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Saturday, January 7, 2006
Do doo do do
I really need to start updating before 9:00pm so the date is on the right freaking day. ¬_¬
Today was a lot better than yesterday; though pretty much anything would be.
Everyone is obsessing over the Australian exchange students. They came on Thursday ((I saw them in the office at practice)) but today was their first day. Ashley, a hyper freshman, kept going on and on about how one of them is in her class and he's "SO HOT!!!!!!!" *rolls eyes* We were walking to choir at that time and Tom just happened to be in front of us to drop off his backpack ((he has choir third period so right after us)). I said something along the lines of, "What about personality? Are looks all you think about?" and Ashley just said, "But they're hot!" *shakes head* Tom said something after that to her answer but I don't remember what it was. XD But still, I just miiiiight have made a good impression. *shrugs* I'm probably just making too much out of it but that's what Mom said. XDDD
In AP World History, people in the group next to mine kept spraying water as us whenever we would walk by their table. It was really pissing us off ((there were eight people at their table and six at ours)). At first we just saw and felt water but then saw they had a sprayer thing. When one of us walked by, I caught Ashlee ((different person from earlier)) in the act. Mini convo time! Because I'm bored.
Me: Ashlee!
Ashlee: What?
Me: I saw you.
Ashlee: ... oh.
[Cue their table giggling about it AGAIN ((they had been all fucking period))]
Me: *walks over to their table* Stop spraying water at us. That is a really stupid and immature thing to do.
Ashlee: *laughing* Sorry.
Me: No, you're not sorry because you're laughing. This is really immature. *looking at everyone at table*
Jennifier/a.k.a. big ditz: Don't call me immature! *all defensive*
Me: *glares then walks back to my table*
Jennifer: Just take a nice, big cleansing breath.
[Cue their table laughing once more]
Katelyn ((our table)): *gets up and goes to their table but quickly turns around and walks away ((she was more pissed about it than anyone)) and goes to the sub*
Ms. Masters/a.k.a. scary sub: *goes over to the table and lectures them and gets them in trouble*
[Cue our table snickering]
Yeah, they're going to hate us on Monday but I really don't care. They were being immature babies and we're in freaking HIGH SCHOOL!!! Hello, earth to idiots! We're going to be out of school in two years and considered adults. They looked like elementary schoolers. Made me sick.
That was my day basically. Oh, the bio test was a lot easier than I thought it would. Ms. Penalver was making a HUGE deal about it since before break and scared the shit out of us. But there were only a few questions I didn't know; usually it's like half the damn test. >.< I feel pretty good about it. ^^
It's not even 10:00pm yet but I'm tired. Screw dinner; I'll try to eat something before I leave for practice in the morning. If I don't then I'll eat during break. *shrugs*
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Friday, January 6, 2006
Bad day
Stupid resetting thing. ¬_¬
Today was a really bad day for me. It started out as a bad morning, which kept turning worse. Mom said that some of the best days start out bad, but the day ended up horrible. At least practice was okay; though I thought I was going to be sick for the first half of it.
This morning I woke up a half hour late, but since Mom didn't work today it was fine. I got an awful nose bleed that scared the shit out of me. I NEVER get nose bleeds, but now I get them daily if not twice a day. They're usually small, but this one was likt, I take away the tissue, and I see blood running down my face. When Mom and I left, instead of dropping me off at the AM PM like usual, she waited so she could drop me off at school since I was late and it was raining. Second period was Hell. We had a sub and it was almost fifty girls that are mostly FRESHMAN. They wouldn't shut the fuck up. We actually tried to do something but they wouldn't stop talking! Whenever we stopped singing for a moment, they would instantly start yaking about usless shit and sit down. We talked about how we could fix the song ((like the mistakes we did)) and they got all defensive. I was so ready to scream. Third period, biology, I was sitting there snapping a rubber band to my wrist to calm myself down. My scars actually puffed up and it's still a little sore. x.x;;; But that's MUCH better than me losing it and cutting. I got a little irritated in that class but nothing major. As I left that class for lunch, I decided to go across the grass to get to the student store, The Cave, for pizza. It was raining still and the FIRST step, my feet slip in front of me and I fall on my ass. Of course I scream because it startled me. It was passing period so there were peopld EVERYWHERE to stop and stare. I got up, nicely wet, and took one step and once again fell. I screamed again and this time a few people asked if I was okay. I ran to the bathroom and basically cried my eyes out in a stall. I was so fucking humiliated. My pants were soaked so it was rather uncomfortable to sit. When I could finally stop sobbing, I went to sit next to Shadow like I always do but she didn't say one word to me all lunch. She just sat there playing her stupid DS. I ended up skipping fourth period so I could stay at lunch. I kept bursting into tears whenever someone asked me what was wrong. Andy told me to go to the nurse to sleep but I didn't want to miss more than one class so I just hung out in the cafeteria. The whole day, my stupid nose bleeds ((they're worrying Mom)), and the fact that Mom told me she could be having a heart attack but refuses to go to the hospital. All of that was why I kept crying I think; although I get upset really easily. At least Mom is starting to feel better. I got a lot of hugs today though. XD
After school I just felt sick. I was exhausted, frustrated, light-headed, nauseated, and had a horrible headache on my right temple. I took an hour nap and serious contemplated not going to practice. But in the end I went and started to feel better toward the second half.
