Oh! What did you think of Death Note?? ^^

ChristianOtaku - WOOOT!!! >_< You wrote lots again! I feel so special! =333 *hug squish* lol...LMAO! Fruit salad?!? 0_o bleh, fruit salad tastes funny (in my opinion...) I mean I don't mind all the fruit seperate...but when it's all put together I don't like it... =P YEAH YEAH!! Code Geass is SUPER interesting!! If you like Gundam Seed & Death Note you'll probably like this! ^^ HEHE!!! I'll get onto your pic when I feel like it ok! *pokes out tongue and runs away* lol...na, I'll do it soon, although I do have a b'day pic to do for someone right now...hmmmm....now when was their b'day...? ^^; I should probably check that *sweatdrops*

YAY!!! Well I finally posted again!! Sorry to keep you all waiting! I know most of you are on holidays and are bored stupid =P so I hope you find something to keep you all entertained! ^^

Cheers! ^^

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