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Uh ... just call me Lyss; hey, only two letters taken off
Was in Winter Guard and ... um, passed all the W.A.S.L. tests with flying colours? o.O I passed my first year of high school too ... does that count?
Anime Fan Since
Oh God ... since 5th grade at least
Favorite Anime
Full Metal Alchemist
To make the Symphonic choir at school and to pass all my classes ^^;;; But for my life goal/dream, I want to become a singer or writer ... though I adore singing more
Singing, writing, colour guard, watching anime, reading manga, practically living on the internet or sleeping
Singing, writing, colour guard
| PointlessxJourney
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Monday, August 29, 2005
Icons anyone?
Today has been boring ... though that's because I just got up like a half hour ago ((it's 3:00pm)). >.>
I wonder how sis' first day of school went. Man! I wanna go back to school too!!! *cries* Okay, yeah I know I sound like a crazy person. =D
Well, not much to say so I'll just post the crap-load of FMA icons I found yesterday. Oh, and none of them are yaoi so you can look guys. =P
Oh wait, okay I lied. One is sort of shounen-ai but not really and the other has a purpose other than to gross straight males out. Which by the way, I agree 100% with. XD I'll leave those two for the last ones.

I had to put this. XD

Doesn't the one of Al just wanna make you go, "Awhh..."?
THE DUCKIE PAJAMAS!!! XD Okay, they're baby chicks, but I call them the Duckie Pajamas!! Deal with it!!!!!
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
Do doo do do
Well, I finally got the FMA DVDs. It took like an hour to order! I had to keep going back and forth between my and Mom's screen name/e-mails. It was such a pain in the ass!
I went to bed around 3:00am but couldn't sleep. I ended up falling asleep like at 5:00am. x.x I did my morning chores then I tried to stay awake by watching Saturday cartoons but I fell asleep before One Piece and Yugioh came on. *comically cries* I woke back up at 5:00pm. XD
Wh00t! Forty-five minutes before an hour of One Piece is on! ^o^ Toonami plays new episodes at 10:00pm. Then new Inuyasha at 12:30am.
Gah, I want to know how long I'm going to have to wait for the DVDs! *dies waiting*
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
La le la le la
Today was okay. Mom, Sam, and I saw Brothers Grimm and it turned out pretty good ... though Mom hated it. x.x
Mom and I went school shopping before that so I have school supplies all over my bed. I'm so excited for school but in a way I don't want to go back. It all depends on who's in my classes.
My stomach hurts like Hell and I've been chewing on my bottom lip in two places ... it looks like I have vampire teeth only upside-down. x.x
It's 10:00pm and I'm just having dinner ... that's sad. Usually I eat wayyy ealier than that. Oh well.
I haven't really talked to sis in like two days! ARGG!!!!!!! o.o
Okay, I'm going to go eat before I get weird.
Okay, weirder.
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Friday, August 26, 2005
A mini rant I guess
Nothing much happened today. I talked to Katie and ... Jelani. God, J's such an ass. ¬_¬ Well, Katie's cool. XD
Sis only e-mailed me once today ... besides that I haven't talked to her. It's 9:45pm here and 11:45pm over there. I don't get it ... I hope nothing bad happened.
Was today the day she and her mom were going to the fair? I don't think so but it could be.
Well, the DVD set I wanted was taken today but I found another one just like it and the auction lasts for six days so it's all good. I'm going to have Mom order for it tomorrow though just to be safe. I might be able to get a FMA poster too. It depends.
Mom wants to see Brothers Grimm tomorrow ... I don't know if we will though. Everything depends on how much Dad gives us this month. Right now he supposed to be paying us I think $1,300 but for maybe a year has been paying $1,200. But for the last couple of months, he's only been giving us $900. Rip off, much? Dad already owes us over $3,000 ... probably close to $4,000 by now. Damn, Mom could pay Carol back with that! She gave us $3,000 when we first moved four years ago. Mom feels so fucking guilty that she hasn't paid her back yet. We could go to Disney Land again! That's sort of been Mom's and my dream to go back. To see the Mulan parade again. Heh, I remember while we were there, Dad was on his cell phone telling someone how you have to see the movie first. Later we found out he was talking to none other Sue ... the bitch Dad had the affair with ((it's just peachy that she has the same name as Mom)).
Shit ... now I'm all upset again. You have no idea how much I want to just cut right now. I know I can't ... I just feel like if I don't I'll snap. Fuck ... I'm crying. I hate it when I cry because I feel so weak. But I cry a lot anyway ... figures.
I'm going to go before Mom sees me and freaks. Maybe I'll play DDR or watch the first episode of Yami no Matsuei ((it came back onto On Demand)). Or maybe I'll watch the first two DVDs of FMA I have ((a.k.a. the first eight eps)).
I doubt I'll be back online tonight ... only if sis comes on. Other than that I'll probably try to actually get some decent sleep.
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
I had such a shitty night last night. I was watching three episodes of Instand Star that I had taped earlier that night. In that show, the father of the main girl is having an affair. In the end of the third episode, it shows him coming down the stairs with a briefcase and the older sister of Jude ((the main character)) started crying and jumped up to hug him. It was obvious he was leaving after telling his wife.
