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Uh ... just call me Lyss; hey, only two letters taken off
Was in Winter Guard and ... um, passed all the W.A.S.L. tests with flying colours? o.O I passed my first year of high school too ... does that count?
Anime Fan Since
Oh God ... since 5th grade at least
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Full Metal Alchemist
To make the Symphonic choir at school and to pass all my classes ^^;;; But for my life goal/dream, I want to become a singer or writer ... though I adore singing more
Singing, writing, colour guard, watching anime, reading manga, practically living on the internet or sleeping
Singing, writing, colour guard
| PointlessxJourney
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Thursday, August 11, 2005
OMG YESH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so freaking confused trying to put up a background picture! It wasn't the one I wanted but who the Hell cares?! It's a sexeh picture of Ed with Roy ((better be happy sis >.>)). XDDD
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Too early for computer! *passes out*
I went to bed at 1:00am -which is majorally early for me- but didn't fall asleep till a little later. Got up around 7:30am and stayed up. I was so tired though but after my shower I woke up a little. It's 9:40am now and just waiting for sis to get back from Reenie's.
I think I'm going to go to the Frank reunion this weekend. I need to get my birth certificate if I want to get back into the US. Wow, this'll be the first time I go out of the country; how pathetic is that? ^^;;;
Well, Maki's boyfriend told her a class she wanted was full so she switched her bio class. I want to be in there with her so I switched stuff around too. I like the schedule better now anyway. The first two classes are just like last year. So here's [hopefully] what my day will look like:
First period - Biology - McBee
Second period - La Voz - Cappello
Third period - Algebra Concepts II - Crum
Fourth period - Sign Language - TBA
Fifth period - Sophomore English - Crews
Sixth period - AP World History - Averill
So, yeah. Registration is tomorrow so let's hope that I can get my classes the way I want.
Bleh ... bored. I've only gotten three new pictures but I'll post them anyway.

Just a random Inuyasha pic.

Hehe, Fluffy's pissed. XD

I don't know what it says in the background or what they're saying but I saw this and instantly started laughing.
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
[Insert original subject line here]
Mer ... I went to bed at 4:00am but ended up just lying there watching it get lighter outside through the blinds for an hour. Then I got up to walk the dogs at 7:00am I think ... I don't remember when I went back to bed. I woke back up at 1:00pm when mom came home for lunch. I tried to sleep again after she left but it didn't work. It's almost 3:30pm now.
I'm tired of being bored all the time. I'm so ready for school to come back. Well, next week we register our classes online. This is the schedule I want:
First period - Algebra Concepts II - McIntosh
Second period - La Voz ((choir)) - Cappello
Third period - Biology - McBee
Fourth period - Sign Language - TBA
Fifth period - Sophomore English - Crews
Sixth period - AP World History - Averill
Anyway, Dad wants me to come with him and Sam to a family reunion up in Vancouver this weekend. I don't know if I want to go. I mean, Dad just found out they were family. I think the only reason why he's going is because of Great Aunt Sally or whoever is there. Apparently, she made all the huge books on the Frank history that Dad has. I might go, mostly because Sam's giving me a guilt trip about not doing anything this summer. Maybe I just don't want to go outside! I hate the sun. ¬_¬
Whatever ... I'll think on it. Right now I'm working on becoming fully conscious. Maybe I'll go to Mom's car and get the pop she got during her lunch.
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I'm so bored. Elena is usually online by now ((tis 9:40pm)) but maybe she's just not in the mood to come online. I read her myO so I understand if that's the case.
*sighs* Don't really have anything to say. I just want to RP. I'm such a dork. XP
I went to bed at 5:00am, got up at 6:00am, went back to bed around 7:00am, and got back up at about 3:30pm.
Picture time!~

Sexeh shirtless Ed.

Another sexeh shirtless Ed! XD

I thought that was adorable. XD

This is from the movie I think.

I really like this picture but it makes me dizzy when I stare at it. @_@

From sis' favourite episode: Fullmetal vs. Flame.

Damn good band and a damn good song ((Helena)).

I thought this was hilarious when I saw it. XDDD But you have to have seen Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith to get it.

