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Uh ... just call me Lyss; hey, only two letters taken off
Was in Winter Guard and ... um, passed all the W.A.S.L. tests with flying colours? o.O I passed my first year of high school too ... does that count?
Anime Fan Since
Oh God ... since 5th grade at least
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Full Metal Alchemist
To make the Symphonic choir at school and to pass all my classes ^^;;; But for my life goal/dream, I want to become a singer or writer ... though I adore singing more
Singing, writing, colour guard, watching anime, reading manga, practically living on the internet or sleeping
Singing, writing, colour guard
| PointlessxJourney
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
How surprising

What Military Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
I have the fucking hiccups and they fucking hurt!!!!! >.<
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Mer ... ~_~
I am so ready for bed. Damn ... it's freaking 6:45pm but it feels like 3:00am. There's no real point in staying up anyway. Last night/early this morning I was getting ready to watch the episode 'Teacher' of Fullmetal Alchemist. But guess what ... they started the series over. x.x;;; So I watched the first episode. I have that fucking DVD!!! If I want to see the freaking first episode, I'll freaking watch it! *grumbles*
Bleh ...I think once my mom comes home I'm going to go to bed. I have to help her bring up the groceries. I'll finally have pop again; but I'll have to force myself not to drink any tonight. If I do, I'll be staying up all night again. ~_~
So, sorry sis ... again. *sweatdrops* I've just been really dead lately but I have no idea why.
Mer ... it's really hot in my apartment. *dies*
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Bleh ... ¬_¬
Not much to say. I finally figured out this one thing for my FMA game. You have to cross a train bridge but it's destroyed so you have to find a different way across. It confused the Hell out of me because I did get across but it looked the same so I didn't know I did. x.x;;; Anyway, I'm close to getting to the next city ... but a bunch of chimeras attacked us and I died. XD
Crap, I have a lot of chores to do and it's 4:30pm. Mom's probably going to be late again though. She has to go to the store and Telisha didn't come in to work today because her mom had a stroke of something. She might have to fly out which means mom might not get her vacation. That also means that we might not go on the Murder Mystery Dinner Train. Though we found out, the murder goes on in the parlor and we have dome seats (ours are the better seats though). So that sucks, but we're still going to go if mom can get that day off.
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Though I really need to get a memory card. I've already died three times. ¬_¬
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
Meh ...
Okay, so my dad and I get to Loews Threater to find out they aren't playing Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. So instead, we saw Fantastic Four. It wasn't bad; I wouldn't mind seeing it again. The whole thing had humour -mostly thanks for the Human Torch- but it also had some drama and romance. I thought it was pretty good.
Anyway, it's not even 5:30pm and I am ready for bed. Sorry sis, I don't think I'll be on much tonight. I need to do chores -that I probably won't even do- and then I just want to go to bed. I am craving sleep so badly. *blinks* That was an odd sentence. Damn ... bed sounds sooooooooooooo good right now. ~_~

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Do dee do
Nothing really to say ...
I went to bed around 4:00am and got up at like 8:30am to walk the dogs and such. I was planning on going back to bed till noon but I wanted to get my night shirt, and jeans washed so I had to stay up and wait till 9:00am. Then Sam called and came over; she had ideas on what we could do. Mom and Sam are getting time off at the same time so we can do some things as a family. Shit ... that hasn't happened in a while. We decided we're going to go on the Murder Mystery Dinner Train. I'm so psyched! Mom and I have wanted to go on this for a loooooooong time. It's a total one-time deal since it's $75 per person and four people are going. Mom, Sam, Lee, and myself. We got dome seats we we get to be on the second level; basically ... we got the damn good seats. XD I wonder if we actually interact in the murder or not. On this train, someone dies and there are clues. But we don't know if we just watch or if the 'murderer' could be one of us. *shrugs*
Oh, it's ten minutes till dad's supposed to pick me up for the movie. I need to go and change. I'm wearing my new bathing suit top I got today. I love my sister and her credit cards! XDDD
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Gotta get to beddd
I found this at aodtr666's myO -even though he wasn't the one that posted it- and thought I'd put it up.
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression [of me]?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. When's the last time you saw me?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
16. What song are you listening to right now?
I don't quite understand why the last question is there but *shrugs* oh well.
Anyway, dad's taking me to see Hitch Hicker's Guide to the Galaxy today at the new theater. Mom, Sam, and I went there opening day and that place kicks ass!!! Speaking of which, I really need to get my ass in bed since it's 3:30am. x.x;;;
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Saturday, July 9, 2005
It's 6:30am and I haven't gone to bed yet ... big shocker there. ¬_¬
Damn, I've been trying to do my next chapter for my FMA fic but I can't even think of what should be the basis of it should be. GAH!!! >.< Shit, this is frustrating.
Sis, you're going to have to help me, kay?! XD
Mer ... I am so bored. My mom has today off so that's the only reason why she's still in bed. On a normal day, she would of been up an hour ago so I would have already walked the dogs and feed the animals. But since she's still in bed and doesn't sleep in much, I don't want to go and wake her up. So, I just have to wait till she gets up. For her though, sleeping in is like 9:30am LATEST.
Heh, last night I watched Oprah with my mom ... and we HATE Oprah. But Johnny Depp was on there!!!!! *drools* It was hilarious though listening to him. He really is a sweet and nice guy. Plus, he does a kick-ass Irish accent. XD He talked that way for the movie Finding Neverland. The whole show was basically a promo for it. Since it was mostly him, and then a little bit of the girl ((I forgot her name but she's the chick who's in Titanic)) and about two minutes of the boy. The same boy ((who is now twelve)) is in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! So he gets to co-star with Johnny again! This boy is so kawaii too. I mean, you look at his eyes and smile then die. Though I will forever love Johnny, that boy was just cute. XDDD Okay, I guess I really need sleep because now I'm typing this realllllllllllly fast.
Damn ... gotta think of a way to stay awake till mom gets up so I can walk the dogs and feed the animals!!!!! *passes out*
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I seriously think I have Borderline. I've thought this for a while. Since I first was diagnosed with Depression, I learned more about personality disorders. Borderline stuck out immediately.
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