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myOtaku.com: PointlessxJourney

Sunday, December 25, 2005

   Christmas Eve
Gah ... I'm out of breath right now. I just ran up four flights of stairs, two steps at a time. x.x

Today I ran around like crazy getting everything done. I have Mom and Sam's presents under the tree now. ^^

I hope my arm doesn't scar. Don't freak sis. >.> I didn't cut ... I accidentally burned my arm when I was taking a pan out of the oven. I was holding the pan ((with a hot pad)) and was closing the oven door with my left hand. The pan got a liiiittle too close and yeah. x.x;;; There's three marks there and it's really visible; at least it doesn't hurt anymore. It hurned like Hell earlier though. >.<

Okay ... it's 11:10pm ((which is why the date says it's the 25th)) and I still need to take a shower. So I'm going to do that and then go to bed. Sam is coming over around 9:00am with Mahin ((she had to change Sora's name because Tora, her cat, got confused XD))! ^^

Mer ... my brain is about to crash so I'm going to get clean then sleeeeeeeeeep. ~_~

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