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Uh ... just call me Lyss; hey, only two letters taken off
Was in Winter Guard and ... um, passed all the W.A.S.L. tests with flying colours? o.O I passed my first year of high school too ... does that count?
Anime Fan Since
Oh God ... since 5th grade at least
Favorite Anime
Full Metal Alchemist
To make the Symphonic choir at school and to pass all my classes ^^;;; But for my life goal/dream, I want to become a singer or writer ... though I adore singing more
Singing, writing, colour guard, watching anime, reading manga, practically living on the internet or sleeping
Singing, writing, colour guard
| PointlessxJourney
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Saturday, June 11, 2005
Something I did out of boredom:
 Your word is: Sad. You wanted to give yourself to someone. But they didn't accept you. Being rejected, whether it be from family, friends, love-interests or peers, is a very hurtful thing to go through. It is also likely that you have been betrayed several times before, which is why you keep away from everyone now. You learned the hard way to never trust people and your defence-mechanism is now to isolate yourself. Yet you yearn for people who will understand and like you, to have the thing you never had: love.
What dark word represents you? (anime pics and 7 outcomes) brought to you by Quizilla
Wow, what a surprise ... not. You know, I can't stand it how every single quiz I take describes me perfectly. Not onces has a result been wrong ... literally. I got the same as Aku-chan ... damn we have a lot in common. Almost scary. o.o
Last night I started bitting on my lip and now it's all swollen and hard and stingy. x.x;;; I'm going out with my dad tomorrow to get my sister's birthday present; oh joy. T_T At least I've started my english project. I have so much more to do though. I have to finish my earth science vocabulary and work sheet too. *sighs* I'll get it all done ... somehow.
In the mail I got a thing for the 2005 National American Miss Pageant. I almost started laughing. Instead I just blinked at my mom and said, "How the fuck did they get my nick name?!" because it was addressed to Lyss Frank, not Alyssa Frank.
Well, I guess I'm going to go read a YYH fanfic. One I really like was updated.
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Friday, June 10, 2005
I feel like complete shit. I can't even type correctly. When my mom came home for lunch, I ate Stouffer's macaroni and cheese, had some ice cream, and I've been drinking pop. But I feel as if I haven't eaten anything in 24-hours. My head is spinning, I can't stand up straight, I'm lacking a lot of energy but I slept till noon ... it's 5:12pm now. You'd think I'd be all hyper. Maybe because I haven't showered yet is a little reason why. I'm just too lazy to take one right now. Hey, no school. *sighs* I really need to get started on my english project. x.x Just shoot me now ... please? My arm's almost completely healed and I'm really happy about that; but at the same time I feel the need to dirty it up with my tainted crimson again. I hate this.
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Thursday, June 9, 2005
Today was ... interest XDDD
Hehe, I just downloaded "READY STEADY GO" and I've been listening to it non-stop. I just love that song.
I had my final choir concert and I had to force myself to stop laughing when we sang "Crawdad Hole". It's a total hill billy song! XD I talked to Nikki afterwards and apparently Jesse wouldn't open up to her either. T_T He was moping around today and Jesse NEVER mopes. He's the kind of guy that kills something (or someone XDDD) if he's pissed off or depressed. I asked him what was wrong and after the fifth time asking him he just mumbled, "Don't ask." and walked off. GAH!!! >_< I hate it when people do that! Because it's obivous something is wrong and it kills me that Jesse doesn't trust me enough to talk to me. I trust him with my life; I talk to him about anything that's bugging me, and he listens. *sighs* I guess I'll just have to ask him tomorrow. Don't get me wrong. I don't want to hound him for answers, I'm just the kind of person who likes to help out my friends. I remember in elementary school, my two best friends at the time always made fun of me saying I was going to become a therapist because literally EVERYONE came to me with their problems. In present time, I wish all therapist and counselors would die x.x but that's not he point. ^^;;; I've always given my friends advice and I've always been there to listen. In the past year, I've sort of been the person to vent non-stop. But that doesn't mean I can't help my friends too (double negative, I know x.x).
