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Uh ... just call me Lyss; hey, only two letters taken off
Was in Winter Guard and ... um, passed all the W.A.S.L. tests with flying colours? o.O I passed my first year of high school too ... does that count?
Anime Fan Since
Oh God ... since 5th grade at least
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Full Metal Alchemist
To make the Symphonic choir at school and to pass all my classes ^^;;; But for my life goal/dream, I want to become a singer or writer ... though I adore singing more
Singing, writing, colour guard, watching anime, reading manga, practically living on the internet or sleeping
Singing, writing, colour guard
| PointlessxJourney
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
I'm sorry ... I didn't mean to ...
This 4th of July sucked ass. We all went to the park to watch the firework display ... the whole family was there. It felt like the old times ... only back when we were still a family we had our own fireworks. One of the gym teachers from my middle school was there; standing right behind us actually. Anyway, it ran over an hour late and my mom got tired of waiting so made me leave with her. Of course as we drive by they were going off. She offered to drop me off and get a ride home with dad or Sam, but I was already in a shitty mood. I didn't even want to go. I've wanted to cry all day, and I don't know why ... but ended up crying in the car. Good thing I had my hood on so my mom didn't see.
We got Taco Bell through the drive-though to eat at home, but when we got there, trash was everywhere. Someone, Jazzie and Darbie, had torn open the trash bag that was on the stool. They were lucky they didn't open the bag of the freezer-burnt raw chicken. Then in the living room, the dogs did number one AND two; and Darbie is a good sized dog so her pees are huge. That was just lovely.
I eat my tacos with just meat, cheese, and sour cream; but when I went to eat them, tomatoes and lettuce were on it. I couldn't even pick it out how much was on there. So all I could eat were my nachos.
I just wanted to fucking scream. I was already in a bad mood before we left, but that just made it so much worse. I ended up crying and cutting three times.
... I'm sorry, Elena ...
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Sunday, July 3, 2005
Well, I finally got my report card. I also got my IOWA test results back as well. I'm not completely satisfied with what I got, but it's not horrible either.
Earth Science: B
Volcal Ensemble: A-
English 1: B-
Algebra 1A Ext.: C+
Holocaust and Human Rights: B-
Health: B+
Semester GPA: 2.95
Cumulative GPA: 3.2333
Not horrible, but not what I wanted. Because of the D+ I got on my algebra final, my grade dropped 3% making it go from a B- to a C+. That just really made me mad. I'm excellent in math; the only reason why I'm in the two-year class, is because I didn't pay attention in 8th grade. Hey, you try having a teacher like Mrs. Madison; seriously. She showed us how to do something once and then expected us to understand. Whenever I asked for help, all she would say was, "Didn't you write down your notes? You should know how to do it!" and then walk off. God, it pissed me off. My friend, Kim, questioned her answer one time because she got a different answer. She got a Step 4; at our middle school, that meant you went to the office. Ended up, Kim had the correct answer. So, she's a bitch, she doesn't understand what the Hell she's doing, and she dresses incredibly tacky. No, seriously; you just need to see this women! She wore pants that went up to her ribs, awful shirts with non-matching scarfs, her bright red lip-stick went off her lips ((she's African-American, so it didn't show much but you could still see it)), and her wig ((yes, wig)) was already half-way off her head! Not to mention she was just disturbingly over-weight. I know I shouldn't judge by that, but it's true.
I'll just stop now before I snap. I just realllllly hate her. Over half of the students she had in 8th grade are in the two-year class. I'm in there because half-way throughout the year, I said, "Screw it!" and stopped paying attention.
You know the big thing that bugs me though? If I didn't get that F in her class, I could of taken Biology last year. Instead, I'm taking it this year and it's still a sophomore class, but I really wanted to do it then. Oh well, if I was in Bio, I wouldn't of met some of my friends.
I'm going to stop now. Enough venting for one entry. I'm going to go work on my FMA fic now!

POOR BABY!!! *huggles*

Ed looks so kawaii in this pic. XD
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Pretty pictures!!!

Omg, I love this icon. This is totally my attitude when I get annoyed. XDDD

*Sigh* Isn't he just gorgeous? XD Sorry.
The guys might want to skip the rest of this entry. XDDD Final warning!!!

... and, just a little Ed to finish it off. XDDD
I will completely love anyone who can find that Ed picture in better quaility!!!
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Random update
Nothing really to do. I went to Costco with my dad and he was going to get me some pizza there, but they're re-modling the place so only had hotdogs. *gags* So we shopped for his four items ¬_¬ and then went to Taco Bell for food.
God damn it! My Atairs CD is skipping on the last three songs. Probably because it's been out of the case for a looooong-ass time. I need to take better care of my CDs.
Hmn, mom's watching a telemathon of concerts all over the world. The money's for Africa. There are still millions of homeless people there. It's so sad how they have barely anything when we have almost everything. Turns my stomach at how selfish America is.
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Saturday, July 2, 2005

Michelle is on the right, half of Leslie is to the left and I'm in the middle.
That was from the last day of school which was June 21. So this is a damn recent picture. I was bored and thought maybe whoever stumbles over my profile might want to know what I look like. I actually sort of like how it turned out; though I will forever hate myself. x.x;;; I'm trying to grow my bangs out though, so that's why they're pushed to the side all weird like that. XD
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Friday, July 1, 2005

Poor Ed!!!

*Sighs* Ego much?

Poor Roy ... but he deserved it. XD

That is soooo me. XD
I was bored and just found those icons. I thought, 'What the Hell?' so I posted them.
Well, my computer is starting to be an ass yet again ¬_¬ so I need to go before it totally crashes. *chucks comp off deck ((lives on fourth floor of apartment))*
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Here are some FMA pictures that I thought might help brighten your day ... erm, night. *sweatdrops*

Roy looks so bored in that picture. I love it! XD
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Well ... nothing really to update with so I'm just going to put some pictures up since I FINALLY found out how to.

I thought that was funny ... I don't remember where I found it though.

I remember that episode too! It was when Riza saved Roy's ass because it was raining and he wanted to use alchemy. XD Smart one, Roy.

This one reminds me of episode 25. That ep is going to be on tv next week too. Guess I'm going to be crying soon. I still can't believe they killed Maes off ...
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
Pointless update ¬_¬
Bleh ... I finally got around to taking my shower at 4:30am and went to bed at 5:30am.
My mom came home at lunch with food but I never woke up so when she got off work my food was still sitting there on the counter. Heh, that's when I woke up; I heard a lot of screaming.
Mer ... I don't really know what else to say. I'm just bored. Mom's going to order Pizza Hut soon and I am starving!!!!!
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Wow ... how true is this?
 Your soul is broken. You are living through a lot of pain everyday that you have to deal with, which is making you sorrowful. No one ever stays by your side when you truly need them and no one ever will. Everything is hopeless and tragic and you keep yearning for the day you will be free from pain. Love is unlikely to happen to you because you isolate yourself and are suspicious of peoples motives. You stand in the shadows of the world, watching what you can never have. The bruises you carry never seems to heal, your mind is dark and no one seems to understand or wants to help. As always, you will be alone in the world, fighting your dark thoughts by yourself.
How is your soul?(pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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