Sorry guys. XD I couldn't resist!!!
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
Mer ... it's 10:47pm and I'm soooo tired. I got up like at 4:30pm so I shouldn't be this tired; but I'm close to falling asleep at the computer.
Elena's mom isn't making her go to bed though so I'm going to try and stay up. I've only been up for about six hours so why am I already so fucking tired? It's weird.
Maybe another pop will give me a second wind.
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Monday, August 8, 2005
It's already 5:00pm? Naaaah ... ~_~
*Sighs* Well, I went to bed I think at 4:30am and just woke up like a half hour ago and my mom's off work in an hour. Well crap. I don't even remember what I chores are today ... I think it was to empty the dish washer, vacuum, and shampoo the carpets but I'm not sure. x.x;;;
God damn it ... I have such horrible posture! It's driving me insane. This fucking chair doesn't help any either.
Hurry up and get online Elena!!!!! *cries* isn't working so I'm bored and I want to RP ((of course ¬_¬))!!!
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Sunday, August 7, 2005
Men ... ¬_¬
Okay, I went to go walk the dogs like I usually do, right? I go out to the front lawn of the apartments since I know Jazzie and Darbie prefer that area. Lots of cars go by; nothing new. This one car goes by, and a guy smiles over at me. The very next car, a guy yells over to me. I instantly shiver and try to hurry up the dogs and go back inside. Yeah, I'm wearing a sort of tight t-shirt and short skirt but I'm nothing to look at people!!!
Well, now I have made a mental note to wear this outfit when school comes back. Maybe then I can get a boyfriend! Geez ...
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... mer ...
It's amazing how Sam can piss me off. I was supposed to go bowling with her and Lee ((her bf)) tomorrow but now I'm not going to. She called ((which also woke me up ¬_¬)) and said she was going to send me something online and I had to print it out then give it to Lee when he comes over ((they don't have a printer)). So she asked for my e-mail. I told her and she instantly started trashing it. Tell me, does XxOnlyxChancexX sound all porno to you? Yes, there are 'x's in them and usually more than one 'x' means porn ... but that's normally three 'x's. Sam just said how that was a disgusting e-mail and that it meant porno. Gee, thanks Sam. God ... bitch ...
I know I'll forgive and forget but Sam does these kinds of things all the fucking time. It gets really irritating.
Awh, damn. I just got the e-mail and turned on the printer ... it worked ((a lot it won't turn on so you have to re-start the computer)). I was going to laugh my ass off if the printer wouldn't work. Well, shit. There goes my fun. XDDD I know, I must sound like the worst sister in the world right now. Oh well. XD Geez, the e-mail is seven pages long! Holy shizznit. o.o
Oh sis! Yeah, other sis! XD Want me to try and find a different Roy/Ed icon only less intense? XDDD SEXEH TONGUE ACTION!!!!!!!
Lmao, well, I dunno what else to say. Damn, I've been in a real mood for RPing! Hurry and get online sis! XD It's allll because you turned me into a Russell fan-girl!!!!! XD
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
Erm ... 1 + 1 = 11??? o.O
Mer ... brain feels like moosh ... x.x;;;
Once again I stayed up RPing with Elena then actually went to bed a few minutes to 5:00am. I don't know when mom was first yelling at me to get up, but I got out of bed around 7:00am. It's almost 8:30am now. x.x;;; So tired. Oh well.
I wonder if Elena will come back on. I just e-mailed her so we'll see.
Last night/early morning my stomach hurt soooo badly. I donn't know what was wrong. I had a headache on my right temple too. On top of that I was really tired and couldn't think straight. =X Well, I feel better but my stomach still hurts a little.
Oh, mom and I put Advantage ((flea stoof)) on all four pets last night. XD That was amusing. We had to trap Reene and Taima in the bathroom while we did Jazzie and Darbie. I felt so bad but they didn't seem to notice. Jazzie was the only one that seemed to acknowledge it ... she was milking it so much to mom and I last night. XDDD
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Friday, August 5, 2005
Naaaahh ... ~_~
Damn it, I'm so tired. I went to bed at 3:00am and got up at 6:30am. I tried to stay up but fell back asleep I'm guessing around 8:00am. Tami called my cell about noon-ish so that woke me up. I took a shower and headed down to the mall. Stayed there for two hours. I just got back actually. It's 4:00pm and I am so ready for bed. ~_~ I hate feeling this tired all the time.
Jesse was supposed to call me today when he left for the mall ((his mom kicked him out for the day so he'd actually do something)) but so far, nothing. If he does call, he's out of luck.
Damn, mom just got home and I have to unload the groceries she just bought.
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