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myOtaku.com: pockygrlFrEaK182

Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

bleh...dunno what to say..tired..and i think i have something wrong with my throat...it's really sore and it feels like it's swollen....so ya...
i dunno....i don't think me and my bf are gunna last much longer..it just feels like we're drifting apart..but...it's really gunna hurt me if i have to hurt him...but...i can't continue living a lie...so..ya..have to find the words to say before anything.
and now there's a girl at my work who's a tota b****.....so ya and now my best friends' ex-bf is a jerk and he's spreading rumors about her and my other friends....so many problems...

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Monday, April 11, 2005

blah blah blah....boring school...got back from ohio and now i wish i could go back...winterguard is over for the year *cries* but colorguard will start soon...but i prefer winter over color tho....no band members to harass you....and i hav no idea what my mood is...i feel bleh..and yah...
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Tuesday, April 5, 2005

   happy happy!
yay! i get to leave for ohio tomorrow for winterguard. nationals!! woop woop! i can't wait. no siblings, no school! i have to miss 2 days of the meap, but, o well. i dun care. i need to get some pictures on here. i was using a drawings tablet today in my graphics communications class and it was awsome! i drew this neko shojo. she turned out super cool. i'll post it when i go to class again. got to go to government class lol. ja ne!
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Monday, April 4, 2005

so bored...so ya. this is my first entry on this site. i love the otaku, but i never had the chance to make an account lol. anywayz....spring break is over...which sux..cuz..my spring break sucked....so ya...hope ya enjoy my art and such. byez. ja ne!
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