G'Day! ^^
ZOMG!! Before I say anything, everyone go check out the pic sei-ten did of my Ren pic!! *huggles her to death* It's so beautiful!!

**new Ren**???Hosted By
OH OH!!! And I'm thinking of changing the theme of my site so I have a poll *points up* if you'd like to put your opinion in and help me decide! ^^
So how has everyone been?!? My week has been uber busy! And this week will be even BUSIER! All my assignments are due this week! *sweatdrops*
Oh!! I was going to work the other day and I thought I'd stop and buy some breakfast at this small street cafe...so anyway I ordered and paid and stuff and was waiting there for them to make it and I heard this BOOM! and a flash of light! I was like WHAT THE?!? And then the chick came out and said their toaster blew up so they couldn't make my order, so they gave me my money back and I went somewhere else...But yeah, I just found it funny that their toaster blew up! >_< haha!!
My weekend was so busy! This is the first chance I've had to post! And it's already Sunday afternoon! Well Friday night a friend and I had an anime movie night at my place and we watched Fruits Basket coz she hadn't seen it! I love that series so much! ^^ YAY!! and then Saturday night was the RiverFire festival and I went to a friends place who has a really good view of the city and we watched the fire works and I love the F111 planes the most!!! They do a fuel dump and sonic blast really low over the city as they fly past and it looks so cool!!! >_< and the entire ground shakes and it sounds as if your ears are about to explode!!! haha!! So yeah, that was good! ^^ And today is fathers day!! I bought my dad a prezzie and I'll cook dinner later tonight for everyone ^^ I hope he likes it! I'll have to think of something he likes to eat ^^
ZOMG!!! >_< And today is the second day of spring!!! WOOOOT!! (because it's the 2nd September here...) YAAAAY!!! I love spring and summer the most!! So much fun! >_< So what season is it where you guys are??
Well I've been tagged by Flaky and fun! I was tagged on DA too, so I might just post the same facts here ^^ (sorry DG97 and CO, you've seen them already! =P hehe...):
The rules are:
1. Post these rules
2. Each person tagged must post 8 random facts about themselves.
3. Tags should write a journal/blog of these facts.
4. At the end of the post 8 more people are tagged and named.
5. Go to their page and leave a message telling them they're tagged
And here are my facts:
1) When I was little I used to think there were little guys living in the traffic lights that changed them...(oh...it's true...) 0_o
2) ummmm, I've never broken a bone in my body (MILK IS YUMMMM!!! DRINK IT!!!!)
3) I don't like rice, but I like FRIED RICE! (yeeeeeeah, figure that one out...)
4) Someday I want to go to Santorini and Japan ^^ Because travel is FUN!! (not that I'd know...*sweatdrops*)
5) I've never been afraid of the dark or of heights...In fact I was always climbing trees when I was little >_< I could always climb up, but had trouble getting down *sweatdrops* so dad had to come help get me out of the tree...haha...Good times ^^
6) The other day it poured rain (for the first time in...wait...I don't remember the last time it rained like that...) so anyways, it poured down and I was walking home from uni and I was SOAKING wet! seriously.....it was like Id just jumped into a pool with my clothes on... =P haha...
7) I'm addicted to chicken salt (THERE IS NEVER ENOUGH CHICKEN SALT!!!) 0_o And if you haven't tried it...GO!! *points* NOW!!! *starts to reach for the whip* lol!
8) If there was such a thing as Ice-cream delivery....it would SOOOOO be here right now....(and I'd be stuffing my face with the best ice-cream in the world...yep, BELIEVE IT!!) haha...
YAY!! And now I'll tag people!! ^^ Dunpeil Dueliest, DuelistGirl97 (haha, you're turn to be tagged by me!!), ChristianOtaku, dragonrider18, LT14, sei-ten, aragorn1014 and Moon Fangs!! (Although you guys don't have to do it if you don't want ^^ I don't mind...) ^^
About time to reply to comments I think!^^:
Dunpeil Dueliest - Well I hope you're feeling much better by now ^^ *hugs* Oh!! Thanks SOOOO MUCH!! I'll check out that site for Code Geass! *GLOMP*
Sir Deathstrike - LMAO!! >_< You couldn't really blow up if that happened could you?!? HAHA!! It's pretty funny to think about though! XDDD
DuelistGirl97 - COOOOOL!!! >_< We speak the same language!! >_< *HUG SQUISH* haha!! I think you're like the only other person on here (who isn't Aussie) who actaully gets what I talk about when I say stuff like that! =P Oh!! Well if you decide to come to Australia I can tell you some good places (and not so good places =P lol...) ZOMG!! >_< I want to watch that now, just so I can see the dude called Ryuichi!! XDDD lol!!
ChristianOtaku - HAHA!! Yeah, my typing speed varies! I mean I guess I'm pretty good but sometimes I just get really into it and I realise I'm typing SUPER FAST!! >_< haha! It's pretty frustrating watching my dad type though >_> He's one of the people who types using just his pointer fingers and looks around for all the letters!! ARGH!! It's enough to drive me crazy!! So I tell him I'll type his stuff for him just so I don't have to watch him try and type! But then again when I look at my sister type...I seem SUPER SLOW!! haha! She's like lightening! Alhtough she was taught touch typing in school =P
Moon Fangs - Oh cool! Yeah my room's like that too! I love it and it has everything I need ^^ But sometimes I just feel like I want to get out and do stuff!
LGA775 - COOOOOOL!!! Yeah the beach is the BEST!! >_< And the Islands are pretty nice too ^^ Hopefully I'll be going to the beach with a few friends next weekend, but we haven't decided o it yet ^^
Greedsdoll - haha!! Well I seem to babble quite a bit sometimes! I try not to with my posts and I try to get to the point, but sometimes I don't and just end up trying to remember what my point was! lol! *sweatdrops* oooooh, well it was more like toast and fried egg...so I guess it depends on what people like/dislike ^^ hehe!! Yeah, chocolate is YUMMM!!! Although I have a friend who doesn't like it! 0_o WHAT THE?!?!
Well this post has turned out to be long again! I guess coz I'm only posting on weekends now I have to catch you all up on things from the entire week!! ^^ Oh!! And btw, if you want to chat during the week or anything, feel free to PM me mkay! ^^ I always check my PM's during the week! ^^
Cheers! ^^ *hugs*