I'm okay now; thankfully. But today just sucked ass. It was horrbily embarrassing crying in front of my friends and having to repeat myself over and over as to why I was being more of a bitch than I usually am.
*sighs* Oh well. I'm tired. It's only 9:45pm but I'm going to go to bed now. I need the extra sleep.
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Tuesday, January 3, 2006
Merness yo~
Mer ... the stupid date thing is going to say it's already the third but whatever.
It's 10:30pm so I'm going to try to go to bed real soon. I had to stay after school to make up for the unexcused absences ... maybe I'll do it again just to be careful. I would rather spend a little extra time in the library on the computer doing stupid homework then losing my sign language credit.
Well, not much else to say. School was boring as usual and I almost fell asleep because I didn't get much rest last night. Hopefully I'll actually get up on time tomorrow and get enough sleep that I won't die at practice tomorrow. We're learned everything for the first two songs and we staged the third. So we're almost done! Hope I can remember the flag work. x.x;;; *dies*
I'll try to get to class early tomorrow so I can actually write a true entry in my lj; since I have computer lab 'morrow.
Mer ... I haven't talked to sis in a few days. Sadness. Stupid school; how I despise thee. TT.TT
Okay, I'm done. I'm off to dream of Edo~!
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Sunday, January 1, 2006
Today was shitty so I'm not going to even attempt to type a real entry. It's one in the morning so I'm contemplating on whether I should go to bed or stay up later.
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Friday, December 30, 2005
*Sighs* Well, it's a little after midnight and I've been waiting for an hour for sis to get back. Her baka brother took over the computer. *rolls eyes*
Hope everyone had a good Christmas and will have a nice New Year. ^^ I'm trying to think of a goal to set. I usually don't do the New Year Resolutions thing, but maybe I should. What came to mind first was to be SI free for a while year. And that sounds easy enough, but I'm not so sure. New Year's Day will be Day 20 so right now I'm just concentrating on staying clean as long as I can.
Damn ... sis just e-mailed me saying the computer "died" while her brother was on so now she's going to bed. *cries* I'm sort of tired but not really. Maybe I'll go play one of my new PS2 games.
I really want to update my fanfics, but I seriously cannot think of anything! I had them open a few days ago and I just sat there thinking of something -ANYTHING- to put but yeah ... no luck. I have two fanfics that are out, a third that I want to put up, and one original that I can update I've just been too lazy; though no one has really reviewed saying they liked it. Mer, that's just damn frustrating.
Well, I was complimented at practice today. We were doing spins and Megan said that I'm really good at them. She even had me do them by myself so the rest of the guard could see. ^^
I don't know whether to be worried or upset. Sam promised to come to my Tuesday practice, but when I called AND texted her cell, she didn't answer. I tried again today and still no answer. She'll randomly shut herself off from the world and Mom and I always freak out but it turns out to be nothing every time. It pisses me off. If Sam doesn't have a good explanation for Tuesday, I'm going to quote Ed and scream her ears off. She said that, and I quote yet again, she "promised no matter what" that she would come. I know I'll get over it in a day or so, but still. When someone, especially family, promises you something, well, you should be able to believe that they will stick to their word. Mer ... ¬_¬ *more frustratedness*
Hmm, well ... I don't really have anything else to add. Break's almost over! Sadness! ;O; And I still have yet to do any AP World History reading. *dies*
I have new pics and there're all poster-ish. *huggles them* XD

I don't know why I love this pic so much but I do. *shrugs*

I fucking love this picture. *huggles it* It's sort of a spoiler pic but I've seen the series so it doesn't matter. XD

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Monday, December 26, 2005
Merry Christmas peoples!
Tis 10:30pm ... so Christmas is almost over. It was okay ... but definitely not the best. I got the FMA game. Curse of the Crimson Elixir. ^^ Sam got me that AND Kingdom Hearts. Oh, and the Linkin Park: Meteora CD I wanted. Lee got me the FMA calandar I wanted and a FMA keychain. XD He got me an Inuyasha shirt and it's purple so I have to love it, but I'm not sure if I'd actually wear it to school. I wouldn't hear the end of it from my friends if I did; and random people calling me a "Dubbie" and "Poser" and shit. So many people have the Inuyasha sweat-shirts at my school! It's freaking unbelievable.