I just sat there, staring blankly at the screen ... then just bursted into tears. I've seen this episode before, but it never got to me like this.
I just sat there, crying rather loudly ((I'm surprised Mom didn't wake up)) muttering incoherent things about how father changed my live forever and hurting Mom like that and using Sam. I just felt like screaming. I would have come back online, but by then it was already like 12:30am. So I watched Inuyasha and Full Metal Alchemist. Then I cried some more then forced myself to go to bed.
I thought that since I cried so much it would be easy to fall asleep ... damn wrong. I laid there for probably at least an hour just staring at the ceiling and through the cracks in the blinds.
Then I had weird dreams of what seemed to be Instand Star. It was like my own private episode. It was so strange. Then more ideas popped into my head for rping.
I got up right before 8:00am ((after being screamed at)) and did my morning chores. Then I went straight back to bed. I ignored the home phone and cell phone ((though I didn't hear my cell go off both times)) till Elena messaged my cell. I got off my ass and came here. Now I'm waiting for her to get on and it's 12:30pm.
Wh00t ... that was my twelve-hour report.
I guess I'm still in a shitty mood. I'll eat something and maybe that'll help.
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Full Metal Alchemist stoof
Omg, I downloaded four AMVs for FMA. The first one was totally Ed/Winry but still cool. I just got one that has a song from Saiyuki. IT ROCKS!!!!! XD It was so freaking awesome! I noticed that that one was from my FMA game as well! It had Armony ((the rather annoying pink-headed girl)) and the weird and also annoying dressed alchemists that are hella easy to beat. XD
Oh, and I'm not getting that one FMA DVD set ... I'm getting this one!
Okay, so yeah. I can't wait till Mom gets paid Thursday night so she can get me that FMA set! *squeals*
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Sunday, August 21, 2005
In two days the link probably won't work anymore but OMG I FREAKING NEED THIS!!!!!!!
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Yesterday was weird. From about 11:30am to 2:00pm I was at Martha Lake where Sam's company picnic was. It was okay. The games were fun and hilarious. But only Lee ((her bf)) was helping her! She had to plan the whole fucking thing. She got really stressed. =/
When we were leaving, we had all the car doors open to cool it off and this truck stopped behind us waiting; blocking the way for other cars. A woman in the passanger front seat started yelling to Mom going, "Excuse me; excuse me!" but Mom didn't hear her. I was standing in the shade so I walked over and said, "We'll be leaving in a few minutes." Then the woman glared at me and goes, "Oh, okay. You don't have to have an attitude about it." God, I did not have an attitude! I said it rather politely. Geez ... bitch. ¬_¬
So after we left Dad called saying he just got there. Well crap! Because I heard he brought a "guy friend" with him. I just wanted to see if he didn't want to come alone or if like Mom put it, "was experimenting".
A little after 5:00pm, I went bowling with Rick and Frank. We played six games and we all won a few each. Dude, the highest score I got was like 78. x.x BUT I haven't bowled since elementary school. I got a lot of spares and ones where all but one fell. Pin #8 HATES me!
Anyway, it was fun. We joked and played around. It reminded me of how much of a best friend Rick is. I just hope it's okay that that's all I see him as. So far he hasn't said anything after that one night online. Though he is calling me like five times a day now. x.x;;; He woke me up from my nap today too! XD
Yeah, last night I was just so freaking tired, I went to bed at 10:00pm. I can't even get to bed that early for school! So yeah, that was pretty big. Then I got back up at I think 8:00am and walked the dogs and stuff. Then I watched the two episodes of One Piece I taped last night then fell back asleep probably around 11:00am. Then I woke up at around 2:00pm.
I was trying to get the internet to work before I went into my room to grab a sweatshirt then saw my phone off the hook. x.x So that was what kept me from going online. XDDD
That's pretty much all that happened. God, not being online for a whole day almost killed me!
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
Hmm ...
Mom and I decided to go to the beach for a little bit ... took us about an hour to actually get there. We got there but the car was out of gas so we went back to AM PM then back to the beach. We just sat there and stared at the water. It was calming ... till a couple climbed passed me on the rocks. I looked over and saw them kiss. I know I shouldn't be jealous ... but I was; so I got off the rocks and sat next to Mom.
When we were walking back to the car, we were talking about how we used to hate all the families that were there. I see a mother, father, and siblings all having fun together as a family and I think ... my family never did anything so why do all of you get to have fun while we can't? Mom and I had a long discussion about that. Then it turned into why I suddenly started getting bullied in 7th grade.
Hope Sam's company picnic will be fun tomorrow ...
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Friday, August 19, 2005
Okay, well ... I never went bowling. Rick's grandpa had to go to the hospital with his mom. I think he had to go to the ER. That scared me ... but Rick says he'll be okay. God, I hope so.
Mom just came home so I need to get my chores done before I get in trouble.
Tomorrow is Sam's company picnic ... I hope I don't have to stay for very long.
I'll update more later. Ja ne.
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