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Uh ... just call me Lyss; hey, only two letters taken off
Was in Winter Guard and ... um, passed all the W.A.S.L. tests with flying colours? o.O I passed my first year of high school too ... does that count?
Anime Fan Since
Oh God ... since 5th grade at least
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Full Metal Alchemist
To make the Symphonic choir at school and to pass all my classes ^^;;; But for my life goal/dream, I want to become a singer or writer ... though I adore singing more
Singing, writing, colour guard, watching anime, reading manga, practically living on the internet or sleeping
Singing, writing, colour guard
| PointlessxJourney
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
It's soooo hoooot. x.x I took a shower like an hour ago and I already feel the need for a cold shower. *glugs cold water* Omg, I know. It's a miracle. It's like I only drink water when I'm doing DDR or if it's really hot. I think it's in the 90s today ... even in the shade. x.x
Ya'know what? I want school back ... because then it's cooler!!!
Mer ... nothing much else to say.
I got some pictures I'll show; not all of them are anime though.

"... bang ..."

Sexeh tongue action! XD I put this up for you, sis!

Hehe, I love this picture so much. XD

Ham ham domination! XD I just thought this was kawaii.

This is my attitude for most things. ¬_¬
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Haha ... I've been RPing with sis for thirteen hours straight.
Haha ha haha ha ... *passes out*
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
Wahh ... sleeeep
I am so tired. I stayed online till around 2:30am RPing with sis. Went to bed at 3:30am but probably didn't fall asleep for an hour; that's usually how it works. Got up at 6:30am to walk the dogs, feed the pets, and give them fresh water for the day. Ate a bagel and watched episode 20 of Wolf's Rain from On Demand. Took a shower and then got online. It's 10:40am now and the pop I just finished isn't perking me up.
If I fall asleep, then I'll be a mess if Dave comes up. He's one of the maintenance dudes and he might come fix the leak under the kitchen sink today. Also, I'm trying to stay up so I'll want to go to bed at a good time. So far, I just want to invision the inside of my eyelids.
Even my FMA game doesn't sound good. Only sleep does.
I e-mailed sis I think like four times saying to get online but I don't think I can wait for her.
I should be used to only getting three hours of sleep. That's how much I get for school; three to five hours usually.
Naaaah ... ~_~
I wanna sleeeep.
YAY!!! Sis just got on! Maybe now I'll be able to stay awake!
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Hehehe, when Sam came over, she took me over to the mall ((even though it's a three minute walk away x.x)) and I got my FMA strategy guide!!! *jigs* I found out that at the end I do have to fight Roy and Alex but whether I win or lose I still beat the game. THEN I got the two Gravi comics I needed!!! *jigs some more* XD During that time, we bumped into one of my sister's friends and he was really cute. ^^;;; He likes FMA too!
The whole thing was weird.
HEATHER IS LEAVING THE HOT TOPIC HERE FOR THE ONE IN CASCADE!!!!!!! *cries* That is so unfair! Everyone I make friends with at Hot Topic leave! GAH!!
One of the Katies from winter guard was in there too so I got to talk to her. ^^ She's going to be a senior this year. It was cool bumping into her.
Meh, I'm going to get the rest of the gold-points I need so I can get the forehead jewel for my avi at gaiaonline!
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Naaaah ~_~
Well, I got offline at 7:00am and just waited for sis to message my cell ... then I fell asleep. x.x I just got up and it's a little before 4:00pm. Heh, oops. ^^;;;
Sam's coming over really soon. She called like right when I became conscious. o.o It was freaky. Anyway, she's bringing the vacuum and getting her movie.
Note to self: Self? ((Huh?)) Don't forget to make Sam put away the light bright box!!! ((Okay!)) x.x
It has a lot of stuff from when Sam and I were really little; so it's special.
Yeah, that's it. I'm done.
Gomen-nasaii sis for falling asleep on you. x.x;;;
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Mer ... it's 6:30am ... and I haven't gone to bed yet. *dies* I slept most of the day yesterday but still ... soooo tiiiired. x.x I stayed up all night RPing with sis but she had to go to convince her mom that she went to bed. She was supposed to be back like an hour ago. If she doesn't come back soon I'm going to fall asleep.
Gah, I need to eat something ... maybe that'll keep me awake. I should be bouncing off the wall with how many pops I had to keep me up. I think I've had about five. *glugs on another one*
At least I'm all clean; I took a shower at 5:00am while I waited for sis to come back.
Now mom's awake and getting ready for work. Maybe I'll actually get some time to myself where I can just think and NOT be unconscious when it happens. ¬_¬
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Sunday, July 31, 2005
Mer ... bong-wong ((again, don't ask ¬_¬))
Not much to say. Sis won't be on tonight so really there's no point in staying up ((it's midnight now)). I hope you liked the e-card I sent you, sis. And feel better, kay? *huggles*
On a random note: OMFG I FINALLY GOT MY PRECISE POP!!!!!!! XDDD Sorry, had to say something about that. *glugs on third pop tonight*
OMG! Wait ... nevermind. ^^;;; I thought I lost my earrings for a second there. XD I forgot that I took them out right before my shower. *ish freshly showered* I haven't taken them out in a while so it's weird having them out now. I always play with them unconsciously too. x.x;;;
Anyway, I thinks I shall leave you with some pics that I found recently; mostly from gaiaonline. You can find almost any picture you want there; it's insane. XD There're all just a liiiittle weird. XDDD

