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myOtaku.com: playitbakinslomo

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

   Christmas/Boxing Day!

OMG!!! YAAAAY!!!! Christmas and Boxing Day was sooooo fun!!!! I AM SO FULL I CAN'T EVEN LOOK AT FOOD!!! (ok, well maybe that's a bit of an over statement!.....but seriously, it wouldn't bother me if I went without dinner tonight!! lol....)

Well it's December 26, 7:14pm....The end of Boxing day (nearly)...It's over for another year people!! But it was a great few days!

On Christmas day... (oh I got a message!! I FEEL LOVED!!!.....brb....it better not be one of those stupid optus thingies saying they have some super deal for me or whatever....I hate them.... *runs off excitedly to see who loves me!*)

YAAAAY!!! I have 3 messages!!! ACK!! X_X My friend wanted to invite me to a movie this arvo... DAMN IT!! WHYYYY OH WHYYYYY did I leave my phone in my room....??? ok and the other one was her wanting to meet up tomorrow (but I'm working....) oooooooh, but another friend wants to invite me to a movie night tomorrow!!! YAAAAY!!! OMG I FEEL SOO LOVED!!!! *hugs everyone* ^_^

lol....ok, I have become side tracked from this post....now where was i...?

OK!!! Christmas we went to this restaurant and STUFFED OUR FACES!!! and then today we had a Barbie and STUFFED OUR FACES!!! hehehe, oooh, and all the rellies and stuff came around to our place for the barbie and it was exciting!

ooooh, but do you know what sucked!! we set up the tarp and chairs and tables and barbie and stuff and then it decided to POUR ALL FRIKIN DAY!!! but yesterday it was STINKIN hot....stupid weather.....the one day we need it to be fine....and it decides to rain cats and dogs.... our entire front yard flooded!! So we had to move everything inside!! It was still fun though!!

ok I just want to throw a few questions out there...

1) pluggers/thongs/flip-flops/other?
2) what has been the highlight of christmas?
3) what was the weather like on christmas?
4) cookies/chocolate/lollies/chips?

anyway, LATERZ!!!

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