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Uh ... just call me Lyss; hey, only two letters taken off
Was in Winter Guard and ... um, passed all the W.A.S.L. tests with flying colours? o.O I passed my first year of high school too ... does that count?
Anime Fan Since
Oh God ... since 5th grade at least
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Full Metal Alchemist
To make the Symphonic choir at school and to pass all my classes ^^;;; But for my life goal/dream, I want to become a singer or writer ... though I adore singing more
Singing, writing, colour guard, watching anime, reading manga, practically living on the internet or sleeping
Singing, writing, colour guard
| PointlessxJourney
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Thursday, June 23, 2005
Eh ... 8:49am
Bleh, I can't believe I'm even conscious. Elena and I stayed online talking till about 3:40am. Then I cleaned the kitchen x.x and watched some anime from On Demand. My mom woke up around 4:00am telling me to go to bed and complaining how the apartment stinks. Of course it does, it always does! *glares* Thanks to Darbie and Jazzie. Then she pissed me off by saying she was going to get my up at 7:00am instead of 9:00am like she promised. ¬_¬
Anyway, so I watched the second episode of Saiyuki and decided to try to stay up till 6:00am so I can walk the dogs and feed the animals and THEN pass out on my bed. So I started go watch the Yu Yu Hakusho movie: Potergeist Report. I've seen it before and Kuwabara's voice makes me crack up each time I hear it. Everyone's voice it so off; only Botan's doesn't annoy me ... and she just annoys me. ¬_¬
Well, I only got maybe forty minutes into it because I fell asleep a little after 5:30am. The next thing I knew, my mom was screaming at me to get up and it was 8:00am.
So yeah, that's how I'm here. I walked Darbie and Jazzie, fed them -plus Taima and Reene-, talked to mom as she bitched about the fake-blonde bitch who lives right above us -with the annoying boyfriend that you can hear pee in the middle of the night when you're trying to go *gags* x.x-, and then got online and that's how this entry came!
Bleh, for someone who only got like two hours of sleep, I seem quite chirper ... probably BECAUSE of the lack of sleep. *shrugs* Oh well, I'll probably pass out later! But till then I can work on my FMA story! Wh00t!!! XD
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
¤ Every Heart by BoA ¤
Ikutsu namida o nagashitara
every heart
sunao ni nareru darou
Dare ni omoi tsutaetara
every heart
kokoro mita sareru no darou
nagai nagai yoru ni obieteita
Tooi hoshi ni inotteta
meguru meguru toki no naka de
Bokutachi wa ai o sagashiteiru
Tsuyoku tsuyoku naritai kara
kyou mo takaisora miageteiru
donna egao ni deaetara
every heart
yume wo fumidasereruyo
kanashimi no mukou ni
every heart
shiawase ukabete nemuru
itsuka itsuka subete no tamashii ga
yasuraka ni nareru youni
meguru meguru toki no naka de
boku tachi wa ikite nanika wo shiru
toki ni warai shugoshi naite
kyou mo mada aruki tsuzukete iku
osanai kioku no kata sumi ni
atatakai basho ga aru soushi
hoshi tachi ga hanasu mirai ga
itsumo kagayaite ita
so shine
meguru meguru toki no naka de
Bokutachi wa ai o sagashiteiru
Tsuyoku tsuyoku naritai kara
kyou mo takaisora miageteiru
meguru meguru toki no naka de
boku tachi wa ikite nanika wo shiru
toki ni warai shugoshi naite
kyou mo mada aruki tsuzukete iku
If there were many tears falling down,
Every heart would become gentle.
If everybody expresses what they think,
Every heart can be satisfied.
I was frightened by the neverending night,
So I prayed to the distant stars.
In endlessly repeating time,
We were searching for love,
Because we wanted to become stronger.
We look up to the faraway sky.
The two of us, smiling, meet here,
Every heart has a habit of receiving its dreams.
Sadness has no effect on us,
Every heart gains happiness when it flies.
Someday our souls will unite,
We will give peaceful approval.
In endlessly repeating time,
We know why we are living.
We go through the nighttime laughing,
Both of us are mourning, yet we walk on.
Memories of everything has settled,
This is a warm place to be.
The stars separate us from the future,
We are always so brilliant,
So shine.
In endlessly repeating time,
We were searching for love,
Because we wanted to become stronger.
We look up to the faraway sky.
In endlessly repeating time,
We know why we are living.
We go through the nighttime laughing,
Both of us are mourning, yet we walk on.
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Must ... not ... kill ... Ms. Novilla ... *finds dagger*
Because of that my grade dropped from 80% to 77%!!!
*Sighs* So much for getting all Bs this semester. ¬_¬
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Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Someone wrote "JESUS <3 YOU!!!" in the back of my yearbook. I don't know who did it but it really pissed me off. ¬_¬
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That last entry was loooong.
Ahem ...
I'M FREE!!!!!!! NO MORE SCHOOL FOR 2½ WHOLE MONTHS!!!!!!! *jigs*
Well, school today was pointless. And I thought I was going to just fall unconscious walking from class to class because lack of sleep. But I did get cheesy puffs from Mr. Rohrich's class and cake from Ms. Gudgeon's class. XD And ... I didn't cry at all today! I'm so proud of myself. x.x;;;
God, it was SO freaking hot today, but now it's raining. XD First summer storm. I was sleeping when it started though. I fell asleep like at 1 and when I woke up, it was raining and I heard this HUGE thunder. I was like, "WOW!!! O.O" XD Only right after that my left leg cramped up. The muscles on the bottom part (I have NO clue what that part of the leg is called) contract so every so often, but today it did it to a point where I screamed I think three times. Yeah, literally screamed. It wouldn't stop cramping for like two minutes ... okay probably one minute. But it hurt like Hell the whole time so it seemed like a long-ass time. But now I can't walk on that leg! So I've been limping around the apartment. That happened a good hour ago too. T_T Well, mom's going to have to walk the dogs tonight because I literally cannot walk.