Anyway, I after setting up for the concert, I helped Kim with her video for the english final. We have to give a speech to pretend 8th graders on how to be successful in their first year at high school. Kim interviewed Christine, Louie, and myself. But when it was my turn, Louie jumped out with her fake light saber (that was red and she had a black trench coat on) while Christine talked into the microphone saying, "My name is Louie Mantouya. You stole my pencil, prepare to die." in a very spanish accent. If you ever saw the movie Princess Bride then you should know what I'm talking about. So she smacked me with the saber and I go running down the hall. At the end, I pretended trip and fall and she did a little dance. XDDD The last shot was of Kim and Louie singing something weird while Christine hummed the Star Wars theme music. When they finished singing, I jump out and smack Louie with the light saber (only I'm blue!) and then it ends. XDDD Oh, and the beginning as Kim's duck keychain and Louie did the voice for it. She said, "I'm Mr. Ducky-poo! And I'm going to take you 8th graders, through high school!" in this really weird voice. It was really funny.
Okay, that was probably typed in the worst grammar EVER >_< but I'm in a hurry because my mom's yelling at me to get to bed and Aku-chan's IM'ing me.
I have my Holocaust final and Health sex ed test tomorrow!!! *dies*
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Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Mer ... T_T
My stomach and head really hurts now. I just shoved Stouffer's macaroni and cheese into my mouth. I was all hyper but now I want to crash in my bed. x.x;;; Crap-shit, I'm having trouble breathing again. Sometimes it feels like someone is pushing down right where my ribs connent in between my breasts (it feels so odd typing that word XD). Occasionally, it'll be so bad, I have to stop and sit down before I fall and/or pass out. I've never actually passed out before, but I've been close. The weird thing is, I don't have asthma.
GAH!!! >_<
Is there a mood for feeling faint?
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
Omg, I am getting sooo stressed! Because school gets out on the 21st, here's what's going on...:
Wednesday (tomorrow)--
Earth Science: Chapter 23 test
Choir: Stay after school to set up and go back at 6:50pm for a pointless concert
Holocaust and Human Rights: Final
Health: Sex Ed test
(No school Friday)
English: Presentation final
Choir: Recording/written final
Health: Personal safety presentation final
GAH!!! >_< Someone shoot me. I didn't think my freshman year was going to be this stressful. Up till now, high school has been a piece of cake!
Okay, Kirsten is online so I need to talk to her about the health project ... we're partners.
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Monday, June 6, 2005
1.) My computer is stupid
2.) This site is weird ... or ...
3.) I'm retarded.
I've been trying to get an icon up but when I first got it up, it didn't move. Then when I tried to replace it, the old one still showed. After that, when I changed it again, the caption switched but the icon didn't. I have a feeling the world is trying to make me jump off the deck. T_T
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Must ... not ... kill ... computer ... ((CRASH!!!)) ... Oops ...
Urrrr. My computer is really starting to marjorly tick me off. It doesn't let me stay online for more than an hour without freaking out and now it barely works at all!!! It's just ... GAH!!! >_<
*Breathes* Okay, I'm calm ... not.
If it keeps dying on me like this, I won't be able to update my two fanfictions! I have a Yu Yu Hakusho and a Full Metal Alchemist fanfic up. I'm almost done with a second FMA one that is a one-shot. Guess I should go work on them before my computer gives out on me again. T_T
*Kicks off deck*
I live in the fourth floor of my apartment complex. x.x;;;
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I think I scared my dog. >.>
Hehe, Britney's "Toxic" was playing on radio@aol and I started singing along and dancing in my chair with my yorkshire terrier in my lap. She didn't look too happy. SORRY SHNUCHIE!!! *coughs* That's, Jazzie's nickname.
I guess those Pixie Sticks, barbecue chips, and pop are getting to me. Heh heh ... um, okee then!
*Jigs to "Cariot" by Gravin DeGraw*
I am SUCH a dork. XDDD
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My first entry! Wh00t!!! I don't really know what I'm doing right now so I just hope you people (whoever you poor souls that trip over my journal thingy-mikjigy ... whatever this is >.>) can read this. Heh, yeah ... me: El Pathetic-o at your service. XDDD I'll update later.
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