God, yesterday, Mom and I kept getting injured. >.< First, I got burnt ((see last post)), which is just a little tender now, then when I was getting a cat-stain out of the carpet, I scraped my hand on the nail that's on the plant stand. Oh, right before that I got a paper cut on my pinky finger from trying to get Mom and Sam's CDs finished ((I typed out what songs are on the CD and tages and stuff)). Then today, when I was opening one of Sam's presents ((I forgot what one it was)), I sliced my right index finger on the box! Right in the middle of it to, so it's on the inner, middle knuckle. I can't put a band-aid on it so it hurts like Hell. That was this morning so it just stings but damn. The cut was almost an inch long and it was deep too. >.< Mom got hurt too but just once. She knicked her thumb on the grater. XD I had to finish for her. We make orange french toast for Christmas breakfast ((but I have regular XD)). OH! And yesterday, I slammed the front of my hip bone against the chair. Hurt like fuck! @_@
Okay, I think I just proved that I'm the worst klutz ever. >.>
Well ... MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!
P.s.~ Am I the only one that felt like it wasn't Christmas, but sometime in September or October? o.O A few of my friends feel the same as me ... odd.
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Sunday, December 25, 2005
Christmas Eve
Gah ... I'm out of breath right now. I just ran up four flights of stairs, two steps at a time. x.x
Today I ran around like crazy getting everything done. I have Mom and Sam's presents under the tree now. ^^
I hope my arm doesn't scar. Don't freak sis. >.> I didn't cut ... I accidentally burned my arm when I was taking a pan out of the oven. I was holding the pan ((with a hot pad)) and was closing the oven door with my left hand. The pan got a liiiittle too close and yeah. x.x;;; There's three marks there and it's really visible; at least it doesn't hurt anymore. It hurned like Hell earlier though. >.<
Okay ... it's 11:10pm ((which is why the date says it's the 25th)) and I still need to take a shower. So I'm going to do that and then go to bed. Sam is coming over around 9:00am with Mahin ((she had to change Sora's name because Tora, her cat, got confused XD))! ^^
Mer ... my brain is about to crash so I'm going to get clean then sleeeeeeeeeep. ~_~
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Saturday, December 24, 2005
Tis Christmas Eve!!!
Well, the tree is finally decorated. I started while Mom was at the office watching Ken gettting fired. XD He doesn't do his job right, sits around doing nothing, and yesterday, T.J. caught him looking at porn on the company computer. You could see it from the mail room. And apparently, it wasn't women Ken was looking at. >.< That confirmed Mom's and my suspicions of him being gay. XD But geez ... so gross. But anyway, Mom helped me finish the tree after that and it doesn't look too bad. It's still a pathetic, fake, Charlie Brown tree, but not too bad when it's covered in ornaments. Sam came over earlier and brought MORE presents. Now it looks like we actually have shit to open tomorrow. >.> But Mom and I feel really bad because Sam is only getting cheap shit in her stocking and then one present from me; while she got Mom and me eight presents each ... plus she got Mom a crap-load of stuff for her stocking. She realizes we don't have the money, but still. I feel really guilty about it.
I wonder if that means I'll be able to open something today though. XD It's tradition that Sam and I open our pjs and one present on Christmas Eve. I don't know if I got pjs this year though.
Well ... it's 1:47am right now so I should get to bed. I still have some songs from the Muppet Christmas Carol stuck in my head. I was watching that earlier. I freaking LOVE that movie; but we really need to get it on DVD. The VHS is starting to die. x.x;;;
*yawns* Merry Christmas Eve minna! *passes out*
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Thursday, December 22, 2005
Mer ...
I went over to Dad's today with Sam. I got a jacket from him and a toe-ring from Dean, Melissa, and Emily ((half-bro, wife, and kid)) x.x;;; I don't really like the ring but I like the jacket.
Darbie's doing well over there too, I am happy to say. She's happy and looks good so ... that's all that matters.
Man, only three more days! That means I have to hurry up my ass if I'm going to finish Mom and Sam's presents.
Well ... I really have nothing else to say.
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Sora's so kawaii!!! ^^
I'm over at my sister's place right now. Turns out that she took Sora and I'm "puppy sitting" for her. XD She and Lee went to dinner and see a movie; probably won't be back till midnight. Buuuut, that means I get unlimited internet access ((and their computer is freaking FAST)), whatever food they have ((I just ate mac 'n cheese)) and game they have ((and because Lee still has his stuff here, there's a lot XP)). But damn, the chair for the computer is really pissing me off. So I just pulled it aside and now I'm on my knees. XD And actually, that puts me at the perfect height.
Sora's asleep; probably exhausted her little self out ... poor baby. She's so tiny and fluffy. <3 Though she threw up twice, that wasn't her fault. x.x She's around two months and car rides make her nervous. =/
Aaaaaaaaaanyway ... yeah. I'm just mad that my usual aol screen name isn't working right now. It says the password is not valid. I know my stupid password! It's the same for all my aol screen names and that's ... *counts* four ... I think. o.o
Hurry up and e-mail me back sis!!!!!!!
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