Mer ... oh well. I'm going to go work on my FMA fic. Dude, chapter ten has only been up one night and I already got ten reviews ... all good ones too! ^^ I'm so happy that people like my work. You have no idea how much that boosts up my mood.
I wrote the beginning of chapter eleven in my earth science notebook while I was at school XD so I can go type now!
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Lotsa shit
Bleh, well today we had a pep assembly. In the gym the bleachers are into four sections: seniors, juniors, sophomores, and freshmen. Since the seniors aren't there anymore the juniors moved over to the senior spot; the sophomores moved to the junior spot; and we moved to the sophomore spot ... leaving the freshmen spot empty. Yeah, it was weird. I know it was all symbolic, because for the rest of the assembly, they addressed my class as sophomores. *shrugs* Eh.
I swear to God I'm going to cry tomorrow. I know I'm going back there for three more years, but ... so much shit has happened to me this school year. More happened this school year than last year ... and that's saying a LOT. 8th grade was my "gothic", suicidal, 'oh woe is me' stage. This year, I lost the only people that were important to me besides my sister and my mom. I look over at them and watch them smile and laugh ... like we all used to do together. I know that if I went over there and tried to make peace, they'd let me back in. But if they truly mean it or if it was just a prank, I don't know. That's what kills me inside. I have no clue who those people are anymore! Pepper and Marlo were my sisters! And David was the one person that I really, really cared about ... and he really, really cared about me back. I still remember that in the 8th grade yearbook, he wrote, "... just remember that no matter what, I will always love you and care for you." I understand that when people break up, they drift apart. But THIS is not drifting apart ... this is-- I don't even know what this is!!!
Great, just great. Now I have the strongest urge to cut. Today is day 17 and my arm is completely healed.
Now mom's talking about downloading this one spyware thing a guy from Comcast suggested. I need to burn all the new songs I got then ... like 'Ready Steady Go' and 'Behind These Hazel Eyes'. I'd rather save them than have to re-download them and kill the computer again. x.x;;;
*Sighs* My mind has wayyy too many things going on at once. I'll burn the CD after school tomorrow and then download the spyware thingy to fix the computer.
Heh, wow mom and I have really weird conversations. We're talking about how whenever spiders would be around the apartment, they'd be HUGE. Then we got into the fact that we were the only ones that experienced odd things at our old house. With my mom seeing the "shadows" and me "feeling" someone behind me whenever I would just touch that first step upstairs. How, if we have "psychic" powers, are they positive or negative? Besides the stairs, I've always had this ... vibe ... that something was going to go wrong. This one time, I felt that this one Monday was going to be just awful. Turned out Monday was great; but Tuesday was the day from Hell. That was the day I found out about Pepp and everyone. It's just so weird. Eh ... maybe I'm just going insane. ¬_¬
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Sunday, June 19, 2005
La le la le la
Bleh, so bored. I'm tired but I don't want to go to bed. It's freaking 8:00pm for crying out loud! Well technically 8:17pm ... BUT YOU GET MY POINT!!! >.>
Hehe, I got a new CD player Friday night after going to Claim Jumper for dinner. We had to stop at Wal-Mart (my sister works there) to get some things really quick and I looked at the portable CD players. So, now I've been listening to my Linkin Park: Hybrid Theory CD. I REALLY want to be Meteora because Numb, Faint, and Breaking the Habit are on it. Those songs are like, my life. Especially Breaking the Habit. x.x;;;
Heh, it's strange. I haven't listened to this CD in like six months and I still remember every lyric. That's how it is for my Evanescence and New Found Glory CDs. It's just something you don't forget ... probably because of such a music fanatic I am. XD
Well, Elena's online and just IM'd me so I'm going to go talk to her, finish my Holocaust homework, and work on my FMA fanfic.
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Man, I'm really tired. I haven't finished my homework yet but I got what I have in my notebook all typed up. I need to go walk the dogs and feed all the animals. Then finish the Holocaust assignment and FMA fanfic.
 Your Heart is Grey
What Color is Your Heart? brought to you by Quizilla
Heh, I ALWAYS get this result. I've probably taken this test like fifty times. Elena got black, which is what I would think I'd get. But I guess this describes me better. Huh ... weird.
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Last night
Well, last night around 11:30pm I just started feeling really shitty. I could barely keep myself up in the computer chair and I just lost all my strength. You know the feeling right after you wake up? Yeah, that's how I felt but I wasn't tired. Then my stomach hurt like Hell. I thought I was going to throw up. Thankfully I didn't, but I laid in bed hoping whatever was in my stomach would stay down. I think I fell asleep about 1:00am or so because I was just lying there clutching my stomach. x.x Probably because I haven't eaten anything in over 24-hours. I didn't eat anything yesterday and I've been too lazy to make something to eat today. I've been running on pop and water. Wow, what a combo. XD Well, at least I just have one more piece of homework to do. The one that'll get me all depressed. Crap-shit. *sighs* Oh well. I'll just do that, do my chores, and then do whatever online till Elena comes on. Maybe work on my FMA fanfic. Me go now ... drinking all this pop makes me need to go to the little girls room. XDDD
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¿Can you raed tihs?
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
If you can raed tihs rpsoet it.
I'm putting this in here because I'm bored. This thing has popped SOOO many God damn times at myspace. It is strange how we can read this with no problem. Heh, this coming from someone who can't stand typos. XD
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