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myOtaku.com: Popuri52

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Friday, August 11, 2006

Well, so much for writing an article about the wonderufl Yuzuki.
But HOLY YAAAAY!!! My article was published!! And in the last batch of articles too! That was lucky!
I'm so happy my article was accepted! That REALLy makes me happy!!
However, I feel like I wrote the article a bit too early, since we just got that news about the channel Anime+. But I don't know if that'll actually happen. And England apprantly DOES have Fullmetal Alchemist on some random channel I never heard of. (It's called Rapture TV it seems, and I thought that was a religious channel!)
BUT, on the other hand if I hadn't written the article 'too early' it never would have been published at all.
On another note, DO YOU KNOW HOW ANGRY IT MAKES ME TO SEE ALL THOSE COMMENTS SAYING 'LUCKY ENGLAND' when we got the news about the channel Anime+!!! Go count how many dumb BLEEPING-BLEEPS say 'I wish I were in England' or 'OMG I'm so jealous!!' Seriously, nearly ALL of them say that and they're all American people who have NO idea!! Hopefully my article will clear things up.
So YAY for my article being accepted in the LASt batch, and BOO that people have no idea how lame England is anime-wise, but YAY that my article can teach them a thing or two.

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Monday, August 7, 2006

   Two articles
I wrote one article about the abismal state of anime affairs in England. don't know if it will reach an audience, though. And now I'm going to write something about Yuzuki, because she is SO underappreciated!! I LOVE YUZUKI!!
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Friday, July 14, 2006

   Okay I promise, just ONE more post today!
I just want to make a note of the songs that I like on the Jukebox of otaku.com. This isn't a full list, just the ones I mainly listen to. Oh, and they're only from the anime/movies I've actually seen. I didn't see the point of listening to any of the others because they would mean nothing to me.
Top 5
1. Reprise (Spirited Away)
2. Always with me (Spirited Away)
3. Carry On (Sailor Moon) ( I could not BELIEVE they had this sonG! I love it! Probably too much.)
4. One Summer Day (spirited Away)
5. Day of the River (Spirited Away) (I LIKE SPIRITED AWAY, OKAY!!!)
And now some more songs, in no particular order. These aren't all the ones I've listened to, or liked. They're just the ones I like best right now.
Sailor Moon:
Dark Moonlight legend
Moonlight Legend
CardCaptor Sakura:
Catch you Catch Me
Fruits Candy
Memories of Warmth
Mysterious Phenomenon
Final Fantasy VII:
Aeris II
Kingdom Hearts:
Neverland Night Sky
That will have to do for now since I have to go have lunch at some point today. There are plenty of other good ones, of course. But the top five are a MUST hear!

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I just thought of something r elevant to say. I recently discovered Fruits Basket!
I'd never wanted to read it because the premise for t he story sounded so rubbish. I mean, people who turn into animals when they get huged? Also, I try to be a noncomformist and therefore refuse to like anything that is generally accepted as popular. And I know that Fruits Basket is very popular. But then I thought 'Wait a minute! The people who like Fruits Basket are people like me! They're also the ones who don't like things most people like, and they would never read something just because it's popular. So if Fruits Basket is popular, among these people, it must be because it's GOOD!' That was my train of thought, basically. So I bought it with a book voucher and absolutely LOVED IT! I could only afford volume 1 with my token but now that I work I have some money to spend on MORE FRUITS BASKET! And by the way, when I decide I like something, I go all out a nd become OBSESSED! So now Fruits Basket is the food I eat and air I breathe. I only have the first volume but I've read it about six times (any more than that and it might ruin it.) And I am totally Tohru + Kyo!!

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So I haven't written anything in a whie. Oh well, nobody except me reads this. I just like to r ant, that's the only reason I write when nobody's gonna read it. I've decided that, although I would like to become a well-rounded otaku and read a bit of everything, really I only care about shoujo. So I think I'll d edicate myself to my one genre of adoration rather than spend money on a little bit of everything. I think that's the best way to go.
I'd like it if I could ask for manga for my birthday, but my family would be disgusted. Also, I'm going to a sk f or food and stuff so that I c an survive next year at uniervsity (if I get in.) My Mum would say hat manga aren't vital to my survival like food is! What does SHE know!!

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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

An article in the making
Okay, I SHOULD be doing homework and studying since I have an important exam next week. But I've decided to write an article for otaku.com instead. Hey, it should help me write my essays for my English exam, right? I mean, developping an argument and giving evidence, etc. Except THIS essay will be something I care about! Not Wordsworth and his INCREDIBLY boring ramblings in verse.
But I don't know what to write about. I should have had the idea before deciding to write something, but I don't know what exactly to say. Maybe I'll talk about how reading Chobits backwards was much better. But will anybody really care?

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Sunday, April 16, 2006

Okay, I was on an Emirates flight back home to merry old England and they had HUNDREDS of movies to CHOOSe from! It was incredible - I highly suggest organising your holidays on where Emriates airline goes becaus e their flights are awesome. Not only did they have a large selection of Disney to choose from but they also had JAPANESE MOVIES!!!
No anime unfortunately but I picked one called Nan. And when I came back to England and immeditaley checked Otaku.com to see what's going on I find that the movie was actually based on a MANGA!!
And now I'm going insnae becauise I've been thinking how much I loved that movie, not that mmy family understand why, and to find out that it was a manga first just makes me so HAPPY!!
Except I'm broke and can't buy the book for some time.

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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Well, it has NOTHING to do with anime (not like my last oh-so important post) but I was just looking up pictures of Pocahontas saying the goodbye wingapo (she never actually says what the WORD for goodbye is!) to paint on my canvas. And I found some lovely pictures - Pocahontas was never really one of my favourites until my Aunt said that she was since Belle I had to be Pocahontas (actually, I SHOULD BE BELLE, you couldn't get two peole who were more similar). And then I took it upon myself to LOVE Pocahontas, which I forgot about for a while but I recently downloaded the soundtrack onto my iPod and the Farewell song is a MASTERPIECE! So now I am completely obsessed with Pocahontas again and am painting a picture of her.
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Yes, I love pink. That's one of the reasons why I love Popuri. I don't know if you know who she is - ever played Harvest Moon? Well, she's in that (the one with the pink hair and chickens). Yep, she sure is awesome.

Oh, and by the way, if you hadn't guessed: I'm babbling. I'm not sure exactly what I'm supposed to put on here so...I'll just say for the record: read Howl's Moving Castle AFTER you've seen the movie, if you don't want to be spending the entire two hours actually seisuring with confusion. Not that it's not a great movie, it's just that for somebody like me who loves this book AND Studio Ghibli, I had a hard time watching the one whilst thinking about the other. If it had been a choice for one or the other I would have been fine, but I was trying to keep both in my head. It doesn't work unless you've spent a good half hour in quiet meditation beforehand.

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