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myOtaku.com: PlueMaster

Monday, March 14, 2005

   Kikyo or Kagome?
This is a very common question and I have just read the article but was not able 2 say all I wanted 2 say. 4 Inuyasha I would say Kagome. While I was writing a fic (I have an account at fanfiction.net) I got really into it and realized this. (By the way my penname is Insanity Nights) See Kagome is always there 4 Inuyasha and will always b there 4 Inuyasha. Even when she leaves you kno she'll cum bac. Also, slowly Kagome is warming Inuyasha's heart and teaching him how 2 trust. And he is opening up more and is showing his softer side more, sumthing Kikyo could never accomplish. And don't 4get the fact that Kikyo is dead. Tho she walks the Earth she can never b alive again and u can't b with sum1 who's dead unless ur dead. Given wut I just told u I would like 2 say that I like Kikyo a whole lot more than Kagome. I think Kikyo is like the coolest chara. on that show and I wish Kagome would just burn like the witch she is. The person said that a lot of girls conect themselves 2 Kagome but I'm am a girl who would rather freeze the death then burn in hell than see myself as Kagome. To tell u the truth, from that show I usually relate myself 2 Inuyasha or Kagura. I will get into that another day. I kno it doesn't make sense, but everything about me is contradictory. That's because I'm Paradoxical!!

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