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• 1991-10-02
• second star to the right and straight on till morning
Member Since
• 2005-06-30
• crazy person
Real Name
• LoKi
• HA HA HA HA.......^o^ achievements.
Anime Fan Since
• a couple years ago
Favorite Anime
• Wolfs Rain, Fruits Basket, Chobits, D.N.Angel, Inuyasha and many more
• to make it through another hopless year alone and unhurt!!
• reading and writing poems
• I make boys cry ^-^
Friday, April 20, 2007
yeah yeah I know! I haven't been here for awhile! Sorry! i just had a lot going on, but I doubt anyone really missed me!.
So yup. Life has been really busy and filled with way to much drama. You think you know someone but they never stop suprising you. Like my lil sis told me about a life changing decesion that she made. It completely blew me away.
Oh yeah and someone who i thought was my friend and cared about me, pretty much ruined my reputation. He is like in love with ,e so he told everyone that we were sleeping together and that all you have to do to get in my pants is sleep with me. So a bunch of people think I'm a slut and I figured out why alot of the guys I like never as me out.... he always tells them that I'm taken by him.... Ugh!!! I'm so mad. I hate rumors and those ones really hurt me becuase they aren't true at all. And now he expects me to give him another chane! No way!
well yeah before i left I said that I was gonna let you guys read one of my poems so yeah. let me know what you think! keep in mind I wrote it for someone that I really did love!
27 March, 2007
�Letting Go of You�
Well I can�t write,
I don�t know what to say.
Your feelings seem to change,
Each and every day.
One minute you want me,
The next its her.
You can�t make up your mind,
To me its one big blur.
I understand this is hard,
And you don�t know what to do.
But I don�t have a clue,
I try to be understanding.
I want to let you heal.
But its getting really hard,
When I don�t know what I feel.
Sometimes I feel like fighting,
To never let you go.
Or sometimes I want to give up,
Just let it be, let life flow.
I know I love you,
And I always will.
But its getting really hard,
My heart I wish to still.
As for my course of breath,
I wish it to fall faint.
To fear what I would miss,
To see what death would taint.
But when I think of that,
I then think of you.
How it feels to be in your arms,
Is like a dream come true.
And then it gets confusimg,
Where to go from here.
Life without you is impossible,
Losing you is my biggest fear.
But then I begin to wonder,
Would it hurt less to let go now.
To erase you from my life,
But to do that I don�t know how.
The words I need to hear,
Its over, we�re done.
No more chances,
It ended before it begun.
Hopefully now the pain will cease,
The hardest part is losing you.
But you were never mine,
So there was nothing I could do.
So I�m letting go,
You�re gone!

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