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myOtaku.com: Popuri52

Friday, July 14, 2006

I just thought of something r elevant to say. I recently discovered Fruits Basket!
I'd never wanted to read it because the premise for t he story sounded so rubbish. I mean, people who turn into animals when they get huged? Also, I try to be a noncomformist and therefore refuse to like anything that is generally accepted as popular. And I know that Fruits Basket is very popular. But then I thought 'Wait a minute! The people who like Fruits Basket are people like me! They're also the ones who don't like things most people like, and they would never read something just because it's popular. So if Fruits Basket is popular, among these people, it must be because it's GOOD!' That was my train of thought, basically. So I bought it with a book voucher and absolutely LOVED IT! I could only afford volume 1 with my token but now that I work I have some money to spend on MORE FRUITS BASKET! And by the way, when I decide I like something, I go all out a nd become OBSESSED! So now Fruits Basket is the food I eat and air I breathe. I only have the first volume but I've read it about six times (any more than that and it might ruin it.) And I am totally Tohru + Kyo!!

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