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high up in the clouds...
Member Since
we got this site up at last!
spreading great poetry all over MyO and getting new talents to be recognized
| Poetry Union

This is the Otaku Poetry Union, the Poetry Central!
Enjoy the works of our members and please comment!
"A poet's work is to
name the unnameable,
to point at frauds, to take sides,
start arguments, shape the world
and stop it going to sleep."
~ Salman Rushdie
If you want to become a member, you:
- have to have some interest in poetry and write poems (any kind of poems are allowed)
- are willing to have your poems published here (no point in being a member if no one can see your works)
- have to be sure you're able to write a new poem maybe once a week
If you want to be a member, PM us. It would also be very appreciated if you could send one of your poems too. We look forward to being able to work with other poets!
We hope you enjoy your time in The Otaku Poetry Union!
~The members of TOPU~
The latest TOPU news!
We are looking for a new administrator. If youre interested, PM TOPU.
Welcome our newest member Sailor Queen!
Visits: 608
Guestbook Signings: 44
Members: 42

Friday, January 30, 2009
So sorry!!!
Alrighty... I think I actually know what I'm doing now. Haven't actually gotten any instruction; but I'm trying darnit!
Sorry if I don't do well *bows*
For all the days of time one could not surmise
For all the nights of day one could not realize
If only we were stronger than a robust mountain
If only we were as graceful as an angel's fountain
Is it something we all view with great disdain
Is there no on who would take the blame
Was it for our own security that we deny the gone by
Was it our own selfishness that led us to lie
By the power of us who decided so askew
By the power of us who never bothered or knew
The folly of those most unaware
The folly of those who refused to care
We have gone undone by our own haned
We have gone undone like the ocean against the sands
Some dig a grave full of regret and some fail to see
Some dig a grave for misery's love of company
Let it be is what they say to my dismay
Let it be is what they say until all is decay
For all the days of time one could not surmise
For all the nights of day one could not realize
...maybe even after their demise...
- luvsol
Sorry for the extreme delay!! And sorry if your poems do not get in right away -- I'm trying to catch up with all that I've missed!
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