YUKIII!!!!! *glomps*

I know ... this is disturbing but it's so hilarious at the same time. XD
EDIT ::: Damn, I don't know why it's so small but I can't fix it. Gomen-nasaii minna. You can't read it ... and it was so freaking funny too. *cries*
And last but so not least:

TIS JOHNNY!!!!!!! ¢¾ ¢¾ ¢¾
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
Damn writer's block
*Sighs* I hate writer's block. I'm trying to write the next chapter for my FMA fic ((about time, right? ¬_¬)) but I can't think of how I should protray it. Does Maes live in Central or East City? He works in Central, right? So you'd think he lived there too. *confused* I just need to know for my chapter. And Roy lives and works in East City, correct? o.O
Anyway, sis never came online so I got off around 10:00pm to eat my Taco Bell. Then I watched FMA episode 25 and had myself a good cry; I felt like crying all day yesterday, I don't know why though. After that I decided to go to bed. I kept waking up though. But when mom went to bed, she came in to "tuck me in" and I heard her say, "Good night. I love you ... I love you." It was really weird. Because she usually does say that, but there was something in her voice that was ... I don't know; different.
*shrugs* Eh ... it was just strange. On a random note: I CAN SEE AGAIN!!!!!!! I clipped my bangs back this morning and I can actually see! Well, I could always see, but now it's not through hair. x.x
Okay, I go and re-heat my left over pizza.
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Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Mer-bong ... ((don't ask x.x))
I feel a lot better. Thanks to sis and aodtr666. ^^ My emotions went haywire but now I realize that he was a sicko; and I blocked his s/n. So, it's all good. The only problem is that he might try to PM me at gaiaonline. *sweatdrop* Well, I don't know if I can block there, but I can just ignore his messages I guess ...
*shrugs* Whateva. I only got about four hours of sleep-- well, three hours because someone *cough* messaged my phone and woke me up. XD I fell back asleep for an hour before my mom yelled at me to get up. x.x So, I dunno if I'll try to sleep again or wait till nighttime and try to fix my mental clock. I look like shit for staying up all night. *dies*
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I just totally made a fool out of myself. I know it's not real ... it can't be ...
It's just that ... he reminded me so much of "Sengo" and "Jake".
My eyes sting from crying.
Damn it, why does cutting sound so good?
*sighs* If anyone is wondering what the fuck I'm babbling about ... I'll e-mail you the conversation. It was too long too long to put in a post ((two posts actually)) at lj so I'm not even going to bother with it here.
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